Champagne Flashcards
The cold climate ensured that the sleeping yeast cells awoke again in spring and started fermenting causing the release of carbon dioxide gas, which was coming from the wine in the bottle. At first, the bottles were weak and exploded but the ones that survived contained-контейинид the sparkling wine. Холодный климат способствовал тому, что весной спящие дрожжевые клетки снова проснулись и начали брожение, вызывая выделение углекислого газа, который исходил от вина в бутылке. Сначала бутылки были слабыми и взорвались, но в тех, что уцелели, было игристое вино.
The sparkling version of the Champagne wine was discovered by accident. It all began when the wine growers (today’s famous Champagne Houses) from the Champagne region were trying to equal the Burgundy wines. However, they did not succeed due to the cold winters in the region that caused the fermentation of the wine which were lying in the cellars, to stop.
How the wines to become famous
The King of France, Hugh Capet Хью
Капет , started serving the sparkling wine during official dinners at the Royal Palace. In the years after 1715, the Duke of Orléans introduced the sparkling version of the Champagne wine to the rich and famous.
1 procces
The grapes are picked by hand between August and October, the harvest time depends on how ripeрайп the grapes are
2 The First fermentation
The juice is put into a tank and the first fermentation takes place.
The result is an acidic wine that has been fermented dry completely. В результате получается кислое вино, полностью перебродившее всухую. As the fermentation proceeds, yeast cells die and after several months, the fermentation process is complete.
The assemblage -ассемблеж -сборка
Это искусство смешивания. Белые тихие вина в сочетании с некоторыми резервными винами создают основу для шампанского; Пино Нуар, Пино Блан и Шардоне сочетаются вместе. This is the art of blending. Still white wines combined with some reserve wines to create the base wine for Champagne; Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay are combined together.
- The Second fermentation
A mixture of yeast, nutrients-нутриентс and sugar () that is added to the wine in the second yeasting, the wine is put in a thickфик glass bottle and sealedсиилд with a bottle cap. смесь дрожжей, питательно-питательных веществ дрожжей и сахара (), которую добавляют в вино при втором дрожжах, вино помещают в толстую стеклянную бутыль и закупоривают бутылочной пробкой.
Aging 5
During this aging period, the yeast cells split open and spill into the solution imparting complex, yeasty flavours to the Champagne. The best and most expensive Champagne is aged for five years or more
6-The Riddling - Риддлинг -загадка
After the aging process is completed, the dead yeast cells are removed through a process known as riddling. The Champagne bottle is placed upside down in a holder with a 75-degree angle-энгл. Бутылка шампанского помещается вверх дном в держатель под углом 75 градусов. This procedure forces the dead yeast cells float into the bottleneck where they are subsequently removed.
Disgorging-Дискоржинг -извержение
The disgorgement is the final step in the production of Champagne. The Champagne bottle is kept upside down while the neck is frozen in an ice-salt bath. This procedure results in the formation of a plug of frozen wine containing the dead yeast cells. Дегоржаж — завершающий этап производства шампанского. Бутылку шампанского держат вверх дном, а горлышко замораживают в ванне со льдом и солью. В результате этой процедуры образуется пробка из замороженного вина, содержащая мертвые дрожжевые клетки.
- The Dosage-доссаж
mixture of white wine, brandy and sugar (Liqueur de tirage/Liqueur d’expédition) is added to adjust the sweetness level of the wine and to top up the bottle. This procedure decides whether the Champagne will be Brut Nature, Extra Brut, Brut, Extra Dry, Dry, Semi Dry or Doux.