Obstetrics Flashcards
What is gestational age? What do G and P refer to? What are the trimesters and when do foetal movements start
Gestational age is calculated from last menstrual period. EDD is 40 weeks gestation.
Gravida - number of pregnancies
Para/parity - number of deliveries after 24 weeks
First trimester - up to 12 weeks
Second trimester - 13-26 weeks
Third trimester - >27 weeks
Foetal movements start at 20 weeks
Hormonal changes in normal pregnancy
(Anterior pituitary hormones, TSH, HCG, Progesterone, Oestrogen)
Also give role of progesterone, and how does HCG rise
Anterior pituitary produces more prolactin, ACTH and melanocyte stimulating hormone.
Prolactin suppresses FSH and LH
ACTH increases cortisol and aldosterone (improvement in autoimmune conditions, increased susceptibility to diabetes)
MSH causes pigmentation of skin
TSH stays normal but T3/T4 rise
HCG rises, doubling every 48 hours until they plateau 8-12 weeks then gradually fall
Progesterone rises throughout pregnancy, maintaining pregnancy, preventing contractions and suppressing immunity to foetus. Corpus luteum produces for first 10 weeks, then placenta.
Oestrogen rises throughout, produced by placenta
What normally happens to blood pressure in pregnancy? What is defined as hypertension in pregnancy?
It falls during first trimester, and stays low until 20-24 weeks, then returns to normal.
HTN in pregnancy at >140 or >90 diastolic. OR increase of >30 or >15 diastolic
How is high risk of preeclampsia treated
75mg aspirin from 12 weeks gestation until birth
What should be done in a woman with HTN that becomes pregnant
If >140/90 before 20 weeks gestation, this is pre-existing HTN.
If taking ACEi or ARB, this should be stopped, and switched to alternative. Oral labetalol first line. (Nifedipine or hydralazine if asthmatic)
What is the difference between pre-eclampsia and pregnancy induced HTN
HTN (>140/90) in 2nd half (>20 weeks)
If symptomatic with proteinuria (>0.3g/24 hours) and/or oedema. this is pre-eclampsia.
if asymptomatic this is PIH (AKA Gestational hypertension). This resolves after birth, but increases risk of pre-eclampsia or HTN later in life.
Define pre-eclampsia
New >140/90 after 20 weeks gestation AND
- Proteinuria OR
- Other symptoms (oedema, renal insufficiency (Creatinine >90), etc)
Features of severe pre-eclampsia and how is it managed
- > 160/110
- Headaches and visual disturbance
- Papilloedema
- RUQ/Epigastric pain
- Hyperreflexia
- Reduced platelet count, abnormal liver enzymes or HELLP Syndrome
Magnesium sulfate for prevention of eclampsia
What can Pre-eclampsia cause, ti foetus, and to mother
- Eclampsia
- Foetal complications (intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity)
- Liver disease
- Haemorrhage (placental abruption, intra cerebral)
- Cardiac failure
- Neurological symptoms (stroke, altered mental status, blindness)
What are some high risk factors for pre-eclampsia
- HTN, in previous pregnancy or chronic
- SLE or Antiphospholipid syndrome
- Diabetes
What are moderate risk factors for pre-eclampsia (>2 for prevention)
- First pregnancy
- > 40y
- > 10y since last pregnancy
- Obesity
- Family history
- Multiple pregnancy
If pre-eclampsia is found at 160/100 or higher, how should it be managed
Emergency secondary care assessment, admission and monitoring if >160/110
What is eclampsia
Development of seizures in association with pre-eclampsia
How is eclampsia managed
Magnesium sulphate.
- For prevention in severe pre-eclampsia and to treat seizures.
