O's in Glossary Flashcards
object permanence
the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived
observational learning
learning by observing others
a disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts and/or actions
occipital lobe
portion of the cerebral cortex lying at the back of the head; include areas that receive info from the visual field
oedipus complex
a boy’s sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father
one-word stage
the stage in speech development, from about age 1 to 2, during which a child speaks mostly in single words
operant behavior
behavior that operates on the environment, producing consequences
operant chamber
a chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a food or water reinforcer
operational definition
a statement of the procedures used to define research variables
opium and its derivatives; they depress neural activity, temporally lessening pain and anxiety
opponent-process theory
the theory that opposing retinal processes enable color vision
optic nerve
the nerve that carries neural impulses from the eye to the brain
organizational psychology
a subfield of I/O psychology that examines organizational influences on worker satisfaction and productivity and facilitates organizational change
other-race effect
the tendency to recall face of one’s own race more accurately than faces of other races
“them” – those perceived as different or apart from our ingroup