Obscure French Verbs Flashcards
to cancel ( réservation, commande, dette )
to call off ( engagement )
to quash ( jugement, décision )
to nullify
to cancel each other out ( poussées, efforts )
to show up, to turn up to disembark ( troops )
1) he turned up at my place last night
2) where have you been?*
3) But his troops have landed outside the city walls.
1) il a débarqué chez moi hier soir
2) ( = ne pas être au courant )* tu débarques !
3) Mais ses troupes ont débarqué hors les murs
to crush
to get crushed by a car
se faire écrabouiller par une voiture
to destroy completely,
to annihilate
( the news crushed him )
la nouvelle l’a anéanti
to fall through / to screw up, mess up something ( project )
to search through,
to go through, rummage in
to study profoundly
who’s been rummaging about in my things?
delve into someone’s past
Fouiller [fuje]
qui a fouillé dans mes affaires ?
fouiller dans le passé de quelqu’un
to nose around, to meddle
to dig
creuser, bêcher
to bring down, tear down, shoot down, cut down, etc
to kill ( human ), to slaughter ( animal )
to weaken, demoralize
1) don’t let things get you down
2) he’s the one that needs to be got rid of
1) ne te laisse pas abattre
2) c’est l’homme à abattre
to freak out, to throw into a panic
to lose one’s head, to panic
1) let’s not panic
2) you just need to calmly reply yes or no.
1) ne nous affolons pas let’s not panic
2) Il faut répondre oui ou non sans s’affoler.
to sadden
1) we were greatly saddened by the news
1) cette nouvelle nous a profondément attristés
to do odd jobs around the house,
to repair, to tinker with, to build
to have a falling out with someone
se brouiller avec quelqu’un
to squabble, argue
se chamailler
to squabble ( less common )
chicaner ( sur ), ergoter ( sur )
to work like a dog
to get high
se défoncer
to listen to reason
écouter la voix de la raison
to crash ( plane, car )
to be crushed ( object, body )
to collapse
to be dashed, to come to nothing ( dreams )
to be slumped / slouched
1) she broke down in tears
2) he’s slumped over on his chair
1) elle s’est effondrée en larmes
2) il est effondré sur sa chaise
to stretch
to stretch ( muscles )
to stretch out
to sleep in, to sleep late
faire la grasse matinée