- IV bolus of 4g over 5-10 mins then 1g/hour infusion
- Monitor urine output, resp rate and O2 sats
- Until 24 hrs post last seizure or delivery
What should be monitored in patients with pre-eclampsia/Gestational HTN. What factor decreases in pre eclampsia
Urine dipstick, liver enzymes, FBC, renal profile weekly
Monitor foetal growth on scans
Platelet Growth Factor (PlGF) once between 20-35 weeks to rule out pre-eclampsia (PlGF is low in pre-eclampsia)
What is HELLP syndrome, how does it present, and how is it treated
Combination of features as a complication of pre-eclampsia
- Haemolysis
- Elevated Liver enzymes
- Low Platelets
Nausea/vomiting, RUQ pain and lethargy
Treated with delivery of child
What is gestational diabetes and what does it cause
Diabetes complicates 1/20 pregnancies, majority of which is gestational diabetes - insulin resistance during pregnancy which resolves after birth.
Most commonly it causes larges for dates fetus and macrosomia, implications for delivery including shoulder dystocia.
Also puts woman at further risk of T2DM.
Risk factors for Gestational Diabetes
Previous gestational diabetes
Previous macrosomic baby >4.5kg
First degree relative with diabetes
Family origin (South Asia, black Caribbean and Middle East)
How is gestational diabetes screened for, and when is this offered
OGTT (fasting glucose, followed by 75g glucose drink. Blood sugar measured again after 2 hrs. Normal, fasting: <5.6mmol/L, 2hrs: <7.8 mmol/L (!5678!))
In those with previous this is offered at first antenatal appt, and repeated 24-28 weeks if normal.
If risk factors, 24-28 week test.
If features (large for dates fetus, polyhydroamnios, glucose on urine dip, then do test)
How should gestational diabetes be managed
- Counselling, diet, exercise, and show how to take blood glucose.
- If fasting <7, trial non medical.
- If targets not met, add metformin
- If still not met add insulin
If >7 add insulin
How should pre existing diabetes be managed in pregnancy? What non diabetic drug needs to be given?
Weight loss if BMI>27
Stop oral drugs except metformin, and start insulin
Folic acid 5mg/day until 12 weeks
Glucose self monitoring targets in pregnancy
Fasting 5.3
1 hr after meals 7.8
2 hr after meals 6.4
Define miscarriage
The spontaneous loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks gestation.
Most common in first trimester and usually present with vaginal bleeding +- lower abdominal pain.
What is the most common cause of miscarriage, and how many known pregnancies are affected by miscarriage
Chromosomal abnormalities in fetus are most common.
Affects 1 in 8 known pregnancies
Risk factors for miscarriage
Maternal age >35
History of miscarriage
Previous large cervical cone biopsy
Smoking, alcohol, obesity
Uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid disorders
Define these:
Missed miscarriage
Threatened miscarriage
Inevitable miscarriage
Incomplete miscarriage
Complete miscarriage
Anembryonic pregnancy
Missed - Fetus no longer alive, no symptoms of expulsion, before 20 weeks. Closed cervical os
Threatened - Painless vaginal bleeding but closed cervix and fetus alive (usually 6-9 weeks, can be anytime before 24wk)
Inevitable - Heavy painful bleeding with clots and open cervix
Incomplete - Conception products still in uterus. Pain and vaginal bleeding with open cervical os
Complete - Full miscarriage, no products of conception in uterus
Anembryonic - Gestational sac but no embryo
What is vaginal bleeding and symptoms caused by in miscarriage
- Haemorrhage in decidua basalis leading to necrosis and inflammation
- Ovum unable to continue developing causing uterine contractions and cervical dilation, causing loss of fetus and pregnancy tissue
What investigations are used to diagnose a miscarriage
Transvaginal ultrasound scan determines the viability and the location of the pregnancy.
If unable to determine, repeat in 7 days.
Serum bHCG can be done, decreases following miscarriage as produced by placenta. If ectopic, laparoscopy can be done.
Whats looked for in a transvaginal ultrasound in early pregnancy
Findings appear sequentially, and earlier features less relevant when later develop.
- Mean gestational sac diameter
- Fetal pole and crown-rump length
- Fetal heartbeat
Fetal pole is expected once mean gestational sac diameter is >25mm. If GSD is >=25mm and no fetal pole, repeat in 1 week before confirming anembryonic pregnancy
If crown-rump<7mm and no heart beat, repeat in 7 days. If >7mm without heartbeat, repeat scan in 1 week and confirm non-viable pregnancy.
