Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies Flashcards
consist of tissues that protect the entrance to the birth canal, the urethral opening and the nerve-rich center of sexual stimulation, called the clitoris (found in the anterior aspect of the labia.
soft tissue and muscle found between the vaginal opening and the anus. prone to tear during childbirth
mons pubis
layer of soft tissue that covers and protects the pubic symphysis. area where hair grows as a woman reaches puberty
birth canal, made up of smooth muscle, it connects the uterus to the outside world and will stretch to accommodate passage of the fetus during delivery
passageway for menstrual waste products leaving the uterus at the conclusion of the menstrual cycle
small, round organs that are located on either side of most women’s lower abdominal quadrants. responsible for producing ova (eggs) for conception. also produce many hormones necessary for the process of reproduction
Fallopian tubes
connects ovaries to the uterus
if fertilization occurs it will most likely happen in these tubes
ectopic pregnancy
can occur if the ovum implants in the fallopian tubes
these tubes cannot expand like the uterus as the fetus develops and are vulnerable to rupture and severe bleeding
muscular, hollow organ located along the midline in most womens lower abdominal quadrants
intended site for the fertilized egg to implant and develop into a fetus
able to stretch and grow
muscular ring separates the vagina and the uterus
in none pregnant women it is constricted
Phase of the female reproductive cycle in which an ovum is released from the ovary
the baby from fertilization to 8 weeks of development
baby from 8 weeks of development to birth
organ of pregnancy where exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes occurs between a mother and fetus
attached to the wall of the uterus
is expelled after the baby is born
umbilical cord
fetal structure containing blood vessels that carry blood to and from the placenta
1 inch wide and 22 inches long
Amniotic sac
“bag of water”
contains about 1 quart of liquid called amniotic fluid. allows the fetus to float during development, acts as a cushion between the fetus and minor injury, and helps maintain a constant fetal body temp.
Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy
increased blood volume
Increased O2 demand/decreased lung capacity
Fetus growing uterus enlarging
growing uterus displaces GI tract
Increased heart rate
Ligaments stretched, carrying extra weight of fetus
Outside: Pink coloration of skin shortness of breath common belly enlarging nausea vomiting and heartburn faster pulse "swayback" posture, back pain
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome
dizziness and a drop in blood pressure caused when the mother is in a supine position and the weight of the uterus, infant, placenta, and amniotic fluidcompress the inferior vena cava, reducing return of blood tot he heart and cardiac output.
three stages of delivery of a baby
First stage: regular contractions and the thinning and gradual dilation of the cervix and ends with cervix fully dilated
Second Stage: time when baby enters the bith canal until he is born
Third Stage: after baby is born and lasts until the afterbirth is delivered
placenta, membranes of the amniotic sac, part of the umbilical cord, and some tissues from the lining of the uterus that are deliverd after the birth of the baby.
Braxton-Hicks contractions
irregular prelabor contraction of the uterus
sensation of the fetus moving from high in the abdomen to low in the birth canal
Meconium staining
amniotic fluid that is greenish or brownish-yellowrather than clear as a result of fetal defecation; an indication of possible maternal or fetal destress during labor
when part of the baby is visible through the vaginal opening
Cephalic presentation
appears head first during birth. this is the normal presentation
Newly born infant or an infant less than 1-month-old
Appearance: blue or pale all over=0, extremities blue, trunk pink=1, pink all over=2
Pulse: 0=0, 100=2
Grimace: no reaction=0, facial grimace=1, sneeze, cough, or cry=2
Activity: no movement=0, only slight activity=1, moving around normally=2
Respiratory Effort: none=0, slow or irregular breathing, weak cry=1, Good breathing, strong cry=2
Inverted pyramid of neonatal resuscitation
Basic: Drying, warming, positioning, suction, tactile stimulation. Oxygen Bag-Mask Ventilation Chest Compressions
Breech presentation
when the baby’s buttocks or both legs appear first during birth
limb presentation
when an infant’s limb protrudes from the vagina before the appearance of any other body part
prolapsed umbilical cord
when the umbilical cord presents first and is squeezed between the vaginal wall and the baby’s head
oxygen supply to the baby may be totally interrupted
premature infant
any newborn weighing less than 5 1/2 pounds or born before the 37th week of pregnancy
Placenta previa
condition in which the placenta is formed in an abnormal location (low in the uterus and close to or over the cervical opening) that will not allow for a normal delivery of the fetus; a cause of excessive pre-birth bleeding
abruptio placentae
condition in which the placenta separate from the uterine wall; a cause of pre-birth bleeding
ectopic pregnancy
when implantation of the fertilized egg is not in the body of the uterus, occurring instead in the fallopian tube
severe complication of pregnancy that produces seizures and coma
complication of pregnancy in which the woman retains large amounts of fluid and has hypertension. she may also experience seizures and/or coma during birth, which is very dangerous to the infant
spontaneous (miscarriage) or induced termination of pregnancy
spontaneous abortion
when the fetus and placenta deliver before the 28th week of pregnancy; commonly called a miscarriage
born dead