Survol historique
L’Autorité vs. le positivisme
L’observation: à la base de la découverte
3-verification par l’observation et l’expérimentation
4- théorie
5- fait
Qu’est-ce que l’observation?
Observation in the strict sense (direct) and in the general sense
(data obtained by any means: direct observation, reported observation, questionnaire, sociogram, test, etc.)
Requires a lot of time but is rich in information
Distinction entre observation (directe) et évaluation
Observation: the action of paying careful and methodical attention to a subject of study
through the senses in order to observe particular facts that will allow us to know it better
(adapted from Legendre, 1993).
Evaluation: the action of collecting information that can be compared
to pre-established criteria; the collection can be done by means as varied as
observation and the use of tests or questionnaires.
Évaluation: action de collecter des informations qui pourront être comparées à des critères préétablis; la collecte peut se faire par des moyens aussi variés que l’observation et l’utilisation de tests ou questionnaires
Distinction entre
auto-observation et auto-évaluation
Self-observation only makes sense if, for example, the observer looks in a mirror (e.g., dancers practicing in front of a mirror)
or reports his or her own behaviors that are possibly observable by others; it must also appeal to the senses so that a third party could also observe the same facts;
note thatintrospection is self-evaluation
Self-evaluation is the process by which a subject is led to make a judgement about himself (the quality of his progress,
his work, his achievements, etc.) with regard to predefined objectives and while being inspired by criteria of appreciation (adapted from Legendre, 1993)
L’observation dans
l’approche psychoéducative
une étape
L’observation dans
l’approche psychoéducative
une compétence professionnelle
L’observation dans
l’approche psychoéducative
une étape
une compétence professionnelle
une observation objective précise de l’adaptation des personnes
Une observation objective precise (OOP)
-Descriptive purpose: what an individual says and does precisely, without interpreting from oneself.
-The main difficulty lies in the objectivity of the descriptive terminology
+Describe actions and postures without inferences, judgments, or subjective terms (such as looking with anger)À
+To report the words as accurately as possible
-Qualitative observation is often the preliminary step to quantitative observation
Les différents types d’observation.
Observation libre vs. systématique
-Paying attention to what is going on around you, taking a position or moving around
to get a good overview or to observe situations from different perspectives;
-facilitates the identification of behavioural cues that may suggest the use of a systematic observation method;
-Use a logbook to record observations deemed relevant.
Les différents types d’observation.
Observation libre vs. systématique
-Has a purpose, to test a hypothesis, to observe a focus, to help solve a problem, etc.;
-is rigorously planned and executed
-use a logbook or grid to record details of observations
Les différents types d’observation (suite) Observation participante et non participante.
-Participatory: a context in which the observer is integrated into the activity of the individual or groupindividual or group (shared experience), without appearing to imitate them, while remaining oneself, without making judgments and without
showing off one’s knowledge; finding commonalities between people and yourself helps to have good relationships.
+The observer uses his or her senses and emotions to let himself or herself be impregnated bythe atmosphere in the environment of the individuals being observed in order to formulate hypotheses about their adaptation; their own impressions can give them a lead.
+The observer writes down his observations and impressions after the observation periodMore subjective type of observation and subject to inaccuracies due to the delay between observation and note-taking
+Homework assignment: distinguish between the following three types of participant observationperipheral, active and complete (read Lapassade, 1991)
Les différents types d’observation (suite)
Observation participante et non participante
Non-participatory: the observer is in the background, either visible and at a
distance, or hidden behind a one-way mirror.
+Importance of justifying and accepting one’s presence
+The non-participating presence has effects on the individuals being observed
-- The Hawthorne effect: the presence of the observer causes an unusualunusual activation effect on the observed.
Les différents types d’observation (suite) Observation provoquée
Observation engagee
Provoked observation:
-Implies that the subject is placed in front of a task or a test determined by the observer in order to elicit the appearance of certain behaviors
Engaged observation:
-Used during the educational activity
-The practitioner uses his or her knowledge, what he or she sees,
hears and feels to help the individual in difficulty at the appropriate time
La notion de
centration d’observation
A particular behaviour to be observed in a subject at a specific time and in a specific context.
For Berthiaume (2004), the observation focus is the orientation of the observation
towards a particular behaviour on which the practitioner wants to collect data.
the practitioner wants to collect data on.
La notion de
centration d’observation (suite)
Given that we cannot observe everything, centering allows us to identify a smaller field
of investigation that is relevant to our questioning, which makes observation more
effective and more precise.
relevant to our questioning, which makes the observation more effective and more
-Examples of contexts: structured group activity, isolation of a child, free play period,
meals, etc.
Défi adaptatif
The adaptive challenge is what the target individual should be doing that is
socially acceptable or expected in order to achieve their goals, to meet their needs
- It is a challenge for the individual and a goal for the practitioner.
Processus d’Identification du Défi Adaptatif (PIDA)
This process is useful in two situations:A- when observing a youth: allows one to identify an individual’s adaptive challenge,
i.e., what they need to improve in order to better adapt to their environment;
B- when observing a practitioner: allows us toidentify the adaptive challenge of the intervener,
i.e. what he/she must improve in order to better
intervene (in accordance with the strategies provided for in the intervention plan)
1- Choose the focus (such and such a behavior in such and such a context:
interaction with peers, interaction with adults, mealtime or a game,
an intervention by the educator, etc.).
Describe the observed behavioral sequence:
First identify the immediate circumstances (place, time, people, particular context), then:
Identify the target subject’s OOP (accurate objective observation)
Verbal and non-verbal behaviors of third parties that precede the OOP
(triggers of the OOP)
Verbal and non-verbal behaviors of others that follow the POA (consequences)
3- Identify your behavioral (movements, body position, facial expressions, verbal
etc.), physical (heart beating faster, headache, heat, tingling, etc.)
and especially emotional (fear, anger, grief, feelings of helplessness, etc.)
reactions as an observer of the OOP
- Formulate different hypotheses about the OOP in relation
to the basic needs of the observed subject and proceed with the analysis
Les besoins fondamentaux (Paquette, 2021)
A. Needs related to homeostasis
Need to breathe
Need to eat
Need to eliminate waste
Need to sleep
Need to maintain a constant body temperature
Les besoins fondamentaux (Paquette, 2021)
B. Besoins liés à l’intégrité physique et psychologique
Need to move
Need to defend yourself and your
loved ones
Need to relax
Need for affection
Need for protection
Les besoins fondamentaux (suite)
C. Needs related to self-actualization in relation to the environment
Need for stimulation
Need for freedom
Need for creativity
Need for self-discipline
Les besoins fondamentaux (suite)
D. Social Life Needs
Need for inclusion
Need for equity
Need for reciprocity
Need for power
Need for recognition
Need for attachment
E. Reproductive Needs
Need for sexuality
Need to have children
PIDA (suite)
- Justify your choice of a hypothesis based on the
immediate context and the overall context if known:
gender and cultural identity, age, grade level, etc.
+life history: family and peer relationships, placements,
physical and mental health, previous experiences possibly
related to the immediate context, etc.
+mandate of the environment (school, CLSC, CJ, etc.) - Formulate the adaptive challenge