CLASS 1-2 ÉTHOLOGIE Flashcards
-Use observational techniques such as grilles observation, interjuge.
-Identify conditions to promote (favorisent, hinder (nuisent) collection of observational information with quality.
-Identify the meaning and significance of the information: identification of the capacities and context in which they are manifested and function of the best underlying need.
DEFINITION: Descriptive, comparative and casual study of animal behaviour in its natural environment.
-Father of modern ethology (1930). Konard Lorenz.
Principes de base:
-Behaviour is a means of adaptation to the environment.
- physical characteristics , behaviour is the result of natural selection.
selection naturelle (théorie de l’évolution, Darwin 1859).
Individuals that are less adapted to the environment (due to hérédité) are eliminated in greater numbers than those who are better adapted, hence the selection of certain characteristics rather then others during the generations = reproduction différentielle.
Sélection artificielle
Voluntary selection to increase the value of the crop (large fruits, early fruit ripening, vigorous roots for potatoes and carrots, etc.)
-races of animals
Le comportement est un phénotype
Resulting from the effects of heredity and the environment
La classification de tembrook
- Déplacements (types de locomotion)
- Comportements d’orientation: photo, chémo, géo, thermo et hydrotaxies
- Comportements d’Exploration
- Comportements de confort (soins corporels, toilettage)
- Comportements liés au métabolisme
-Acquisition et incorporation des aliments
-Bibition (boire)
-Défécation, miction
-Accumulation de reserves alimentaires
-Positions de repos et de sommeil - Comportements agonistiques (fuite, soumission, menace, attaque) et de protection (mimétisme)
La classification de tembrook
- Comportements territoriaux (vocalisations, marquage du territoire par l’urine ou une glande, etc)
- Comportements de construction
- Comportments de reproduction (parade nuptiale; copulation; ponte/incubation/mise-bas; comportement parental)
- Comportements sociaux (communication et affiliation)
11.Comportements de jeu
La classification de tembrook
12.Conflits de motivation: comportements dans les situations de conflit entre des tendances opposes:
- mouvements d’intention: une tendance est légèrement inhibée par une autre de sorte que l’exécution du - -
- comportement n’est pas complete
-comportements ambivalents: simultané ou successif si deux tendances sont activées en même temps et de même force
-activités redirigées: le comportement est dirigé vers un autre objet que le stimulus de depart
- activités de déplacement/substitution: exécution d’un comportement sans rapport avec aucune des deux motivation de depart.
5 questions on phenotype
1- What does the animal do (precise description of all movements; ethogram)
behavior = coordinated movement of muscles
2- What are the causes and mechanisms of behaviors?
external factors = triggers
internal factors = nervous, hormonal mechanisms, etc.
Quelques concepts de base de l’éthologie
FAP = “Fixed Action Pattern
patron moteur fixe
-A coordinated, stereotyped (constant execution), innate (but modifiable by experience)
movement or sequence of movements,triggered by a specific stimulus in the environment, but which once triggered is independent
of this stimulus and executescompletely
-Species specific
-May be functional from birth or undergo some maturation and not appear until adulthood
-Responds to only a small number of stimuli, even if the animal perceives many
Quelques concepts de base de l’éthologie
IRM = Innate Releasing Mechanism =
mécanisme inné de déclenchement
- Nervous system mechanism that allows the triggering of a response (FAP) upon receipt of the appropriate (specific) stimulus-signal
-Automatism of the discharges: the nervous mechanisms
produce and distribute impulses to the motor centers independently of any externa
- l stimulation (even if the afferent nerves are cut); the stimuli are notafferent nerves); the stimuli do not increase
- The excitation of the automatic centers but allow the release of the produced impulses
Quelques concepts de base de l’éthologie
-Umwelt = world as perceived by the animal according to its sensory possibilities and central nervous system
-Stimulus déclencheur
Trigger stimulus (signal stimulus) = stimulus that can trigger the execution of a PAF
-Méthode des leurres Decoy method = method of determining the triggering stimulus
Types of triggering stimuli:
1-Configurative stimulus: importance of the relative proportion of different parts
2-Stimulus orienteur ou directeur: Directing stimulus: gives orientation to the reaction
3-Stimulus déclencheur supranormal supranormal trigger stimulus: produces a stronger, nominal response
Quelques concepts de base de l’éthologie
Loi de summation hétérogène
- Each of the signals presented in isolation is almost equally effective, but the simultaneous presentation of two signals doubles the intensity of the response
+When the response can be triggered by different stimuli
Chain reactions A sequence of stimuli and responses; each response from one is a stimulus
response of one is a stimulus for the
the other
Déclencheur social =
= stimulus-signal that has developed from a utilitarian behavior through ritualization and has adopted a communicative function
stimulus-signal qui s’est développé à partir d’un comportement utilitaire par ritualisation et qui a adopté une fonction de communication
exaggeration in intensity (speed and amplitude) to make the message clear + new MRI
exagération au niveau de l’intensité (vitesse et amplitude) afin que le message soit clair + nouvel IRM
Empreinte (imprinting)
Innate mechanism that determines the object of attachment in the babies of some bird species
Form of learning
Nice example of the complementarity of innate and acquired: after hatching, the baby will attach himself to the first mobile object seen
Critical or sensitive period:
period during which certain learning must take place.
période au cours de laquelle certains apprentissages doivent se réaliser
How do they develop in the individual from birth (ontogeny)?
How did they adapt during the evolution of the species? (phylogenesis)
What is their function (adaptive value, survival value)