With fetal heartbeat, pregnancy viable. Expected once crown-rump length is 7mm.
What are the 3 ways miscarriage can be managed
Expectant: If no major risk factors (bleeding/infection etc), should be given 1-2 weeks to pass.
Medically: Misoprostol (prostaglandin analogue) causes strong myometrial contractions, expelling the contents of conception. Can be given vaginally or orally.
Surgical: vacuum aspiration (local anaesthetic/outpatient), surgical under general anaethetic
How is a missed miscarriage treated
Mifepristone (progesterone receptor antagonist - weakens attachment to endometrial wall + cervical softening and dilation + induction of contractions)
48 hours later give misoprostol unless already passed.
How is incomplete miscarriage managed
Single dose of misoprostol (vaginal, oral or sublingual).
May need vacuum suction too, as retained conception contents are an infection risk.
Differentials for miscarriage
Ectopic pregnancy - Pain unilateral, more severe and before bleeding. Darker blood and less heavy.
Molar pregnancy - Heavy and prolonged bleeding with clots and brown watery discharge. Uterus is large for date and exaggerated morning sickness
Ovarian torsion - Palpable mass with pelvic pain and may not bleed.
Fibroid degeneration - May have fever, more systemic, swelling
Complications of miscarriage
- Incomplete miscarriage +- infection
- Haemorrhagic shock due to blood loss
- Depression/anxiety
- Haemolytic disease of the newborn - Give anti-D immunoglobulin to rhesus-negative women who have had surgical intervention for miscarriage.
- Increased risk of future miscarriage
What is post partum haemorrhage and what volumes of blood is it characterised by
Blood loss of >500ml after vaginal delivery, or >1000ml after C section. Can be primary or secondary
Causes of primary post partum haemorrhage
Within 24 hours.
4 Ts
- Tone (uterine atony - most common)
- Trauma (e.g. perineal tear)
- Tissue (retained placenta)
- Thrombin (Clotting/bleeding disorders)
Risk factors for Primary PPH
Previous PPH
Prolonged labour
Emergency C Section
Increased maternal age
Preventative measures for PPH
Treating antenatal anaemia
Giving birth with empty bladder
Active management of third stage (IM oxytocin)
IV tranexamic acid during C section in third stage in high risk patients.
Management of PPH (general, not necessarily addressing bleeding)
Medical emergency
Resuscitation with ABCDE
Lie flat, keep her warm.
Insert 2 14 gauge cannulae
Take bloods with group and save
Commence warmed crystalloid
Oxygen and blood transfusions.
Activate major haemorrhage protocol!
Management to stop bleeding in PPH
(2 meds have contraindications, what are they?)
Mechanical: Palpate and rub uterine fundus to stimulate contractions. Catheterisation (bladder distension prevents uterine contraction)
- IV Oxytocin, slow injection then infusion
- Ergometrine IV or IM (unless HTN) - Stimulates smooth muscle contraction
- Tranexamic acid (antifibrinolytic - prevents bleeding)
- Carboprost IM (unless asthmatic) - Prostaglandin analogue, stimulates uterine contraction
- Misoprostol
- Intrauterine balloon tamponade (Bakri)
- B-Lynch suture (suture around uterus to compress)
- Uterine artery litigation
What is secondary PPH, how is it investigated and treated
Bleeding from 24 hours to 12 weeks post partum.
Usually due to Retained Products of Conception (RPOC) or infection e.g. endometritis.
USS and/or endocervical or high vaginal swabs
Treated with surgery or Abx
When does labour normally occur and what are its stages
between 37 and 42 weeks
1 - Onset of labour (true contractions) until 10cm cervical dilatation
2 - 10cm cervical dilatation to delivery of the baby
3 - From delivery of baby to delivery of placenta
What happens during the first stage of labour
Cervical dilatation and effacement (thinning). The “show” (mucus plug that normally prevents bacteria from entering uterus) is passed, falling out and creating space for baby to pass through.
What are the 3 phases of the first stage of labour
Latent - 0 to 3cm dilatation. ~0.5cm/hour with irregular contractions
Active - 3 to 7cm dilatation. ~1cm/hour with regular contractions
Transition phase - 7 to 10cm dilatation. ~1cm per hour with regular strong contractions.
