Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Flashcards
What is OCD characterized by?
Obsessions, compulsions or both.
Obsessions: are preoccupations with persistent and intrusive thoughts
Compulsions: are repetitive patterns or behaviours that temporarily reduce anxiety.
What is the OCD cycle?
Obsessions create anxiety, which i relieved by compulsions creating temporary relief.
This is a cyclical pattern and ultimately the relief turns back into obsessions.
Does OCD affect men and women equally?
As adults, men and women are equally effected however as children boys have a higher prevalence than girls.
When is the avg. onset for OCD
21 yo
What are the biological components of OCD?
Increased metabolic activity Association with Streptococcus A infections Change in the volume of brain matter Genetic component hypothesized Altered levels of neurotransmitters
What are the environmental components of OCD?
Can be provoked by brain trauma or traumatic life events
What are the behavioral components of OCD?
Associate certain items or actions with fear
Preform rituals to help reduce fear.
What are the cognitive components of OCD?
Misinterpret intrusive thoughts
Avoid/suppress thoughts and neutralize behaviors
What is the DSM-V diagnostic criteria for OCD?
A. The presence of obsessions or compulsions or both. B. The obsessions or compulsions must be time consuming and cause significant distress in social, occupational or interpersonal functioning.
C. Symptoms are not attributable to a substance or medication.
D. The thoughts/behaviors are not better explained by another medical disorder
What are new specifications required in the DSM related to documentation in OCD?
Must document whether the pt has: Good insight (know their behaviors are irrationale) Poor insight (somewhat understand the irrationality) Absent insight (dont believe they are irrational)
Also must document if the OCD is tic related.
What is generally the most common obsession and compulsions manifestation?
Obsession= Contamination Compulsion= washing
What associations are there between religiosity/ spirituality and OCD?
There is a higher incidence of OCD among religious or spiritual groups.
What are the social impacts of OCD?
People with OCD are less likely to get married and those who do have higher divorce rates.
Leisure activities, work and education are more difficult to complete,
Parents with OCD May have an impact on children
May create financial burden on families, and alter family dynamics
What is the gold std for OCD diagnosis?
Yale Brown Scale: series of questions with allocated points. Scale is 0- 40 pts. Under 7 is OCD is subclinical, 8-15= mild 16-23= moderate 24-31= severe >32 likely has extreme OCD likely
What factors contribute to poorer outcomes in people with OCD?
Family accommodation for children with OCD
Co morbidity with other mental illness (ie depression)
Earlier age of onset
Family history of OCD
Sexual obsessions
Severe OCD symptoms
What 2 factors are associated with the best outcomes for those with OCD?
A cooperative family
The individual is highly motivated