OCR A Level GL - 15 OCR A Level GL 2.4 GRANDE DIXENCE Case Study_ Human Activity change Glaciated Landscape system 2 Flashcards
Where is the Grande Dixence Dam?
at the head of the Val des Dix in southwest Switzerland
How high is the Grande Dixence Dam and why is this special?
- 285 metres high 2. It is the highest gravity dam in the world
Why was the Grande Dixence Dam built?
to provide hydroelectric power
How much water can the Lac des Dix (reservoir) hold?
400 million m3
How many glaciers provide seasonal meltwater to the Lac des Dix?
35 glaciers
How much hydroelectric energy is produced by the Grande Dixence Dam?
2,000 Gwh of energy annually enough to power 400,000 households.
What material flow was impacted during construction of the dam?
aggregates for the dam were extracted from local deposits of moraines
How much did it cost to build the Grande Dixence Dam?
1.6 billion Swiss Francs
What evidence is there that the Swiss government has had a long-term sustainable energy policy?
Switzerland produces less than 5% of all electricity production from fossil fuels
How has the visual and sound impact of the Grande Dixence Dam been minimised?
The pumping stations for the dam have been built underground meaning that habitats are well concealed and undisturbed
Who has benefitted from the pumping stations being built underground?
walkers, cyclists and hikers
What is one of the long-term threats to the sustainability of the Grande Dixence Dam?
Climate change which is causing glaciers to melt. This may ultimately threaten the amount of meltwater in the Lac des Dix
What energy flow problem has been created by the Grande Dixence Dam?
Reduced flow in the Borgne River, a tributary of the Rhône below resulted in higher concentration of pollutants at Les Haudère. These are from agricultural and domestic resources.
What process is taking place in the Lac des Dix that reduces the capacity of the reservoir and causes damage to the Hydroelectric turbines?
How is the dam economically sustainable?
It is able to maximise profits by offsetting the cost of pumping water into the Lac des Dix in the summer against income from generating energy during the winter
How does sedimentation in the Lac Des Dix affect material flows in the reservoir?
the reservoir causes a lack of flow and thus a loss in energy, this leads to the deposition of sediment load behind the dam at rates of 20-40 cm/year, reducing the capacity of the reservoir and increasing the erosive power of the water downstream of the dam.
In what way has the Grande Dixence Dam affected material flows in the river system?
The dam has greatly affected the sediment concentrations Above the dam, sediment concentrations are 300mg/l Immediately below the dam 20-50mg/l 3km downstream of the dam less than 20mg/l
What is being done to mitigate against the material flow problems caused by Grande Dixence Dam in the river system?
Some of the water (15%) in the reservoir is used to purge the sediment - flushing it out and moving it downstream.
What negative impacts does the purging of sediment build up in the Lac Des Dix cause for the river downstream?
- high levels of turbidity, increasing erosive power of the river 2. Temporary excessive sediment concentrations in river water up to 20,000 mg/l.
How are river channels affected by the dam?
The trapping of sediment behind the dam leads to clear water being returned into natural river channels which has excess energy, due to not having to transport sediment and results in increased channel erosion.
Lack of discharge in the below-dam rivers means that
some virtually dry up in the summer.
How have the material flows of the river changed due to the construction of the Grande Dixence Dam?
river channels have reduced in size
How has the material flow of sediment entering Lake Geneva been impacted by the Grande Dixence Dam?
the amount of sediment has halved since the construction of the dam
What potential negative impacts on energy flows are there due to the Grande Dixence Dam?
In Val d’Herens, there is a risk of sudden and unexpected flooding when excess stored water has to be released.
What negative impact has the risk of flooding in the Val d’Herens valley had?
It has hindered development along the valley floor as businesses are afraid to risk investing significant sums of money if it could be damaged by extensive flooding.
Give a named example of a negative social impact from the Grande Dixence Dam.
In December 2000 a high-pressure pipeline burst causing a landslide that destroyed a hamlet and killed 3 people.