If a woman feels irregular, non labour contractions during pregnancy, what are these called and when do they normally happen.
Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Irregular uterus contractions usually during second or third trimester. Not true contractions, no indication of labour. Non progressive and irregular.
Staying hydrated and relaxing can help.
Give 4 signs of labour
Show (cervical mucus plug)
Rupture of membranes
Regular, painful contractions
Dilating cervix on examination
What prostaglandin can be used to induce labour
Prostaglandin E2 (dinoprostone)
What is the second stage of labour and how long should it last
From 10cm until delivery of baby
Passive 2nd stage - Delivery without pushing (normal)
Active - Active process of maternal pushing
It is less painful than stage 1 and should last 1 hour. If longer, consider Ventouse, forceps or C section.
What factors most dictate success of second stage
3 Ps
Power - Strength of uterine contractions
Passage - Size and shape of passageway and pelvis
Passenger (4 descriptive qualities of fetus)
- Size (especially head
- Attitude: Posture (how back is rounded, how head and limbs are flexed)
- Lie: Position of child in relation to mother’s body
- Presentation: Part of fetus closest to cervix
Explain the 4 descriptive qualities of the fetus in second stage, giving best and worst presentations.
And how should head position be
Size: Normal or small head. Macrosomia can cause difficulty passing through birth canal, causing complications like shoulder dystocia.
Attitude (posture): Well flexed head, rounded back and tucked in limbs best for delivery.
Lie (childs long axis compared to mother’s): Longitudinal best - fetus head or buttocks down, lining up wiht mother. Transverse not compatible with vaginal delivery needs C section.
Presentation (part of fetus closest to cervix): Cephalic (head first) best. Breech (legs first) or shoulder presentation may need c section.
Head position being occiptoanterior is best.
How should contractions occur in normal labour, how often should they occur and how long should they last
Regular, strong contractions - every 2-3 mins and lasting 60-90 seconds.
Weak, infrequent or uncoordinated contractions bad, may need oxytocin or c section
How should pelvis be ideally shaped in labour
Gynaecoid - round and spacious
Worst: Android - Narrow and heart shaped
What is the 3rd stage of labour, what are the benefits of a an active 3rd stage
Completed baby birth to placental delivery
Physiological - Maternal effort without medication or cord traction
Active management - IM Oxytocin and careful traction to umbilical cord help deliver placenta.
Active shortens 3rd stage and reduces risk of bleeding. Haemorrhage or >60min delay should prompt active management.
What are the 7 cardinal movements of labour
Engagement - Babys head enters pelvis
Descent - Downward movement through birth canal
Flexion - Babys head flexes, allowing smallest head diameter to present
Internal rotation - Babys head rotates to align with pelvis
Extension - As head passses under pubic bnoe, it extends up
External rotation (Restitution) - Baby’s head rotates back to align with shoulders
Expulsion - Shoulders and body delivered
How does the head of the baby enter and exit the pelvis
Enters occipito-lateral
Exits occipito-anterior
Prelabour rupture of membranes
Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes
Prolonged rupture of membranes
Prelabour - Amniotic sac ruptures before onset of labour
Preterm prelabour - Prior to labour and before 37 weeks
Prolonged - Rupture more than 18 hours before delivery
Define prematurity
Birth <37 weeks gestation. More premature = worse outcomes.
Non viable before 23 weeks.
Under 28 weeks: Extreme preterm
28-32: Very preterm
32-37: moderate preterm
What prophylaxis can be given for preterm labour? At what age of gestation is this offered and what indicates offering it
Vaginal progesterone. Offered to all women with cervical length of <25cm between 16 and 24 weeks gestation (short cervix)
Cervical cerclage. - Stitching cervix to keep it closed. Offered between 16-24 weeks with <25cm cervical length if previous premature birth or cervical trauma.
If there is cervical dilatation between 16 and 28 weeks, without rupture of membranes, what can be done?
“Rescue” Cervical cerclage (stitching cervix to keep it closed)
How can preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes be diagnosed?
