Occlusion Flashcards
Ideal oclusion definitions
- Mesiobuccal ridge of maxillary 1st molar fits into the mesiobuccal groove of mandibular 1st molar
- Cusp of maxillary canine is in the embrasure between the mandibular canine and mandibular 1st premolar
Ideal occlusion ideal relationships
- Ideally, buccal cusps of maxillary teeth are positioned more buccally than the buccal cusps of mandibular teeth
- Ideally, each maxillary tooth is positioned slightly distal (vertical long axis) to the corresponding mandibular tooth of the same type
- Ideally, lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth rest in occlusal fossae of the mandibular teeth. Buccal cusps of mandibular teeth rest in occlusal fossae of maxillary teeth
Class 1, 2, and 3 malocclusion profile
1= orthognathic (72%) 2= retrograde (22%) 3= prognathic (6%)
single tooth, a tooth out of alignment to the labial or buccal compared to other teeth in the arch
single tooth, a tooth out of alignment to the lingual compared to other teeth in the arch
single tooth, a tooth that is twisted around its tooth axis
Supraversion, supraeruption or extrusion
single tooth, tooth that is overerupted that is abnormally long relative to the rest of the occlusal surfaced
Infraversion or infraocclusion
single tooth, is abnormally short relative to the rest of the occlusal plane
is fusion of cementum to alveolar bone when periodontal ligament is lost, can cause infraversion
posterior teeth crossbite
i. Mandibular molars too buccal or maxillary molars too lingual
ii. Maxillary molars too buccal or mandibular molars too lingual
anterior teeth crossbite
mandibular incisors are more labial than maxillary incisors
**normal overbite= only the incisal third of mand incisor
overlapped vertically
**deep overbite= maxillary incisors completely overlap mandibular incisor crowns (vertical)
incisal edges of both maxillary and mandibular arches occlude
open bite
incisor edges of opposing arches do NOT occlude, nor is there vertical overlap when the posterior teeth are closed together
maxillary incisors are excessively labial/anterior compared to mandibular incisors (horizontal)
class 2 division 1
exhibit considerable overjet (often with ALL maxillary incisors tipped labially)
class 2 division 2
incisors exhibit deep overbite often with maxillary central incisors tipped lingually BUT lateral tipped labially
class 3
- The anterior relationship is often edge to edge OR crossbite
- jaw jutted anterior
- true class 3 if difference in alignment is width of premolar
class 2 vs class 3 mandible placement
- *class 2= retrograde profile-Profile has mandibular arch jutted backwards, so mandibular 1st molar and canine are distal of ideal occlusion
- *class 3= prognathic profile- Profile has mandibular arch jutting anterior, so mandibular 1st molar and canine are mesial/anterior of ideal occlusion
crackly or grating sound within jaw joint during function when severe overjet present
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
articulation between the mandible and two temporal bones at the base of the skull; only free moving joint in skull; bilateral articulation; all 3 parts enclosed by fibrous connective tissue
grinding teeth at night
degultition means?
functional verses parafunctional tooth contacts
- Functional tooth contacts occur during the normal day to day process of mastication
- Parafunctional tooth contacts occur for clenching or bruxing teeth (or something in your mouth you don’t eat like your own check/tooth or a clarinet reed or pipe or chewing a pencil)
palpable or visible movement or vibration of the tooth when subjected to heavy occlusal forces; caused by heavy occlusion
disturbance of the fibers of the nerve to the chewing muscles; can be a negative side-affect to parafunctional contacts