O+G 3 Flashcards
Mx of urge incontinence surgically?
Before surgical consideration - do urodynamic studies
1st = Botulinium toxin type A injection (carries risk of temp urinary retention)
Percutaneous sacral nerve stimulation if overactive bladder doesnt respond to bot tox a / not willing to self catheterise
What is colposuspension used to treat?
Stress urinary incontinence (elevates bladder and anchoring to coopers ligament)
Punctuate haemorrhages in speculum?
Trichomonas vaginalis
…………. presents with massive postpartum haemorrhage, severe abdominal pain and
examination will find a uterine fundus that is not palpable abdominally
Uterine inversion
Antenatal steroid administration?
2 x dexamethasone - 24hr apart
What are the signs of MgSO4 toxiciity?
Resp depression - IMPORTANT TO MONITOR
Loss of deep tendon reflexes
Reversal of MgSO4 tox?
10 10 calcium gluconate
Stages of delivery?
Descent Engagement Flexion Internal rotation Extension Crowning External rotation Delivery of shoulders + body
FIGO staging?
1 - Uterus only
2 - Connective tissue of cervix but not outside uterus
3 - Beyond uterus and cervix but not beyound pelvis
4 - Beyond pelvis
Mx of genital herpes in pregnancy?
w/in 6w of delivery = oral aciclovir should be started immediately and should
continue until delivery + recommend planned c-section
1st / 2nd trimester = oral aciclovir from 36w and expectant vaginal delivery
Main side effect to warn about re implant contraceptive?
Irregular periods
What does this describe Common condition characterised by the presence of excoriated papules on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, abdomen, and shoulders?
Purigo of pregnancy
What does this describe?
It is a rare pruritic autoimmune disorder
characterised by the presence of blisters that begin on the abdomen and become widespread
Pemphigoid gestation
What causes linea nigra?
Thought to occur due to an increase in melanocyte-stimulating hormone produced by the placenta
Mx of shoulder dystocia?
Call for help!
Suprapubic pressure
Internal rotational manourvres (rubin, wood screw etc)
Place on all 4s + repeat manouvres
Last resort = symphisiotomy, cleideotomy or Zavenelli