OB - Socialism Flashcards
socialism views on state
-compared to liberals socialists generally see a much greater role for the state, engineering more equal society and managing the harmful effects of capitalism
revolutionary socialism
-the state must be overthrown because it exists to support the ruling class
-dictatorship of the proletariat= worker seize the state apparatus
evolutionary socialism
-the inevitability of gradualism, universal suffrage makes peaceful change possible
social democracy
-not all industries benefit from public ownership
-state should run services of such high quality that there is no differneve with private
the third way
- state should act. as a market state, facilitating growth keeping uk competitive
Marx and Engels 1818-83
-father of socialism
-revolutionairy socialist
- communist manifesto 1848 (wrote in eng as it was a liberal country
Marx view on human nature
- hn had been contaminated by capitalism, which encouraged greed and selfishness
-capitalism had instilled a false consciousness in mankind
Marx view on economy
- create a new non-capitalist economic system that would revive coopartive
-rejected liberal view that capitalism promotes prosperity
Marx view on society
- capitalism created two conflicted economic classes, bourgeoisie and proletariat
-exploitation of the proletariat
-capitalist societies would eventually be overthrown ‘historically inevitable
Marx view on state
- state would always serve the interests of whichever class controlled the economy
-revolution was not inevitable but essential and a dictator ship of the proletariat would arise eventually withering away
beatrice webb 1858-1943
-democratic socialist
-scramlbe for africa 1890’s
-inevitability of gradualism
webb views on socialism
-capitalism was the principle cause of crippling poverty and inequality, corrupting force for humanity
-effective reform needs to be gradual rather than revolutionary
Webbs views on state
- poverty and inequality were to be eliminated through vigorous trade unionism and extensive state intervention
-argued for a welfare state after being on a royal commission
Rosa Luxembourg 1871-1919
-democratic + revolutionary socialist
-ww1/2,(opposed ww1) franco Prussian war
-reform or revolution 1900
-only revolution could create real change
Luxemburg views on economy
-accpeted marxs argument that capitalism promoted exploitation
luxemburg view on society
- revolution arised spontaneously after class consciousness had gradually been brought about
Luxembourg view on state
-didnt agree with dictatorship of the proletariat instead a new democracy underpinned by common ownership open debate and elections
Anthony Crosland 1918-77
-labour MP
-the future of socialism 1956
-Great Depression ww2 Cold War
crosland view on state
-public ownership had gone far enough, never the aim of socialism
-stable government means a welfare state could arise
-should be a mix of public and private ownership
-argued for a new form of state education, comprehensive education which would break down class divisions
crosland view on society
-true objective of socialism was equality
crosland view on economics
-capitalism can be good eg in a managed capitalist economy
-capitatlism had changed forever due to Keynesian principles
Anthony giddens 1938-
-the third way
-ww2 post war consensus
-beyond left and right 1994
giddens view on economy
-corrosive effects of capitalism
-capitalism is irreversible
-I don’t care if people get fillthy rich as long as they pay their taxes- Peter mandelson
-capitalism was liberating for individuals
giddens view on state
- less intervention in the economy
-invest heavily In infrastructure eg public services