Older Adults Misconceptions (Final) Flashcards
Myths and Stereotypes of Older Adults
-False perceptions about their physical and psychosocial characteristics and lifesyles
-Ill, disabled, unattractive
-Forgetful, confused, boring, unfriendly, poor
-Unable to learn and understand new information
-Not interested in sex or sexual activities
Prejudicance for the discremation of the grounds of someones age
Changes in Older adults
Physiological Changes: General Survary
-With older adults, perception of well-being defines their quality of life
General Survey (PP S)
Normal Physiological Changes: Neurological System
-Degeneration of nerve cells
-Decrease neurotransmittes
-Decrease in rate of impulse conduction
-Voluntary reflexes are slower
-Less ability to respond to multiple stimuli
-Alterations in the quality and quality of sleep
Normal Physiological Changes: Facial Features
Loss of subcut fat and skin elasticity
Normal Phsyiological Changes: Vision
-Acuity declines
-Accommodation to near/far declines (Presbyopia)
-Difficulty adjusting to light changes
-Yellowing of lens
-Altered color perception: Hard to recognize green and blue
-Increased sensitivity to glare
-Smaller pupils and react slower
Normal Physiological Changes: Hearing
-Changes are subtle
-Ignored that changes until family or friend mention it
-Presbycusis (affects ability to hear high pitches. More common in men)
Normal Physiological Changes: Taste and Smell
-Salivary secretion is reduced
-taste buds atrophy and lose sensitivity
-Often difficult to recognize between salt, sweet, bitter, and sour
- Health conditions and medications can alter taste
-Nutrition is a challenge due to loss of smell and taste
Normal Physiological Changes: Heart and Vascular System
-Decreased contractile strength of the myocardium
-Slight enlargement of heart
-Stiffening of heart wall
-HR changes (lower)
-BP is sometimes abnormally high
-heart valves thicken and become stiffer
-Less perfusion in lower extremities
Normal Physiological Changes: Lungs
-Respiratory muscle strength and lung expansion decreases-cough is less deep
-More susceptible to pneumonia or other infection
-Anteroposterior diameter of thorax increase
-Decrease # of alveoli and cilia
Normal Physiological Changes: Thorax
-Vertebral changes from osteoporosis - kyphosis
-Calcification of costal cartilage causes decrease mobility of ribs
-Chest wall stiffens - less recoil
Normal Physiological Changes: Urinary System
-Hypertrophy of prostate gland -> urinary retention, frequency, incontinence, and UTI’s
-Decrease bladder capacity
-Urinary incontinence: Women stress intonctinecne.
Normal Physiological Changes: GI system and Abdomen
-Increased amount of faty tissue in trunk and abdomen
-Abd more protuberant
-Slowing of peristalsis
-Decreased production of salvia and digestive enzymes
-Delayed gastric emptying
Physiological Changes: Integrument System
Decreased skin turgor, subcut, and connective tissue
Loses resilience and moisture
Epithelial layer thins
Elastic collagen fibers shrink and become rigid
Wrinkles reflect lifelong facial expression
-Spots and lesions often present
-Age spots or senile lentigo
-Seborrheic lesions or kertoses
-Premalignagnt or malignagnt lesions
Normal Physiological Changes: MSK
Muscle Strength: Diminishes in proportion to the decline in muscle mass. Those who exercise do not lose as much bone or muscle mass
Osteoporosis: Always poses a public health threat. Postmenopausal women > men
Women who intake calcium lessen bone demineralization
Older men with poor nutrition and decreased mobility are at risk
Normal Physiological Changes: Reproductive System
Hormonal alteration cause changes in function and structure
Reproductive System: Women Changes
Reduced estrogen and progesterone
Dryness of vaginal mucosa, irritation, and pain with intercourse, decrease drive
Reproductive Changes: Men
-Erection less firm and less forceful ejaculation
-Testosterone lessens-leads to decrease drive
-No definite cessation of fertility
Normal Physiological Changes: Breast
Estrogen Production diminshes
Breast tissues becomes firmer
Decreased muscle mass, tone, and elasticity
Both men and woman are at risk for breast cancer
Normal Physiological Changes: Immune System
-Becomes slower to respond and to heal
-Reduced production of B and T lymphocyte cells
-Decreased core body temperature
Functional Changes
Functional status in older adults refers to capacity and safe performance of ADL’s and IADL’s
Performance of ADL’s is sensitive indicator of health or illness
PT and OT best resource for comprehensive assessment
Changes in older adults function often signals a problem
Cognitive Changes: Misconception
-Loss of language skills or ability to calculate
-Poor judgment
Psychosocial Changes
-Social Isolation
-Housing and Environment