Obstructive vs. Restrictive Lung Diseases Flashcards
What is the definition of an OBSTRUCTIVE airway disease?
Increased resistance to airflow secondary to obstruction of airways
Lung does not empty
Air is trapped
Problem with ability to empty lung
Give four examples of OBSTRUCTIVE diseases
Chronic Bronchitis
Explain the results of pulmonary function tests indicating an OBSTRUCTIVE disease
↓ FEV1/FVC ratio DECREASED below 80%
↓Peak flow
(FRiCkin RV needs some increased TLC but it’s hard with COPD!)
V/Q mismatch
In OBSTRUCTIVE diseases, what happens to the blood vessels and what does that lead to?
Chronic, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction can lead to cor pulmonale (enlargement of R side of heart)
What is the definition of a RESTRICTIVE airway disease?
Decreased lung volume and capacity
Problem with ability to fill the lung
Explain the results of pulmonary function tests indicating a RESTRICTIVE disease
↑FEV1/FVC ratio INCREASED above 80%
↓FEV1 ↓↓FVC ↓Peak flow ↓FRC ↓RV ↓TLC Everything decreased except ratio
An example of a RESTRICTIVE disease is interstitial/infiltrative diseases, explain the pathogenesis with examples
Interstitial diseases cause fibrosis of interstitium
the interstitium is the wall of alveolar sacs which is thin and delicate allowing for efficient gas exchange
The walls fibrose around the alveoli, causing difficulty in lung expansion
Pulmonary fibrosis
An example of a RESTRICTIVE disease is chest wall disorders, explain the pathogenesis with examples
If the patient is obese, when they fill up their lungs they have to fight the force of the chest wall to open lung completely
Force on chest wall prohibits lung to open fully and fill resulting in restrictive disease.
What kind of breaths would a patient exhibit in a RESTRICTIVE disease?
Short and shallow breaths
What ‘poor muscular effort’ diseases increase the risk of developing a RESTRICTIVE disease?
Myasthenia Gravis
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
They are often associated with weakened muscles, damaged nerves, or the stiffening of the chest wall tissues
What ‘ poor structural apparatus’ diseases increase the risk of developing a RESTRICTIVE disease?
Morbid Obesity
How does COPD look on a CXR?
Hyperinflated lungs
Flattened diaphragm
Air pockets (bullae)
List all the RESTRICTIVE diseases, separated via affecting the upper and lower lobes
UPPER LOBES: (CHARTS) C - oal Workers Pneumoconiosis H - ypersensitivity Pneumonitis/Histiocytosis A - nkylosing spondylitis R - adiation T - uberculosis S - ilicosis/Sarcoidosis
LOWER LOBES: (ACID) A - sbestosis C - onnective tissue disorders (i.e SLE + Rheum Arth) I - diopathic pulmonary fibrosis D - rug induced