Observational Studies Flashcards
What are the different types of observations carried out?
- Naturalistic observation
- Controlled observation
- Overt observation
- Covert observation
- Participant observations
- Non-participant observation
What is naturalistic observation?
- Takes place where the spotaneous behaviour would usually occur
Advantages of naturalisitc observation
- Advantage: High external validity , natural context likely behaviour is more spontaneous. More generalisable to everday life
Disadvantage of naturalistic observation
Disadvantage: Low control as uncontrolled EVs so more difficult to detect patterns
What is controlled observation?
Some control/manipulation of variables including control of EVs
e.g Ainsworth Strange Siutation
Advantages of controlled observation
- Advantage ; Can be easily replicated - more easily to repeat standardised procedures as findings can be checked to see if they occur again
Disadvantage of controlled observation
Disadvantage: May have low external validity as behaviour contrived as a result of setting so findings cannot be applied to everyday experiences
What is overt obsercation?
Particpants know that they are being obserbed
Advantages of overt observation
- Advantages: More ethically acceptable as given consent to be studied. Wish the right to withdraw if they wish
Disadvantage of overt observation
Disadvantage: Demand of characteristics as knowledge of being studied will influence their behaviour so reduces validity of findings
What is covert observation?
Partipants are unware they are being studied
Advantages of covert observations
- Advantage: Demand of characteristic are reduce as particpants do not know they are being watched so behaviour is more natural , increases validity of findings
Disadvantage of covert observation
Disadvantages: Ethically questionable: People may not want their behaviour recorded even in public, privacy affect
What is a particpant observation?
When researcher becomes part of group they are studying
Studying deeper insight into the groups’ lives
Advantages of particpant observation
- Advantage: Can lead to greater insight as the researcher experiences the situation the participant does so enhances the validity of findings
Disadvantage of participant obsservation
Disadvantage: Loss of objectivity as researcher identify too strongly with those who are studying so threatens objectivity and validity of findings
What is non-particpant observation?
When researcher remains separate from the group they are studying
What is the advantages if non-participant observation?
- Advantage: More objective - Researcher maintains an objective distance so less chance of bias. Increase the validity of findings
- Disadvantage: Loss of insight so researcher may be too far removed from those they are studying as reduce validity of findings
Disadvantages of non-participant observation
Disadvantage: Loss of insight so researcher may be too far removed from those they are studying as reduce validity of findings
What is behavioural catergory?
Target behaviour to be observed should be broken down into a set of observable cateogries
Similar to idea of opertionalisation
Designing an observation:
- Observation structured or unstructured?
- Structured - easier to record , cause and effect
- Unstructured - increased ecological validity - application to wider contextx
- Ethical issues
- Invasion of privacy
What behavioural catergories for Ainsworth?
- Proximity setting
- Insecure resistant - Contact with mother
- Insecure avoidant - walking away
- Secure attachment
- looking over at mother
- Crying tears
- Distress
What are behavioural catergories?
Behaviour defined before a study takes place
Allows the researcher to focus their investigation on a specific behaviour in order to gain the mosr valid and reliable data