OAP - Cornea 1: Shape & Curvature - Topic 4 Flashcards
Describe the shape of the cornea
- Cornea is the transparent structure overlaying the iris
- Cornea transmits 95% of light hitting it
• Protective • Avascular • Highly sensitive
Explain why the cornea is the main
refractive structure of the eye
• Transparent • Transmits light • Powerful refractive medium • High optical power • Shape and topography of cornea is essential • Difference in refractive indices
How important is the cornea as
a refractive medium?
Most (75%) of the refractive power in the eye comes from the cornea • Cornea optical power = 45D • Lens optical power = 15D
Cornea is composed of 5 layers?
From anterior to posterior the layers of the cornea are:
- Epithelium
- Bowman’s layer
- Stroma
- Descemet’s membrane
- Endothelium
Describe the purpose of the stratified corneal epithelium
- Barrier function and protection
- protective against chemical and mechanical damage, and water loss
-Together with the tear film, provides optically smooth front surface to cornea
How does the anatomy and physiology of the corneal epithelium relate to its purpose?
5-7 cells thick - protection
- Epithelial layer is thicker in the periphery of cornea (near limbus)
Cell Junctions - protection
Stratified non-keratinised epithelium - smooth
Explain how the (corneal) epithelium renews itself.
What are Basal cells and what are its functions?
- A single layer of columnar cells
- Basal surface attaches to basement membrane (secreted by the basal cells)
- Mitotic layer of cells (REGENeration occurs here)
What is the function of the Limbal stem cells?
- a.k.a corneal epithelial stem cells
- Limbal stem cell proliferation has the role of maintaining the cornea; for example, by replacing cells that are lost via tears.
Explain how the epithelium renews itself
1) Basal cells transform into wing cells
2) Senescence (deterioration with age)
3) Wing cells transform into squamous cells
4) Shedding,
1. Shed in tear film
2. Apoptosis
5) Proliferation
- Basal
- Limbal Stem cells