If negative, what fluid tests can be done?
Sterile speculum examination showing pooling of amniotic fluid in the posterior vaginal vault.
If negative, test fluid for placental alpha microglobulin-1 protein (PAMG-1) or insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1
What is a complication of prelabour preterm rupture of membranes and how should it be managed
Prophylactic erythromycin 250mg 4xdaily for 10 days - prevent chorioamnionitis.
Antenatal corticosteroids to reduce risk of respiratory distress syndrome
How does preterm labour with intact membranes present
Regular painful contractions and cervical dilation without rupture of amniotic sac
How is preterm labour with intact membranes diagnosed?
What is an alternative test?
Less than 30 weeks, clinical diagnosis with speculum examination to assess cervical dilatation
> 30 weeks, Transvaginal ultrasound to assess cervical length. If <15mm, preterm labour management. If >15mm, unlikely to be preterm labour.
Fetal fibronectin is an alternative test: found in vagina during labour
Management of preterm labour
Tocolysis with nifedipine - stop uterine contractions between 24 and 34 weeks. Short term measure (<48 hours). Atosiban (oxytocin receptor blocker) is an alternative
Maternal corticosteroids (IM Betamethasone, 2 doses 24 hours apart) - reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality
Magnesium Sulfate IV to mother - helps protect fetal brain during premature delivery, reducing risk and severity of cerebral palsy.
What are signs of magnesium sulfate toxicity? How is it treated
Reduced resp rate
Reduced blood pressure
Absent reflexes
Treated with Calcium gluconate
What is ectopic pregnancy
Fertilised ovum implants outside uterine cavity, most commonly fallopian tubes. Other sites include ovary, cervix, abdominal cavity.
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
- Fallopian tube abnormalities or damage (PID, surgery)
- Previous ectopic
- IUD and POP use
- Endometriosis
- Smoking
- Fertility treatments
Typical presentation of ectopic pregnancy
Usually presents with 6-8 weeks of amenorrhoea with lower abdo pain and later, vaginal bleeding.
- Lower abdo pain (caused by tubal spasms) usually constant and unilateral.
- Recent amenorrhoea (6-8 weeks since last period) followed by vaginal bleeding (darker brown and lighter than normal period)
- Peritoneal bleeding causes shoulder tip pain and pain on urination/defecation
Examination findings of ectopic pregnancy
- Abdominal tenderness
- Cervical excitation (cervical motion tenderness)
- Adnexal mass (do not examine, risk of rupturing pregnancy)
Investigations of ectopic pregnancy
bHCG >1500
GOLD: Transvaginal ultrasound: gestational sac containing yolk sac or fetal pole.
Findings on TVUSS:
- blob/bagel/tubal ring sign (empty gestational sac)
- Empty uterus
- Fluid in the uterus (psuedogestational sac)
How does bhCG increase in:
- Intrauterine pregnancy
- Ectopic
- Miscarriage
Over 48 hours
Intrauterine: Increase of more than 63%
Ectopic: Increase of less than 63%
Miscarriage: Fall of >50%
How can ectopic pregnancy be managed
If pelvic pain/tenderness + positive pregnancy test, refer to early pregnancy assessment unit (EPAU).
Expectant - await natural termination
Medical - Methotrexate
Surgical - Salpingectomy
Criteria for expectant and medical management of ectopic pregnancy
Size <35mm
No fetal heartbeat
hCG <1000
48 hour monitoring
If: hCG >1500, but less than 5000, and if intrauterine pregnancy absence confirmed, methotrexate can be used.
When is surgical intervention indicated in ectopic pregnancy
Size >35mm
Can be ruptured
If significant pain
Visible fetal heartbeat
hCG >5000
Can be done if another intrauterine pregnancy
Done via laparoscopic salpingectomy
Why is treatment with methotrexate incompatible with another pregnancy. Give possible side effects of use
Methotrexate is given IM, and is teratogenic. Halts pregnancy and causes spontaneous termination.
Should not get pregnant for 3 months following treatment.
