OA lecture 3- Jasmine Flashcards
Discuss the biological impacts of ocean acidification on a range of organisms- under local pH
Organisms modify the biochemistry of their immediate environment, through their behaviour (e.g., burrow irrigation)
What are the non- biological impacts of ocean acidification on a range of organisms- under natural variability in pH
Modification of water column chemistry
Net carbon production & calcification
Photosynthesis & respiration
the biological impacts of ocean acidification on a range of organisms- under short term increase in CO2
Cinema… short term exposure is not a problem- no effect had long term.
how does adult exposure to high Co2 influecne offspring response?
Larvae from wild oysters lower survival under high CO2 irrespective of adult conditioning
Rate of development to umbonate larvae (9 days) and eyed larvae (19 days) sign. reduced under high CO2 and when adults were exposed
Growth sign. reduced under high CO2 and with adult exposure
Selective breeding had positive carry-over effects on larvae
when larvae were bred in high CO2 Vs unxposed larvae, what was the outcome? oysters
Overall, selectively bred larvae more resilient than wild larvae
Capacity to acclimate or adapt to elevated CO2
how does the community structure appear in a vent area compared to a non-vent area?
vent: less diverse + complex
non-vent: Highly diverse & structurally complex ie. coral reef
- shell dissolution
- remain growing
- skeletal dissolution
- no dissolution
if molluscs have different responses to climate pressures why is this? in OA
shell strucure- ie. groves, divits etc and SA
- organic layers which protect the shells or skeletons
why might some specie thrive in a changing climate with higher light intensity?
i.e. seagrass= bigger seeds
if organisms are continually exposed to naturally changing environmental conditions, why are they responding so much?
it is the rate of change and the shifting baseline that is the problem
what traits do Anticipated levels of ocean acidification have the potential to affect
morphological, physiological and behavioural traits
what are the downfalls of knowledge largely being lab-based and thus short term experiments?
Little incorporation of acclimation or adaptation
Long-term effects may be different to what short-term experiments suggest
the ability to acclimatize in each organism is…
species specific
give examples of some organisms can resist, whilst others may even thrive under high CO2 conditions
., those with protective organic layers or those relying on photosynthesis to meet their energy demands