Cognitive Biases Flashcards
Chapter 1 - Biases Focused
What are cognitive biases?
Unconscious feature of psychology that affect mental processes and belief formation.
Affect of cognitive biases
Skews apprehension or reality and interfere with ability to process information accurately and reason objectively.
Cognitive biases involve
Heuristics (Mental Shortcuts)
Belief Bias
Tendency to evaluate reasoning by the believability of its conclusion.
Confirmation Bias
Tendency to attach more weight to evidence that supports our viewpoint.
Availability Heuristics
Unconsciously assigning a probability to a type of event on the basis of how often one thinks of events of that type.
False Consensus Effect
Inclination we may have to assume that our attitudes and those held by people around us are shared by society at large.
Bandwagon Effect
Unconscious tendency to align one’s thinking with that of other people.
Negativity Bias
Tendency people have to weight negative information more heavily than positive information when evaluating things.
Loss Aversion
People generally are more motivated to avoid a loss than accrue a gain.
In-group Bias
Forming negative opinions on people who don’t belong to your group.
Fundamental Attribution Error
Tendency to attribute another’s actions to their character or personality, while attributing their behavior to external situational factors outside of their control
Obedience to Authority
Subjects blindly follow the instructions of an authority.
Overconfidence Effect
Person overestimates the percentage of their correct answers on a subject or overall capabilities.
Better-Than-Average Illusion
When most of a group rate themselves as better than most of the group relative to some desirable characteristics.