Lab Questions Flashcards
Mr Ryan is suffering from benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) what is the most likely cause of BPH. What is the most likely cause of BPH in men like Mr Ryan?

- Testosterone synthese decreases with age due to atrophy (wasting) of the testes.
- This leads to a relative increase in circulating oestrogen which sensitises prostrate receptors to testosterone causing prostate tissue growth.
describe the changes that occur in the prostrate in BPH and the reason for these changes

- BPH: although called hypertrophy, the cells of the prostrate actually increase in NUMBER (Hyperplasia) rather than size (Hypertrophy)
- Nodules form within prostate around the URETHRA
- Progressively occluding it
- Inflammation occurs leading to prostrate enlargement which is revealed on rectal examination

why does BPH predispose to cystitis?
- The prostratic nodules cause partial obstruction of the urethra causing a decrease in urine flow
- Urine is retained in the bladder
- Stagnant urine allows microorganisms to ascend the urethra from the exterior (not being sufficiently flushed out) and then multiply and infect the bladder when they arrive there (as well as infect all along the urethra), leading to cystitis.

describe the mamifestations of BPH that have developed in Mr Ryan. Explain how or why each has occurred:

What is the objective of the TURP Surgery in Mr ryans case?

In the early stages to remove the nodules in later stages to remove the prostrate without damage to the urethra or bladder.
Is there any long term risk to Mr Ryan if TM is ineffective or delayed?
Sufferers of BPH are at a greater risk of prostatic cancer and chronic renal failure