OBGYN Flashcards
What are features of Endometriosis?
Dsypareunia, dysmenorrhea, and dyschezia
Nodular characteristics of anatomy
Mass in GU anatomy; immobile uterus
How to treat endometriosis?
- the pill, GnRH agonist
- Resection
What characterizes cervical insufficiency?
> 2 prior painless, 2nd trimester (14-27 week) pregnancy loss
When is external cephalic version offered?
> = 37 weeks
What is the etiology of stress incontinence in older women?
urethral hypermobility
What age do we perform chlamydia and other STD screening in sexual active female?
women <25 yo
Which contraception cause weight gain?
DMPA or depot medroxyprogeserone acetate
What are SE of copper IUD vs progestin IUD?
copper: heavy bleed and dysmenorrhea
progestin: irregular and amenorrhea
When and how often to do mammogram?
50-75 yo, q 2 year
What differentiate sexual abuse and vaginal foreign bodies in prepubertal girl?
Sexual abuse will have GU trauma.
Both will have vaginal spotting and malodorous discharge
What trimester does HELLP occur?
Associated with HTN, proteinuria, and plt < 100,000
Which cm of cervical dilation is consider active phase? during first stage of labor.
6-10 cm; need >1 cm per 2 hr
If less, then it is is labor protraction.
What to do in labor protraction?
Oxytocin Injection and amniotomy
T score on DXA for osteopenia
-1 to -2.5;
Which contraceptives is best for acute uterine bleeding in pre menopausal women?
combination oral contraceptives with high dose estrogen