Facial nerve Flashcards
nuclei of the facial nerve
- facial nerve nucleus
- superior salivary nucleus
- solitary tract nucleus
- spinal trigeminal nucleus
location and function of facial nerve nucleus
- lower part of pons
- special visceromotor (2nd branchial arch muscles)
location and function of superior salivary nucleus
- pons above junction with medulla
- parasympathetic preganglionic fibers
location and function of solitary tract nucleus
- medulla elongated coloumn deep in reticular formation
- tast special vescerosensory
location and function of spinal trigeminal nucleus
- extends down from the principal nucleus down into medulla until c1-c2 segments of spinal cord
- protpathic sensibility general somatosensory
information of facial nerve nucleus and it’s fibers
it’s motor fibers originate from the large multipoal neurons in nucleus of facial nerve and go around the nucleus of the abducent nerve forming the internal genu of facial nerve
information of the taste and visceroefferent fibers of superior salivary nucleus and solitary tract nucleus
the tast and GVM do not go around the nucleus of abducent, instead they emerge as seperate intermediate nerve accompanying the facial nerve into the internal acoustic meatus
the general somatosensory fibers of the spinal trigeminal nucleus
are sensory auricular branches of facial nerve for the innervation of a small part of the tympanic membrance 1/3 and external acoustic meatus that join the auricular branches of vagus nerve
brain exit of facial nerve
cerbello-potine angle
subarachnoidal course of facial nerve
lateral potine cistern
dura penetration of facial nerve
the fundus of the internal acoustic meatus
skull exit of facial nerve
- fundus of internal acoustic meatus
- facial canal
- style mastoid foramen
information of the geniculate ganglia
- ggl of the intermediate fibers carried by the facial nerve
- within the facial canal of the genu of the canal
- contains cell bodies of sensory neurons innervating the teaste buds on the ant. 2/3 of the tongue and the external ear 2/3
pathway of the facial nerve
- lateral end of the internal acoustic meatus, nerve passes superiorly at the transverse crest
- the labrynthine segments of facial nerve begins
- nerve travels ant. until the geniculate ggl bending as the 1st external genu of facial nerve
- becomes the tympanic segment continues in the medial wall of tympanic cavitysup. to oval window
- then bends again around the oval window as the 2nd external genu
- turns caudually as the mastoid segment towards the style mastord foramen
- nerve exits the skull and ramifies into terminal branches within the parotid gland (parotid plexus)
branches of the facial nerve
- intra cranial braches
- greater petrosal nerve
- sensory auricular branch of facial nerve
- chorda tympani nerve
- stapedial nerve
- extra cranial branches
- posterior auricular nerve
- branches for the posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles
- parotid plexus
- > zygomatic branches
- > buccal branches
- > marginal mandibular branches
- > cervical branch
greaer petrosal nerve
branch from the genu of facial nerve (preggl parasym fibers from sup. salivary nucleus)
exits via the hiatus of facial cannal runs in a groove on ant surface of petrous part of temporal bone beside foramen lacerum
-joins deep petrosal
forms the nerve of pterygoid canal (vidian nerve)
-passes through the pterygoid canal to reach the pterygopalatine ggl
sensory auricular branch of facial nerve
innervate the external acoustic meatus and 1/3 of tympanic membrance after meeting with auricular branch of vagus nerve to form arnold’s nerve
chorda tympani nerve
given off in the facial canal though the post. canaliculus of the chorda tympani into the tympanic cavity
- crosses over tympanic membrance and handle of malleus
- passes out through the anterior canaliculus of the chorda tympani in the petrotympanic fissure to join the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve in the infratemporal fossa
- carries taste sensation from the ant 2/3 of tonigue and carries parasym pre ggls fibers to submandibular ggl (for inn. of the submandibular and sub lingual salivary glands)
stapedial nerve
provides motor innervation for stapedium muscle in middle ear
passes through a small canal in pyrimdal eminence to reach the muscle
posterior auricular nerve
exits facial canal goes though stylomastoid foramen
- enters parotid gland
- supplies peri auricular muscles and has an occipital branch for occipital belly of occipitifrontalis muscle
parotid plexus
main trunk of facial nerve ramifies within the parotid gland forming the intraparotid plexus, which branches for the facial muscles are given:
temporal frontal branches
inn the sup. portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle and other musles of facial expression above the eye
- frontalis
- corrugator supercili
- auricularis anterior
zygomatic branches
crosses upper cheek to lateral angle of the orbit to supply orbicularis oculi muscle
buccal branches
motor branches of the facial nerve distributed to buccina or muscles and other muscles of facial expression below orbit and above chin
- risorius
- buccinator
- levator labii superioris
- levator labi alaque nai
- levator anguli oris
- nasalis
marginal mandibular branches
parrals the mandibular margin innervating risorius muscle and muscles of lower lip and chin
cervical branch
most inferior branch of the parotid plexus of the facial nerve
descends to inn. platysma muscle
superficial cervical ansa (moto-sensory ansa)
formed by the anasatomosis between the cervical motor branch of the facial nerve and the sensory transverse cervical nerve over the platysma