Obesity, diabetes, and other endocrine pathophysiology Flashcards
Understand the definitions of normal weight/overweight/obese

Know the common causes of obesity
- Genetic heritage — your parents’ fault
- Enriched food choice — society’s fault
- Reduced physical activity — your fault
- Irregular food intake, even low fat intake several times a day
Understand the mechanisms of eating control

Know the lipid and glucose metabolic disorders in the obese
Increased blood lipids cause insulin resistance, and resulting … Diabetes mellitus (DM) the disease of sweetness
The major categories of the disorders of glycaemia or disorders of glucose tolerance are as follows based on disease aetiology :
- Impaired fasting glucose
- Impaired glucose tolerance
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Other specific types of diabetes
- Gestational diabetes mellitus
Know the myth behind weight loss diets
all the same. calorie matters

Understand the pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and related acute and long term complications

Know the symptoms due to hyperglycaemia
- – Polyuria (Nocturia) excessive urination (at night)
- – Polydipsia excessive thirst
- – Polyphagia excessive appetite
- – Frequent yeast infections (in women)
Know the principles of diabetes treatment

Know the cortisol pattern change and symptoms in patients with
Cushing’s disease

Know the most common causes and classical symptoms of hypo- and hyperthyroidism