October Flashcards
to be ravenous (exp)
crever la dalle
to pack up and go / leave suddenly
prendre ses cliques et ses claques
to simmer/stew, to plot/cook-up
to belong to, to be part of
appartenir à
to bail on (someone), to stand someone up
faire faux bond à
to gorge oneself
se bâfrer
to collapse, fall apart
to run for one’s life (exp)
prendre ses jambes à son cou
i don’t give a shit about…. (exp)
j’en ai rien à foutre de…
to get laid (exp)
s’envoyer en l’air
to be full on, to be going all out (exp)
être au taquet
to “pull strings” to hook someone up
a “bird of prey” or a vulture
un rapace
hairy, furry, shaggy
gumption, common sense, savvy
la jugeote
to think, to reflect
to patch up / to tinker with
sparkling, bubbly
a firecracker, a joint
un pétard
amazed, flabbergasted, astounded
to be comfortable in your own skin (exp)
être bien dans sa peau
very easy to do (exp.)
faire “les doigts dans le nez” or can also be said in English, “fingerz in ze nose”
ugly, hideous, nasty
there is nothing left / it’s the end (exp)
c’est la fin des haricots
to stick one’s nose in / to join without being invited.
ramener sa fraise (can also mean “come here / let’s go!” )
to binge or gorge
se gaver
to collapse, fall apart
a backpacker, a roadie
un routard
to gather one’s courage
prendre son courage à deux mains
“of that sort” “of the same ilk”
du même acabit
to have a drink (exp)
boire un coup
to have a lot on your plate (exp)
avoir du pain sur la planche
to change one’s mind
se raviser
to be super embarrassed (exp)
être rouge comme une tomate
irredeemable, unrecoverable
money, dough, cash
le pognon, le fric
to eat on the go / on the run (exp)
manger sur le pouce
a squirrel
un écureuil
les manigances (m)
a toddler, a child
un bambin
to be out of sorts or under the weather (exp)
ne pas être dans son assiette
to nail or pin
to stretch, elongate, draw out
in trouble (idiom)
être dans de beaux draps
smooth, creamy
onctueux -euse
to rid, to clear, to get rid of
to be a big hit (exp)
faire un tabac
a mold (as in a casting guide/model)
un moule
a weasel or busybody
une fouine
to capture, sense, or pick up
to spin a yarn, make up a story (exp)
raconter des salades
to be stupid (exp)
avoir le QI d’une huître
he looks just like me (spitting image) (exp)
c’est moi tout craché
a strand
un brin
heated (like a debate)
to take a page from someone else’s book (exp)
en prendre de la graine
to show off
to be hot, attractive (exp)
être canon
clown, dummy, bozo
un guignol
to catch someone red handed
prendre qqn la main dans le sac
to tighten one’s belt (exp)
se serrer la ceinture
scrawny, lanky
to babble
to engulf or gobble up
to turn a deaf ear (exp)
faire la sourde oreille
a conference, workshop, symposium
une colloque
to chew, eat away, gnaw, erode
a patrol, platoon
une patrouille
to be bitterly cold outside (exp)
il fait un froid de canard
to be on call, on standby
être d’astreinte
to take a long weekend (vacation) (exp)
faire le pont
to talk about someone behind their back (exp)
casser du sucre sur le dos de qqn
to be hungover (exp)
avoir la gueule de bois
to patch up / to tinker with
to spank
to tame, to domesticate
to get out of control, to get nasty (exp)
tourner au vinaigre
to perform, to carry out, to conduct
to act the fool, to be silly (exp)
faire l’andouille
the court of appeals
la cour de cassation
to “stretch one’s legs”
se dégourdir les jambes
to not add up, to be amiss
qqch qui cloche
to cry a lot (exp)
pleurer comme une madeleine
a cheetah
un guépard
crime, delinquency
la délinquance
to make no bones about it, to not pull any punches (exp)
ne pas y aller de main morte, ou avec le dos de la cuillère
in any event, be that as it may
quoi qu’il en soit
to heckle, to horse around
a drill (the tool)
une perceuse
to list
it’s incredible (slang)
c’est extra !
crazy, kooky
that bothers me/gives me a headache (exp)
ça me prend la tête
the act of dropping out of school
un décrochage scolaire
to stammer
“here we are” or “so anyhoo” (exp.)
