Gynae - Contraception Flashcards
Advantages of the COCP
Periods lighter, more regular, less painful
Reduced ovarian, endometrial, colorectal cancer
Reduce ovarian cysts, benign breast disease, acne
Disadvantages of the COCP
May forget
No protection against STI
Increased VTE risk
Increased breast and cervical cancer risk
Increased stroke/IHD risk (esp in smokers)
Temp side effects (headache, nausea, breast tenderness)
- > 35yo and smoking 15+ daily
- Migraine w/ aura
- Thromboembolic disease history
- Stroke/IHD history
- Breast feeding <6 weeks post partum
- Uncontrolled HTN
- Current breast cancer
- Major surgery iwth prolonged immobilisation
- Antiphospholipid antibodies (e.g SLE)
Does COCP need additional contraception when starting?
If started within first 5 days of cycle, no.
Otherwise, 7 days of additional contraception
What is the COCP regime
- 21 days on, 7 days off.
- Alternatively, 3 21 day packs followed by a 4 or 7 day break.
- Intercourse in pill free period safe if next pack started on time
What 3 things reduce efficacy of the COCP
- Vomiting within 2 hours of taking
- Medications that induce diarrhoea or vomiting
- Liver enzyme inducing drugs
What if someone misses a COCP pill
If 1 missed, take the last pill, even if it means taking 2 in one day, then continue daily; no additional contraception.
What if someone misses 2 COCP pills
Take last, even if it means taking 2 in one day. Use condoms or abstain until pill has been taken for 7 consecutive days.
If pills missed in:
- Week 1 (day 1-7) - emergency contraception if sex in pill free interval or week 1
- Week 2 (8-14) - Already taken 7 days, no need for emergency or barrier
- Week 3 (15-21) - Finish current pack and start new pack next day (omitting pill free interval)
What contraception can be used beyond 50 years old
If amenorrhoeic, check FSH and stop if FSH>=30, or stop at 55.
How should a COCP be changed at 50yo
Switch to non hormonal (IUD, condoms, family planning) and stop after 1 year of amenorrhoea
How should Depo-Provera (injection) be stopped
Swithch to non hormonal method and stop after 2 years amenorrhoea, or switch to POP and stop after 1 year if FSH >=30, or stop at 55.
MoA of COCP, POP, Injection and implantable contraceptives, IUD and IUS.
What is unique about desogesterel
COCP: Inhibits ovulation
POP: Thickens cervical mucus
Injectable/implant: Inhibit ovulation (primary) and thicken cervical mucus.
IUD (copper): Decreases sperm motility and survival
IUS (progesterone releasing): Prevents endometrial proliferation and thickens cervical mucus
Desogesterel is a POP that also inhibits ovulation
What contraceptives cause irregular bleeding
- Implant
How long do implant and injection last
Injection: 12 weeks
Implant: 3 years
What are some emergency contraceptiosn
Levonorgestrel and ulipristal: inhibit ovulation
IUD: Toxic to sperm and ovum and inhibits implantation