Intro to Romeo and Juliet Quiz Flashcards
What is prose?
Anything not poetry
How can the Shakespeare Made Easy series be a key for what has been a locked door to many students in the past?
It enables students to read and understand Shakespeare, whereas only the difficult to understand original version has been available in the past
Who has a complete understanding of Shakespeare’s plays?
No one
What metaphor does the author use to describe “Shakespeare appreciation” for “everyone”?
A long journey that begins with one step
Where was Shakespeare born?
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire
When was Shakespeare born?
April 23rd, 1564
Who did Shakespeare marry?
Ann Hathaway
How many children did Shakespeare have?
What was his son’s name?
Hamnet Shakespeare, whom died at age 11
By what year was he a playwright and actor in London?
What was the name of the first theater in London?
The Theatre
What was the name of Shakespeare’s first acting company?
The Lord Chamberlain’s Men
What was Shakespeare’s acting company renamed to in 1603?
The King’s Men
When was Shakespeare’s acting company renamed?
After whom was Shakespeare’s acting company renamed?
James I
Who had been the Monarch before King James I?
Queen Elizabeth I
Who were Queen Elizabeth I’s siblings?
Edward, whom died young, and “Bloody” Mary
What was one of Queen Elizabeth I’s nicknames?
What was the name of the theater Shakespeare’s company built?
The Globe
Why did Shakespeare refer to The Globe as “this wooden O?
Because it had 20 sides and kind of looked like an O
What was the name of the indoor theater Shakespeare and his company purchased?
The Blackfriars
About how many plays did Shakespeare write?
About 37
When did Shakespeare die?
1616, April 23rd
How old was Shakespeare when he died?
52 ish
How many of Shakespeare’s plays do we have in the form he originally wrote them?
What did Elizabethans think about plays in general?
They weren’t important works of art
What is a Quarto?
Small,about half the size of a folio. A size of a book page resulting from folding each printed sheet into 4 leaves (8 pages)
What is a folio?
Bigger, about double the size of a quarto. It’s an individual leaf of paper, page number
Why were theaters usually built outside the city?
To avoid conflict with authorities
About how many people could The Globe hold?
What does the author believe to be the power of poetry when compared to prose?
That much more can be expressed in poetry
Why were plays in the Globe performed only in daylight and during good weather?
Because it’s outdoors
What were “groundlings”?
People who stood around the 3 sides of the stage
How much did the people pay to see a play?
Not much at all for groundlings, the higher the seat the more expensive. The most expensive seat was $7
What were the costumes like?
Elizabethan doublet and hose/ “modern”. Expensive
Describe the actors
All male, female roles were performed by teen boys because their voices were higher. It was illegal to be an actress
What was the scenery like?
No elaborate scenery, just “imagination”. Only basic props like tables, bushes, etc
Describe the key features of the stage
No curtain, trapdoor, 2 entrances, tiring house
What word does Tiring House come from?
What is the type of poetry Shakespeare uses in most of his plays?
Blank verse
What is blank verse?
Unrhymed iambic pentameter
What is the term that describes the rhythm of each line?
Iambic pentameter
What “most distinguishes” Shakespeare’s poetry from “that of lesser playwrights”?
His poetic imagery
When does Shakespeare usually use prose?
For unimportant characters (clowns, commoners, servants, etc), less important matters (like letters, lists, etc), and less formal and more casual settings
When was Romeo and Juliet probably written and first acted?
Where did the raw material come from for Romeo and Juliet?
The Tragical Historie of Romeo and Juliet by Arthur Brooks and William Painter’s story in The Palace of Pleasure
What kind of changes did Shakespeare make to his sources for R&J?
New characters, more lyrical and emotional intensity, compressed action, and language