Observation techniques Flashcards
Planification d’une observation directe (Déterminer l’objectif)
Determine the objective
Theoretical objective (to increase our general knowledge about a phenomenon)
-Sequential organization of behaviors
Planification d’une observation directe (Objectif normative)
Normative purpose
- To develop standards that will allow clinical judgments to be made about the normality or pathology of an individual in a specific situation
Planification d’une observation directe (Objectif éducatif)
Educational objective
-To better understand the behavior of an individual in interaction with the
physical and social environment
-Diagnostic evaluation of the problem
-Evaluation of the implementation of the intervention plan
(i.e. verify if the intervention strategy is applied by the different stakeholders)
- Evaluation of the effects of the intervention (i.e.Did the intervention produce the desired effects?)
Planification d’une observation directe (Choisir une centrationet type de d’observation)
Choosing a focus
The behavior of a target individual or group in a specific situation
Choose a type of observation
Participatory, systematic, etc.
Planification d’une observation directe (Choisir une technique d’échantillonnage)
Choose a sampling technique
of subjects
behaviors: define them in an operational way (observable and measurable)
observation times
Planification d’une observation directe (Choisir un système de notation)
5- Choose a grading system
- Logbook, grid, etc.
N.B. The combination of the four previous tools must be guided by
by a concern for scientific rigor, by a concern for energy conservation and by the limits imposed by the physical and social environment where the observations will take place.
The limits imposed by the physical and social environment where the observations will take place
Les techniques d’observation
Observer = measuring instrument
The decision: problem of subjectivity
Observation techniques: to minimize this standardization problem
Contribute to the internal validity of the data collected
by ensuring its reliability and reducing bias
Les techniques d’observation (suite)
Provide more complex and comprehensive information about
a given problem in a context that is closer to the “natural” context
Apply only to quantitative observation
Quantitative observation, which aims to obtain measurable information about behavior
Trois types de mesures observationnelles
- more subjectivity
Échantillonnage comportemental
Actions and postures
The gaze is often used as a criterion to determine who is interacting
The sequence begins when the two individuals look at each other
and ends when one individual turns his back to the other
Échantillonnage comportemental (suite)
Define behaviors and establish a coding system
Transform a continuous production into discrete information
Descriptive vs. functional definitions (e.g. Tembrock)
Definitions must be exclusive
Restricted or exhaustive samples
The number of categories depends on the problem studied
Échantillonnage des sujets.
Ad libitum:
Ad libitum: depending on the opportunities to see the subjects
- Bias due to differential observability
-Bias related to the observer who could choose the subjects
and the observation times according to his mood
Échantillonnage des sujets (suite)
+Focus on a particular individual (focal individual sampling) or on a subgroup (focal subgroup sampling)
-Systematization of the choice of the subject or group observed and the times of observation
-Note the duration of each observation period and the
proportion of time the subject is visible
Échantillonnage des moments d’observation
-Distribution: continuous vs. discrete
-Snapshot vs. one-zero samples
-Length of observation periods
-Cut-off points (start and end)
Trucs pour diminuer l’effet de l’observation sur les sujets:
Ways to reduce the effect of the presence of a camera:
-Install the camera in the room well in advance of the
observation session so that it can be habituated
-Camouflage the small red light that signals the recording
-Use a remote control so that there is no one behind the camera when you are filming