Book theif vocab list Flashcards
Define prolific and what part of speech
Adjective- Producing in large quantity or great frequency; highly productive
Other forms of prolific
3 nouns and 1 adverb
3 nouns: Prolificitcy, prolificness, prolificacy
1 adverb: prolifically
Define callous and state the part of speech
Adjective. To be hard or hardened, indifferent, or unsympathetic
Other forms of callous
1 adverb and 1 noun
1 adverb: Callously
1 noun: Callousness
Define crux and state the part of speech
Noun. A vital or pivotal point
Define admonish and state the part of speech
Verb. To reprove or scold, especially in a mild or good willed manner
Other forms of admonish
2 nouns, 1 adverb, and 1 adjective
2 nouns: Admonisher, admonishment
1 adverb: Admonishingly
1 adjective: Admonishing
Define culpability and state the part of speech
Noun. Guilt or blame that’s deserved.
Other forms of culpability
1 noun and 1 adjective
1 noun: Culpableness
1 adjective: Culpable
Define morose and state the part of speech
Adjective. To be gloomy or suddenly ill-tempered
Other forms of morose
1 adverb and 2 nouns
1 adverb: Morosely
2 nouns: Moroseness, morosity
Define microcosm and state the part of speech
Noun. Society on a small scale with only a few people
Other forms of microcosm
2 adjectives, 1 noun, and 1 adverb
2 adjectives: Microcosmic, Microcosmical
1 noun: Microcosmos
1 adverb: Microcosmically
Define prudently and state the part of speech
Adjective. Wise or judicious in practical affairs.
Other forms of prudently
1 noun and 1 adjective
1 noun: Prudence
1 adjective: Prudent
Define copiously and state the part of speech
Adjective. Large in quantity or number
Other forms of copious
1 adjective and 2 nouns
1 adjective: Copious
2 nouns: Copiousness, copiosity
Define resolute and state the part of speech
Adjective. Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering
Other forms of resolute
1 adverb, 2 nouns, and 1 verb
1 adverb: Resolutely
2 nouns: Resoluteness, resolution
1 verb: Resolve
Define epitome and state the part of speech
Noun. A person or thing that’s a perfect example of a quality or type
Other forms of epitome
2 adjectives and 1 verb
2 adjectives: Epitomical, epitomic
1 verb: Epitomize
Define quell and state the part of speech
Verb. To subdue or silence something or someone
Other forms of quell
1 noun and 1 adjective
1 noun: Queller
1 adjective: Quellable
Define commencement and state the part of speech
Noun. The beginning, an act or instance of commencing
Other forms of commencement
1 verb
1 verb: Commence
Define relinquish and state the part of speech
Verb. To give up, let go, or release
Other forms of relinquish
2 nouns
2 nouns: Relinquisher, relinquishment
Define alleviate and state the part of speech
Verb. To make easier to endure
Other forms of alleviate
2 nouns and 2 adjectives
2 nouns: Alleviation, alleviator
2 adjectives: Alleviative, alliviatory