GIS Flashcards


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)




jaundice and hepatitus

Alcohol Liver disease
Cholelithiasis (gallstones)
Acute Pancreatis

Upper Abdominal pain immediately after eating can be seen in patients with?
a) appendicitis
b) stomach ulcer
c) duodenum ulcer
d) acute pancreatitis
e) acute hepatitis
b) stomach ulcer
severe diarrhoea can cause ALKALOSIS. tue/false?
FALSE: severe diarrhoea causes ACIDOSIS
which of following is typical for duodenal ulcer pain?
a) pain normally in left upper quadrant
b) a “pain -food-relief” pattern
c) intense upper right quadrant pain after fatty meal
d) lower abdominal pain
e) pain immediately after eating
A “pain-food-relief” pattern
What is the first line of TM for a patient with IBS?
a) a good diet such as adequate fiber intake from the diet and avoid fat, gas producing food, alcohol caffiene
b) counseling to manage stress
c) anti- inflammatory drug
d) anti-spasmodic drug
e) anti cholinergic drug
counselling to manage stress
alcohol liver disease is due to?
a) direct cell damage by teh virus
b) indirect damage by the body’s immune responses
c) NAD is used up leading to fatty liver disease
d) increased by dietary fat
NAD is used up leading to fatty liver disease
which of following tests is used in determination of liver function in patiet w/ hepatitis?
a) blood urea nitrogen
b) creatine clearance
c) blood AST and ALT levels
d) blood serum amylyse levels
blood AST and ALT levels
helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common risk factors for gastric ulcer disease. true or false?
excessive use of sugar-free chewing gum can lead to?
a) chronic constipation
b) duodenal bleeding
c) osmotic diarrhoea
d) IBS
a) chronic vomitting
osmotic diarrhoea
hematemesis (brown vomitus) and melena (black stool) are suggestive of?
duodenum ulcer
classicle pain pattern in patients with acute pancreatis?
a) severe upper left abdominal pain radiatin to back
b) upper right abdominal pain radiating to shoulder
c) lower abdominal rebounded pain
d) blunt epigastric pain appears after intake of fish and chips
e) blunt epigastric pain appears 1 hour after intake of food
severe upper left abdominal pain pattern in patients with acute pancreatis
if a patient with acute pancreatis shows signs of bruise on lower back area after his admission, he is very likely to have?
a) inflammed gall bladder as well
b) inflamed liver as wll
c) internal bleeding
d) IBS
e) acute appendicitis
internal bleedings
Jaundice patients with hepititis is due to?
a) increased serum ammonia
b) increased serum bilirubin
c) increase serum albumin
d) increased bile flow
e) increased bile production
increased serum bilirubin
repeated vomiting can cause alkalosis. True or false?
true beans
your patient complains about ongoing discomfort in her right upper abdominal area. This situation gets worse when she eats fish and chips. Which of following is most likely to be associated with this symptom?
a) duodenum ulcer
b) acute pancreatis
c) gastric ulcer
d) gall bladder disease
gall bladder disease
causes vomitting
Blood born drug and toxins: dirty food in gut, alcohol overdose
Tibular apparatus: motion sickness
effects of diarrhoea
GIT motility increases by:
Osmotic effect of luminal contents: increase water retaining subs (ex. Fat, s, DF etc)
IRRITANTS IN FOOD, inflammation, microbial growth/ toxin in bacteria
Vomitting= dehydration
Effects occur quicker and more severly in children
Fluid replacement
Diet: Starch, simple proteins
Opium like drugs
causes of constipation
GIT motility decreaseà increase contact time of contents in lumen of colon à increase ABS water and ions à hard stools
Inadequate fibre intake- water retaining subs
Weakened abdominal muscles : IA, BR, P
GIT motility decreaseà increase contact time of contents in lumen of colon à increase ABS water and ions à hard stools
Inadequate fibre intake- water retaining subs
Weakened abdominal muscles : IA, BR, P
symptom # 5 of D ulcer
Bleeding from DU- HEMATEMISIS, melena
Jaundice factors
Prehepatic F: disorders causing excess harmolysis of RBD
Intrahepatic factor: impaird hepatocyte function in Bilirubin uptake and conjugated bilirubin
Posthepatic factor: primarily involve blockage in bile flow ( gall stones)
Hep A 3 stages
PRODOMA (abrupt, insidious) = Fatigue, severe anorexia, ABDOMINAL PAIN MILD RIGHT SIDE, chills, muscle, joint pain, (N, V, D/C), poss od distaste for smoking in smokers
Jaundice: severe pruritis and liver tenderness, increase bilirubin and jaundice
CONVALESCENT: increased sense of well being, decreased jaundice etc
cholelithiasis cholesterol
Cholesterol: common
RF: Obesity, Middle age, Female starvation, skipping BF, RW/L
Bile supersaturated with cholesterol forms microstones which aggregrate
symptoms gall stones
Accompanied by CHOLECYSTITIS: inflammation of gall bladder
Abdominal pain from inflammation
Mild irradiation to right shoulder
Subscap region
Upper back
TM gallstone
History B U.sound
Antibiotics: reduce pain
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Cause of Acute Pan
fatty food, alcohol, gallstone
autodigestion of pancreas
Severe upper left abdominal pain, radiating to back
FNA : fever, nausea vomiting
Prod. Large volu of exudate into abdom cavity à hypovolemiaà dec. BP
Damage to other organs: lungs, kidneys heart, multiorgan failureà death
diagnosis of Acute panc
LAB; elevated serum amylase and lipase
CT scan
TM for acute pan
Fasting (incl fluids) pancreas rest
IV fluids, electrolytes, colloid solutions, nutrition