OB - Conservatism Flashcards
principles of conservatism
-maintaining the status quo
-changing to conserve
Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679
-wrote during eng civil war
-leviathan 1651( why one should obey gov authority)
-hated violence
Hobbes view on society
-sceptical view on human nature ( it was needy and vulnerable likely to commit destructive acts), would be governed by ruthless self-interest, human life the state of nature was NASTY BRUTISH AND SHORT
HOBBES view on state
- ‘natural chaos’ stemmed from the absence of no formal authority
- state has to be in full control to see any progress
-reason for the state was for order and security
-social contract= as citizens you obey the leader as long as its in your best interest
-put up with state and don’t rebell unless threatened with life
Edmunde Burke 1729-97
-strongly opposed French Revolution as it disgregarded history and tradition
-radical whig mp
-father of conservatism
-against rationality + logic
-reflections on the revolution in France 1790
-change was necessary to conserve, but change should proceed on the basis of fact and experience (empiricism and tradition)
burkes view on economy
-in favour of capitalism and Adam smiths call for free trade
burkes view on society/ human nature
-human imperfection, tendency to fail more than it succeeds
-‘crooked timber of humanity’
burkes views on state
- in all organic societies a ruling class was inevitable and desirable , however this class had a clear obligation to govern in interests of all
-doesnt like centralised state needed ‘little platoons’ eg small gov/local authorities
Michael oakeshott 1901-90
-ww1/2 Cold War
-on being conservative 1962
-tries to make conservatism seem more optimistic
oaksuott view on society
-most men and women were fallible but not terrible
-humanity was still able to score both pleasure and improvement through everyday life
oakshott view on state
-state existed to prevent the bad rather than create good
- Govs job is to keep the ship afloat at all costs with no destination
Ayn Rand 1905-82
-new right thinker
-atlas shrugged 1957
rand views on society
- talented individuals rather than ambitious governments lay at the heart of any successful society
-objectivism= we should all he guided by self interest
-defended individuals ‘right to choose’ in areas of homosexuality or aborition
rand views on economy
-defended free markets
rand views on state
-need a small state
-liberty was impossible without order and security which only a state can provide
Robert Nozick 1931-2002
-post war consensus + Cold War
-new right thinker
-anarchy state and utopia 1974
-slightly liberal
nozick view on state
-growth of government was the gravest contemporary threat to individual freedom
-growth of welfare states in Western Europe fostered a dependancy culture
-MINARCHIST STATE, one that went through privatisation (SO HE NOT A FULL ANARCHIST)
-formal authority enforcing laws
nizick view on society
- individual should be left alone not just in economic terms but also in social spheres
-relaxed views on abortion divorce and gay
-optimistic view on human nature but some people will do you over
-society predates the state
nozick view on economy
-tax for the most part is theft
-free market capitalism