Of Mice and Men vocab list Flashcards
Other forms of imperiously
1 noun: Imperiousness
1 adjective: Imperious
Pugnacious part of speech and definition
Adjective. Eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight
Other forms of pugnacious
2 nouns: Pugnacity and pugnaciousness
1 adverb: Pugnaciously
Ominously part of speech and definition
Adverb. Giving an impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
Other forms of ominously
2 nouns: Omen and ominousness
1 adjective: Ominous
Brusquely part of speech and definition
Adverb. In an abrupt or offhand manner; sharply, tersely, or gruffly
Other forms of brusquely
1 noun: Brusqueness
1 adjective: Brusque
Apprehensive part of speech and definition
Adjective. Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
Other forms of apprehensive
1 noun: Apprehension
1 adverb: Apprehensively
Gravity part of speech and definition
Noun. The quality of being either serious or solemn, weighty, momentous, or important
Other forms of gravity
1 adjective: Grave
1 adverb: Gravely
Complacently part of speech and definition
Adverb. Pleased, especially with oneself or one’s own merits, situation, or advantages, often without the awareness of some potential danger or deflect; self-satisfied
Other forms of complacently
1 noun: Complacency
1 adjective: Complacent
Derision part of speech and definition
Noun. Ridicule or mockery
Other forms of derision
1 noun: Deride
1 adjective: Derisive
1 adverb: Derisively
Aloof part of speech and definition
Adjective. Appearing distant, reserved, or disinterested in personality
Other forms of aloof
1 noun: Aloofness
1 adverb: Aloofly
Monotonous part of speech and definition
Adjective. Lacking in variety; tediously unvarying; having very little inflection or having very little pitch range- usually of sound, but can also relate to repetitive events that change very little
Other forms of monotonous
2 nouns: Monotony and monotonousness
1 adverb: Monotonously
Imperiously part of speech and definition
Adverb. Assuming power and authority without justification; arrogant and domineering