Older Adults Misconceptions (Final) Flashcards
Myths and Stereotypes of Older Adults
-False perceptions about their physical and psychosocial characteristics and lifesyles
-Ill, disabled, unattractive
-Forgetful, confused, boring, unfriendly, poor
-Unable to learn and understand new information
-Not interested in sex or sexual activities
Prejudicance for the discremation of the grounds of someones age
Changes in Older adults
Physiological Changes: General Survary
-With older adults, perception of well-being defines their quality of life
General Survey (PP S)
Normal Physiological Changes: Neurological System
-Degeneration of nerve cells
-Decrease neurotransmittes
-Decrease in rate of impulse conduction
-Voluntary reflexes are slower
-Less ability to respond to multiple stimuli
-Alterations in the quality and quality of sleep
Normal Physiological Changes: Facial Features
Loss of subcut fat and skin elasticity
Normal Phsyiological Changes: Vision
-Acuity declines
-Accommodation to near/far declines (Presbyopia)
-Difficulty adjusting to light changes
-Yellowing of lens
-Altered color perception: Hard to recognize green and blue
-Increased sensitivity to glare
-Smaller pupils and react slower
Normal Physiological Changes: Hearing
-Changes are subtle
-Ignored that changes until family or friend mention it
-Presbycusis (affects ability to hear high pitches. More common in men)
Normal Physiological Changes: Taste and Smell
-Salivary secretion is reduced
-taste buds atrophy and lose sensitivity
-Often difficult to recognize between salt, sweet, bitter, and sour
- Health conditions and medications can alter taste
-Nutrition is a challenge due to loss of smell and taste
Normal Physiological Changes: Heart and Vascular System
-Decreased contractile strength of the myocardium
-Slight enlargement of heart
-Stiffening of heart wall
-HR changes (lower)
-BP is sometimes abnormally high
-heart valves thicken and become stiffer
-Less perfusion in lower extremities
Normal Physiological Changes: Lungs
-Respiratory muscle strength and lung expansion decreases-cough is less deep
-More susceptible to pneumonia or other infection
-Anteroposterior diameter of thorax increase
-Decrease # of alveoli and cilia
Normal Physiological Changes: Thorax
-Vertebral changes from osteoporosis - kyphosis
-Calcification of costal cartilage causes decrease mobility of ribs
-Chest wall stiffens - less recoil
Normal Physiological Changes: Urinary System
-Hypertrophy of prostate gland -> urinary retention, frequency, incontinence, and UTI’s
-Decrease bladder capacity
-Urinary incontinence: Women stress intonctinecne.
Normal Physiological Changes: GI system and Abdomen
-Increased amount of faty tissue in trunk and abdomen
-Abd more protuberant
-Slowing of peristalsis
-Decreased production of salvia and digestive enzymes
-Delayed gastric emptying