Ocean Floor Features Flashcards
What is the Continental shelf?
The gradual slope end of a continent that goes under the ocean
-average width is 40miles
- shallow, usually less than a few 100ft
what is the continental slope
continental slope extends from the continental shelf down to the ocean floor (like a drop off)
what is the worldwide average angle is?
4 degrees
what is the continental rise?
a wide, gentle incline from the abyssal plain to a continental slope, this is created by deposition
what is the abyssal plain
flat seafloor areas, typically around 1000 to 2000ft below sea level
- make up about 70% of the seafloor
- largest habitat on Earth
how do Mid-ocean Ridge form
areas where tectonic plates seperate
-found in the middle of basins
-lava rises to fill the gap, and new floor is created
-they look like underwater mountain ranges
-average is 8000ft
What are ocean trenches
deepest parts of the oceans
-form when 2 tectonic plates collide, the denser one will subduct (go under the other)
- the plate that subducted will melt in the mantle and become destroyed
What are seamounts
are active volcanoes beneath the ocean
-when the growing volcano hasn’t reached the surface yet we call it a seamount
-when it reaches the surface we cal;l it a island
what is the largest seamount in US?
Maunakea in Hawaii
what is the largest seamount in the world
Davidson Seamont
How do scientist know what the ocean floor looks like?
was thought at first that the seafloor was flat, but a woman scientist named Marie Tharp created maps of the ocean floor by analyzing sound profiles
- discovered the Mid-Ocean Ridge and published 1st complete world map of ocean floor (1977)
what did her maps help with
scientist compared her maps to earthquake ones, it supported the theory of continental shift
what 3 pieces of technology do we use to explore the ocean floor
scuba, submersibles, sonar
what are hydrothermals
are underwater geysers
-water seeps through ocean fissures and is heated by magma
some animals can get energy from this instead of using sunlight, it is called
what are the 4 ocean habitats
Intertidal, Neritic, Open Ocean, Benthic
what are the 3 ocean zones
Photic, Dysphotic, Aphotic
what is the intertidal zone
place where the ocean meets the land between high and low tides
-animals that live here have adaptations to survive exposure to air, and attaching themselves to rocks so they are not washed away
what is the Neritic habitat
where water becomes deeper, but is still over the continental shelf
-where coral, seaweed, dolphins, sea turtles, and fish live in this zone
- where humans fish and use for recreational use
what si the open ocean ahbitat