Old Exam Questions Flashcards
What is most common valvular defect?
Mitral valve prolapse
Total teeth of adult human
What are the front 4 teeth on top and bottom?
What is most serious lower respiratory disease found in children?
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Fentanyl is _______ times more potent than morphine.
100 times
Leading cause of chronic liver disease in US?
Hepatitis C
What are the seroconversions of HbV and HcV?
HbV= 30% HcV = 1.8%
Coffee is considered a clear liquid when determining NPO time for how long?
2 hours
How often should Anesthesia personnel be screened for TB?
TB test every 12 months
What are normal creatinine levels and what do they represent?
0.6-1.3 mg/dl
Normal kidney functions
As age increases, creatinine levels go UP/DOWN?
What is the most important variable to consider when delivering anesthesia?
Adequate perfusion
What is the Alveolar O2 equation?
FiO2 (Pb-Ph2O) - (PaCO2/R)
Define sterile
Free of microorganisms
What test is recommended for patients over 40 years of age?
What are some pre-op Diabetes comorbidities?
HTN, myocardial ischemia, peripheral neuropathy, PVD (peripheral vascular disease), CRI (chronic renal insufficiency)
On a liver function panel, what is the best test to indicate liver disease?
What gas is least soluble in blood?
0.42 blood/gas coefficient
What is the toxic dose of lidocaine?
5 mg/kg
7mg/kg if w/ epi
Normal human plasma osmolarity?
280-310 mOsm / L
What is a continual ASA monitoring standard?
Means it is repeated, regular and frequent
What is a continuous ASA monitoring standard?
Means it is uninterrupted
What is the leading cause of operative mortality in elderly patients?
Perioperative myocardial infarction
Anion with the greatest extracellular ion concentration?
What condition will not effect the MAC of a pt?
Hypo/Hyper thyroid
What is the toxic dose of bupivacaine?
2.5 mg/kg
3 mg/kg w/ epi
What is the myocardial REinfarction risk?
5% after 6 months
What leads are used to detect a MI and what do you look for/what is seen?
V5 lead
ST segment elevated/depressed
What is solubility of Nitrous?
What is solubility of Desflurane?
What is solubility of sevoflurane?
What is solubility of isoflurane?
List the order of anesthetics gases from most soluble to most insoluble.
Iso > Sevo > N2O > Des
For redistribution of fluids, what portion of D5W stays intravascular?
0.8 or 8% (did you mean 80%????)
What are the precordial (unipolar) leads?
List some PRBC transfusion consequences
With each unit, Hct up by 3%]
HgB up by 1 gm/dL
What do you do when you perform a negative pressure check of the machine?
Suction bulb test of common gas outlet
What is being checked when performing a suction bulb check?
Checks flowmeters
—I don’t think this is right, Wesley
If worried about aspiration, what drug can be given to speed up gastric emptying?
Metoclopramide (reglan)
If worried about aspiration, what drug can be given as a H2 blocker that will reduce the volume of acid secretions in the stomach?
What is non-particulate antacid that can be used to treat an aspiration risk if the pt’s pH goes up significantly?
Na citrate
What are some contraindications for solutions?
Avoid hespan and LR in diabetics
Avoid dextran in renal failure
Avoid hetastarch in CHF, renal disease, coagulopathy
If you increase the anesthetic inhalational uptake, what do you do to the onset time?
What are the normal ranges for NA?
135-145 mEq/L
What is the normal range for K?
3.5-5.3 mEq/L
What is normal range for Cl?
95-105 mEq/L
What is normal range for Bicarb?
20-29 mEq/L
>26 = metabolic alkalosis
<22 = metabolic acidosis
What is normal range for BUN?
10-26 mg/dL
What is normal range for creatinine?
0.6-1.3 mg/dL
A double in creatinine = 50% reduction in glomerular filtration rate
What is normal range for glucose?
70-115 mg/dL
What is normal range for WBC?
high levels indicate infection
low levels due to chemo, radiation, or immune disorders
What is normal range for HgB?
Females : 12-16 g/dL
Males: 13-17g/dL
<8g/dL = indicates needs for transfusion
What is normal range for Hct?
Females: 36-45%
Males: 39-49%
What is normal range for a platelet count?
150000 - 450000
What is the normal range for prothrombin time (PT)?
10-14 seconds
Prolonged PT = low factor 7 / liver damage
(factor 7 deficiency is only cause of prolonged PT with a normal PTT)
What is normal range for partial thromboplastin time (PTT)?
25-38 seconds
Measures intrinsic clotting factors