Obstacles in Reasoning Flashcards
Chapter 3 - Definitions & Types of Obstacles
Excessive Vagueness
Unclear and Imprecise
More than one meaning (equivocation)
Semantic Ambiguity
Claim containing ambiguous word or phrases
Grouping Ambiguity
Unclear whether word/phrase is referring to group collectively or members of a group individually
Syntactic Ambiguity
Claim is open to interpretation because of its structure
Ambiguous Pronoun References
Unclear to what or whom a pronoun is referring to
Excessive Generality
Lack of specificity
Undefined Terms
Unestablished meaning of words
Purpose of Definition: Lexical
Dictionary definition
Purpose of Definition: Precising/Stipulative
Makes term more precise or stipulate new meaning
Purpose of Definition: Persuasive/Rhetorical
Use definition to persuade or slant someone towards a certain point of view
Kinds of Definition: By Example/Ostensive
Identifying examples to which the term applies
Kinds of Definition: By Synonym
Giving word or phrase with same meaning as term
Kind of Definition: Analytical
Specifying features needed to be possessed to apply to term