Common side effects:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Nausea/vomiting
- Abdo pain
- Stomatitis (inflammation in mouth)
What is placenta accreta spectrum
When the placenta implants too deep through endometrium to the myometrium or perimetrium (placenta percreta) due to a defective decidua basalis. As it does not properly separate, this can cause postpartum haemorrhage.
If chorionic villi invade into myometrium, placenta increta. If they simply attach to the myometrium instead of remaining in the decidua basalis, placenta accreta. (INvade = INcreta)
Accreta - Attaches to myometrium
Increta - Chorionic villi invade into myometrium (uterine muscles)
Percreta - Through myometrium into perimetrium or nearby organs (e.g. bladder)
What can cause placenta accreta and what are its risk factors
Previous uterine surgery e.g. C section, curettage procedures.
- Previous placenta accreta
- Previous endometrial curettage procedures
- Previous c section
- Multigravida
- Increased maternal age
- Low lying placenta or placenta praevia
How does placenta accreta normally present
Usually no symptoms during pregnancy, but can be bleeding during third trimester. (antepartum haemorrhage)
May be diagnosed on routine antenatal ultrasounds or at birth, with difficulty delivering placenta.
What is the big worry with placenta accreta
Postpartum haemorrhage!
How is placenta accreta managed
Specialist MDT. Planned delivery between 35-37 weeks. Antenatal steroids given to mature fetal lungs and C section conducted.
Options during C section:
- Hysterectomy (recommended)
- Uterus preserving surgery
- Expectant management (carries significant bleeding and infection risk)
Main 3 causes of major and minor (spotting) antepartum bleeding
- Placenta praevia
- Placental abruption
- Vasa praevia
- Cervical ectropion
- Infection
- Vaginal abrasion from sex or procedures
What is placenta praevia
When the placenta lies wholly or partly over the cervical os. Major cause of mortality and morbidity, and is indication for C section.
It is a worse version of a low lying placenta, as low lying placentas usually resolve upwards.
How is placenta praevia normally diagnosed
20 week anomaly scan (transvaginal USS) used to assess placenta position.
Usually asymptomatic but is a cause of 3rd trimester bleeding (antepartum haemorrhage), which can be major
NO Digital vaginal exam, as this could provoke major haemorrhage.
Grading of placenta praevia
I - Reaches lower segment but not internal os
II - Reaches internal os but doesnt cover it
III - Covers internal os before dilation but not when dilated
IV (major) - Placenta completely covers internal os.
Risk factors for placenta praveia
Uterine scarring due to previous C section, uterine rupture, or endometriosis
Previous placenta praevia
Advanced maternal age
Management of placenta praevia
- Repeat USS at 32 and 36 weeks.
- Corticosteroids at 34 and 35+6 weeks to mature fetal lungs.
- Planned C section between 36 and 37 weeks.
Complications of placenta praevia
- Haemorrhage, either before. during or after delivery.
- Preterm or low weight birth
- Stillbirth
- Emergency C section or hysterectomy may be indicated
What is placental abruption
When compromise of the vascular structures supporting the placenta separate from the wall of the uterus causing bleeding into the new space under attachment site. Causes a solid woody feeling abdomen
Risk factors for placental abruption
Cocaine use
Maternal trauma
Increasing maternal age
A for Abruption previously;
B for Blood pressure (i.e. hypertension or pre-eclampsia);
R for Ruptured membranes, either premature or prolonged;
U for Uterine injury (i.e. trauma to the abdomen);
P for Polyhydramnios;
T for Twins or multiple gestation;
I for Infection in the uterus, especially chorioamnionitis;
O for Older age (i.e. aged over 35 years old);
N for Narcotic use (i.e. cocaine and amphetamines, as well as smoking)
Presentation of placental abruption
- Sudden, severe, continuous abdominal pain
- Tender, tense uterus
- Vaginal bleeding (antenatal haemorrhage)
- Characteristic “woody” abdomen on palpation suggests large bleed
- Shock (tachycardia and hypotension) if severe bleeding
- Absent fetal heart suggests fetal death
How can an abruption remain concealed
If cervical os remains closed, or any bleeding occurs away from cervical os, containing blood.