OBJ - Protein: Structural Organization Flashcards
Show the chemistry of peptide bond formation between two amino acid molecules
- covalent bond between COOH Carbob & the Amide N (Residue is attached to the alpha C)
- planar bond - Polypeptde main chain = Highly polar & each unit can H bond as both donor & acceptor
Draw a planar peptide unit and show the rotational freedom allowed around the phi (φ) and psi (φ) angles
- Rigidity in peptide bonds
- planar so no rotation because it’s a partial double bond
**need to balance flexibility & stabitity for proper folding
- Most phi/psi angles conformations are not allowed (Mostly in Trans configuration to avoid steric hindrance/interaction of R groups)
- Rotational Flexibility around alpha carbon
- phi (φ) - the N side it’s attached too
- psi (Y looking thing) - the COOH side it’s attached to
- Stabilized by Noncovalent (big 4) & Covalent (Dislfide bonds) Forces

Define the structural hierarchy of proteins, and describe the covalent and noncovalent forces that stabilize primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures
Structural Heirarchy:
- Primary - peptide bonds between AA
- Primary structure dictates function b/c of AA sequence
- Secondary - H bonds -> local conformations
- Tertiary - disulfide bonds (hydrophobic residues tend to cluster away from aq environment -> interior of Globular proteins - H-phobic -> H bond with each other)
- Quarternary Tertiary/Quart Structure - structure based drug design

Describe the structural features of the two major periodic structures of proteins: α-helix and β-sheet. Differentiate between them with special emphasis on the nature of hydrogen bonding
hydrogen bonds are intra-helical - stay “isolated” to their corkscrew right handed helix i.e. Myoglobin
1 residue = 100 degrees of rotation each turn = 3.6 residues->
n+4 bonding pattern (vertical H bonding stabilizes helix coil -side chains stick out & don’t interfere with helix
hydrogen bonds are prone to inter strand AND inter-sheet bonding can be parllalel/antiparallel/mixture
multiple beta strands make a beta sheet; pleated in nature

Differentiate between parallel and antiparallel β-sheets
Parallel - the Amine terminals are on the same side & the Carboxylic terminals are on the same side
Antiparallel: One Amine terminal is is next to a carboxylic terminal in the sheet PIC

Explain the significance of loop regions and turns in protein structure and function
- Loops: definitive shape due to AA order, but no repeating structures; connect α-helix and β-sheet
- rich in polar & charged residues Hairpin loops/reverse turns = connecting adjacent antiparallel beta sheets
- often found at enzyme active sites/surface of the molecule
- ex: anitbodies -> adds flexibility
Nonrepetivie = Loop/random coil
Repetitive structures -> helix & sheets

Describe why proline is not a good helix former
- the cyclic N in proline can’t H bond creates steric hindrance
- tends to end up as the first turn of the alpha helix, otherwise it gets a significant kinked
- no preference for trans/cis b/c steric hindrance is always there

Describe the molecular basis of prion protein aggregation
Prp-Sc: disease causing form of the protein has same AA composition byt folds differenly instead of alpha helices -> B sheet structure which is very resistant to degradation & aggregates because of the difference in H bonding of the secondary strutures

Identify the main chain carbon atoms, the amino acid side chains, the N-terminal and the C-terminal ends of a given polypeptide
C’s: COOH & alpha C (bound to residue) N terminal - side that ends with unbound amide C terminal - side that ends with unbound COOH
**3 Major types of Proteins
Globular (i.e Hb) Fibrous (i.e. Collagen Membrane Proteins (i.e. cytochrome bc1 complex)