occulomotor nerve Flashcards
what does occulomoter nerve supply?
- extrinsic muscles of the eye
* except the lateral rectus, superior oblique muscle.
what type of fibers does the occulomoter nerve have, and to what ganglion which inervates what?
conveys parasympathetic fibers to the ciliary ggl for innervation of the ciliary muscles and sphincter papillae
the nuclei of the occulomoter nerve
- accessory occulomoter nuclei
- occulomoter nucleus
where is the accessory occulomoter nuclei found and function
- midbrain
- parasympathetic, general viscero motor
where is occulomoter nuclues found and function
- upper part of midbrain level of superior colliculus
- somatomotor
brain exit of occulomoter nerve
-occulomotor sulcus in the interpeduncular fossa between superior and posterior cerebral artery
subarachnoida course of occulomoter nerve
interpeduncular cistern
dura penetration of occulomoter nerve
cavernous sinus lateral wall
skull exit of occulomoter nerve
superior orbital fissure
pathway of occulomoter nerve
- medial section of SOF
- divides into 2 main branches between the 2 heads of the lateral rectus muscle
branches of the occulomoter nerve
- superior branch of occulomoter nerve
- inferior branch of occulomoter nerve
supply of the superior branch of occulomoter nerve
- the (smaller) branch
- gives branches to Superior rectus, and levator palpebrae superior muscle
supply of the inferior branch of occulomoter nerve
-the (larger) branch supplies the -medial rectus muscle *under optic nerve -inferior rectus muscle -inferior oblique muscle