raspy voice
la voix rauque
to be clueless / fail to notice something
n’y voir que du feu
to moan, to complain
to go up in smoke (exp)
partir en fumée
social inclusion / social integration
l’insertion sociale
to have one foot in the grave (exp)
sentir le sapin
to annoy or bother someone (exp)
casser les pieds à qqn
to nitpick
chercher la petite bête
to be lazy (colloquial)
avoir la flemme
incensed, angry
hooked nose
un nez crochu
in his bubble, in a bubble (politically, socially, etc)
dans sa bulle
to waste money (exp)
jeter l’argent par les fenêtres
it’s not easy, it’s hard work (exp)
ne pas être de la tarte
to get drunk
se soûler
to binge or gorge
se gaver
cheap, “next to nothing” (exp)
une bouchée de pain
les fournitures
to mind one’s own business
s’occuper de ses oignons
the tailgate, the liftgate
le hayon
gossip, tidbits
les potins
to have tried to think but cant find the answer (exp)
donner sa langue au chat
to bury
an anchor
un ancrage
to be all dressed up (exp)
être sur son 31
to convey
on a whim (exp)
sur un coup de tête
pit, grave, trench
une fosse
to be rolling in money, rich (exp)
rouler sur l’or
to whip, to flog
sloppy, scruffy, bedraggled, slovenly
a beet
une betterave
to spice up one’s life (exp)
mettre du piment dans sa vie
“Of course” or “you bet!” (exp.)
“un peu, mon neveu”
pleasure, voluptuousness, sensuality
la volupté
to laugh and have fun
se marrer
to line your pockets (exp)
s’en mettre plein les poches
an owl / horned owl
un hibou
to sulk (exp)
faire la tête
to sink, to sink-in
to babble/stammer
basin, natural harbor
une rade
to collapse or sag
“To no avail”, in vain
En pure perte
to have a frog in your throat (exp)
avoir un chat dans la gorge
a dial, a bezel
un cadran
brush / bushes / undergrowth
les broussailles
totally, definitely, downright
to be in a bad way, in a bad state (exp)
être mal en point
it’s raining cats and dogs (exp.)
il pleut comme vache qui pisse
scrawny, lanky
to steer
diriger, “pour diriger” when in the infinitive form
to strum or “clickety-clack”
a sketch, draft, rough outline
une esquisse
to get knocked back, to face a rebuttal or learn the hard way (exp)
se prendre un râteau
a rake (the lawn tool)
un râteau
overused, hackneyed
hair removal
a popsicle
un esquimau
scrap, scrap metal
la ferraille
to roll up one’s sleeves
retrousser ses manches
to smooth, to straighten
to crush, smash, squash
to launder money (exp)
blanchir de l’argent
to have better things to do (exp)
avoir d’autres chats à fouetter
to burn
to engulf or gobble up
to find / dig up / track down
to make a mountain out of a molehill (exp)
en faire tout un fromage
disappointed, forlorn, heartbroken
a robbery
un braquage
a wig or toupee
une perruque
to “get out of here”, to skedaddle, to clear out
to graft, to implant, to transplant
extreme, exaggerated
outrancier -ière
les paillettes (f)
to collapse or sag
nonsense, drivel
les sornettes
to follow instructions to the letter (exp)
prendre instructions au pied de la lettre
to be sick and tired of it (exp)
en avoir ras le bol
to make a fresh start (exp)
tourner la page
early, premature
to faint, to pass out (exp)
tomber dans les pommes
to be extremely lazy (exp)
avoir un poil dans la main
to be terrified of sthg (exp)
avoir une peur bleue de qqch
to have eyes bigger than your stomach (exp)
avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre
to straddle, to get on, to mount
gold nugget (literal or as in a great film, etc)
une pépite d’or
to fall into a trap (exp)
tomber dans le panneau
to stuff
farcir (can also be sexual)
to take one’s business elsewhere
changer de crèmerie / aller voir ailleurs
to stroll, to wander
gruff, surly
to rain a lot (exp)
pleuvoir des cordes / tomber des cordes
to procrastinate
a treat (food)
une friandise
groove, furrow
un sillon
a cut, clipping, break
une coupure
a cauldron
un chaudron