Odl And New World Flashcards
The history of champagne
The sparkling version of the Champagne wine was discovered by accident. It all began when the wine growers (today’s famous Champagne Houses) from the Champagne region were trying to equal the Burgundy wines. However, they did not succeed due-ду to the cold winters in the region that caused-кос the fermentation of the wine which were lying in the cellars-селларс to stop.
Tannins are naturally occurring-оккуринг compounds-компаундс that exist inside grape skins, seeds and stems. The scientific word for these compounds is polyphenols полифинолс.Tanins release from the skins, seeds and stems when they soak in the grape juice just after the grapes have been pressed and are what give certain wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, their characteristic. Дубильные вещества представляют собой природные соединения-компаунды, находящиеся внутри кожуры, косточек и стеблей винограда. Научное название этих соединений — полифенолы. Танины выделяются из кожуры, косточек и стеблей, когда они впитываются в виноградный сок сразу после того, как виноград был отжат, и это то, что придает некоторым винам, таким как Каберне Совиньон, их характерные черты.
Full body
Any red wine with more than 13.5 percent alcohol is considered a full-bodied wine. Full-bodied wines have more complex flavors and have a richer mouthfeel. Examples include Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, and Syrah. Любое красное вино с содержанием алкоголя более 13,5% считается полнотелым вином. Полнотелые вина имеют более сложный вкус и более богатое послевкусие. Примеры включают Каберне Совиньон, Зинфандель и Сира.Mouthful-ощущение во рту
Light body
As a general rule, any wine with an alcohol percentage under 12.5 percent is considered light-bodied. These are usually crisp and refreshing wines, such as Pinot Grigio, Riesling, and Sauvignon Blanc, or lighter reds from cooler climates.
Born in Veracruz, Mexico in 1936, Kahlúa comes steeped in history, with a rich and colorful heritage. Made with 100% Arabica coffee beans and rum, Kahlúa coffee liqueur is one of the main ingredients in many of the world’s favorite cocktails.
Herbal liquor from France
Medium body
They typically have an alcohol content between 12.5% and 13.5%. Medium bodied wines encompass a broad spectrum of wines and viscosities and are designed to complement a variety of foods. Such medium bodied options to look for while wine online shopping include Merlot, Rosé, and Pinot Grigio.
High tannins
wine with high tannins can be described as bitter and astringent-астрэнджид -вяжущий
Taste tannin
It gives your mouth a ‘dry’ feeling, and after drinking wine that’s very tannic-тэнник you may still feel a residual-остаточную Рисиджуал bitterness throughout your mouth. Although wine acidity may seem similar to tannin, it is sour rather than bitte
Old world
Old World refers to countries in Europe, the Mediterranean, and some in the Middle East. This includes: France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Lebanon, Israel, Croatia-Кроэйша, Georgia, Romania-Ромэния, Hungary-Хангари and Switzerland-Свитсерлэнд
New world
New World refers to territories where viniculture was introduced from Europe during the colonization period, including the U.S., New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Australia and South Africa.
Difference between old and new world
Old World wine tends to have lighter body, lower alcohol, higher acidity, and less fruity flavor with more minerality. New World wine tends toward fuller body, high alcohol, lower acidity, and pronounced fruit flavors. Of course, this is almost like the difference between cool climate and warm climate wines.