AVPS - Opthalmoscopy II - Topic 5 Flashcards
What is the red free filter?
Blocks red light.
What are the functions of the red-free filter?
- Enhances visibility of retinal blood. vessels/haemorrhages
* Can also help in C:D ratio assessment (see later) and to identify nerve fibre layer (NFL) dropout, a sign of glaucoma
What is the Blue filter?
Used in fluorescein angiography, an imaging technique used particularly in patients with diabetes/AMD
What is the function of the blue filter?
Can enhance reflectivity of optic disc drusen
What is the Graticule, on the aperture wheel, used for?
- Used to determine relative size and position of fundus features.
- Can also be used in assessment of eccentric fixation/steadiness of fixation
What is the Slit, on the aperture wheel, used for?
•Helps assess the depth of structures.
What is the fundus of the eye?
is the inside, back surface of the eye. It is made up of the retina, macula, optic disc, fovea and blood vessels.
What is the systematic examination for Posterior Eye examination?
- Media.
- Optic Nerve Head.
- Vascular Arcades/Blood Vessels.
- Peripheral Retina.
- Macula.
What are the advantages of using opthalmoscope for posterior eye examination?
◦Portable/hand-held – can be used for domiciliary visits.
◦Relatively simple to perform.◦Useful when slit lamp cannot be used.
◦Image degradation can give an idea of visual dysfunction for patient caused by cataract.
◦Direct view so retina appears in actual orientation – image is erect, non-reversed.
◦Moderate to high magnification for posterior eye examination(15x for an emmetrope).
◦Can use lens rack power as estimate of spherical refractive error
What are the limitations of using Opthalmoscope for examining posterior eye?
◦Monocular view – no stereopsis, i.e. hard to assess depth.
◦Small FOV (approx. 5°) – may require pupil dilation for adequate view.
◦Poor view through media opacities, e.g. cataract.
◦Short working distance – can be uncomfortable for patient and practitioner.
◦Patient’s refractive error can have a big effect on magnification/FOV – high myopes -> high magnification, small FOV and vice versa.
◦Poor for viewing anterior eye – other methods should be used unless absolutely no choice.
◦Can lead to back/strain problems over longer term.
◦Difficult to assess changes in colour.
◦Can’t see very far into the periphery (can’t see past equator).
◦Time consuming/difficult to assess entire fundus in detail
Why do we use the largest beam if possible?
– more light = easier to view structures
What is emmetropia?
- term used to describe a person’s vision when absolutely no refractive error or de-focus exists.
- Your vision is normal and you can see clearly at all distances and do not require glasses.
For macula, what aperture do you use on the opthalmoscope?
Small aperture
For the general posterior eye, which aperture do you use for the opthalmoscope?
Use medium aperture
What is the function of the lens rack?
- Will alter refraction of light rays
- Will make light focus on both retina’s