O&G Flashcards
How manage an OP head presentation
Likely will spontanoeusly rotate however if needs rotating after long labour ideally use kielland forceps
What is sign on examination of cocaine use causing placental abruption
Dilated pupils
What give for hypermagnesaemia in after mag sulph
Calcium gluconate
How are ovarian masses managed
Assess on TVUSS whether any M features of cysts
If any M features then refer under 2WW
- under 50mm then can rescan in 3 months
- 50-70mm rescan in a years time
- over 70mm consider MRI or surgery
What do if premenopausal woman has an ovarian mass with any complex features of mass
Refer to gynae oncology and measure AFP, LDH and HCG
When refer for RFM
24 weeks
How long after a medical termination of pregnancy is pregnancy test expected to be positive
4 weeks- if longer suggests trophoblastic disease or retained products of conception
Causes of cervical tenderness
What are sections to abortion act
2 doctors in good faith agree
A- continuing would risk life of pregnant woman
B- necessary to prevent grave physical or mental health risk of mother
C- pregnancy not exceeded 24 weeks and continuance would involve risk of injury to physical or mental health of mother
D- not exceedd 24 weeks and would involve risk to mental/physical health of existing children
E- born handicapped
Before 9+0 weeks what are options with regards to medical abortion options
Can do mifepristone and misoprostol at same time or with interval
- bleeding worse with together
- more likely to fail if together
Difference in prep for surgical abortion
All doxycycline 3 days, LMWH for 7 days and anti-D if Rh negative over 10 weeks
Before 14 weeks= oral misoprostol 1 hour before or sublingual misoprostol
14-19 weeks= osmotic dilators or vaginal misoprostol
19-23+6 weeks= osmotic dialtors and mifepristone both the day before
When is pregnancy test given post abortion
Medical up to 10+0 weeks
Is a multilevel pregnancy test which can measure HCG levels
Management of vaginal bleeding pre 6 weeks pregnant
Send home if no previous ectopic
Ask to do pregnancy test in 7 days
Return if positive or still bleeding or pain develops
If negative likely will have miscarried
What to do about anti-epileptics when breastfeeding
Any are fine except barbiturates
What type of C-section do if breech noticed whilst in labour
Category 2 C-section
What is regime for intrapartum antibiotics for GBS
Given at start then at 4 hourly intervals
When can COCP be started postnatally
3 weeks if not breastfeeding
6 weeks if are
How treat UTI if breastfeeding
What is combined test result for edwards
Low oestriol and HCG
If have been detected as having GBS in pregnancy what is management post natally
Stay in hospital for 24 hours to monitor
If woman comes in with menorrhagia, what may prompt to do hysteroscopy or TVUSS
- persistent intermenstrual bleeding
- dysmenorrhoea
- bulky uterus
What is synctocinon vs synctometrine
Synctocinon= oxytocin
Synctometrine= synctocinon and ergometrine
What can iliac fossa pain with onset with exercise suggest
Ruptured ovarian cyst
Ovarian torsion
If has laparoscopy which is unremarkable but dye studies show blocked tubes, what is diagnosis
PID as endometriosis would appear on laparoscopy
What is other name for balloon catheter used in PPH
Bakri catheter
When when going from Cu IUD to COCP what extra contraception needed
In first 5 days do not need condoms
If any other times barriers for 7 days
When should ubilical hernias be referred
2 years
How assess viable intrauterine pregnancy on TVUSS
First assess if heartbeat
If is not, see if foetal pole
If there is measure CRL
If not measure gestational sac
If have done USS and shown no heartbeat but is a foetal pole, how interpret CRL
- Over 7mm then miscarriage likely so check with someone for viability or return in 7 days to rescan
- If under 7mm repeat in 7 days
Abdo USS
- record CRL and repeat in 14 days
If no foetal pole how assess gestational sac
- if over 25mm then check viability with someone or rescanin 7 days
- if under repeat in 7 days
Abdo USS
- record length and repeat in 14 days
How is pseudosac excluded
Presence of eccentrically located hypoechoic structure with a double decidual sign
How to manage pregnancy of unknown location
Take HCG 48 hours apart
If increase over 63% then intrauterine- USS in 7-14 days to confirm
If greater than 50% decrease do pregnancy test in 2 weeks - return if positive
If between 50 decrease and 63% increase come back in 24 hours for full review by early pregnancy
Management of threatened miscarriage
Tell them that if bleeding still there in 14 days return or gets worse return
If disappears continue with antenatal care
If history of miscarriage give vaginal progesterone until week 16
When do pregnancy test in medical miscarriage management
3 weeks
If positive return
if negative is complete
How does expectant management of ectopic work
Measure HCG at day 2, 4 and 7
Looking for fall of over 15%
If after day 7 still decreasing repeat weekly
If not a decrease of over 15% at any time then reassess
A 16-year-old girl attends accident and emergency complaining of mild vaginal spotting. Her serum beta hCG is 4016mIU/mL. She is complaining of severe left iliac fossa pain and stabbing sensations in her shoulder tip but are stable. Next investigation
Woman with twin pregnancy has really bad abdominal pain
Ruptured cyst
Management of bleeding post termination bleeding
If well do bloods to check if inflammatory response
If unwell A-E and TVUSS to look for retained products of conception
What is the crown rump length
The distance between top of head to most inferior part/ bottom of their buttocks
What increases cardiac output in pregnancy
Increase HR
Increase stroke volume
Acute presentation of sheehans syndrome
Headache and visual defect
What is difference between anterior and posterior tongue tie
Both are due to short frenulums
Can either be at the back or front
If cant see frenulum then likely problem is posterior
Which NSAID give when breastfeeding
What do when depression a clear focus in menopause history
What is given intraoperatively in hysterectomy to precent infection
Management of nipple cracks
Advise to keep expressing milk but avoid feeding until heals
Management of vulvodynia
Classification of prolapses
1- cervix 1cm above hymen
2- cervix between 1cm above and 1cm below hymen
3- cervix reaches introitus
4- cervix extends out of introitus
When are CTGs used in labour
High risk
- DM
Severe LIF pain with fever in post menopausal woman
Loin pain, tenderness and unwell in pregnant woman
Pyelonephritis- treat with cefalexin
Lung changes in pregnancy
Increased tidal volume
Increased minute ventilation
Gives feeling of breathlessness
Severe mittelschmerz presentation
Abdo pain
Fluid in pouch of douglas
If post subfertility screen, hormones, semen and STI screen negatove what do
If suspected underlying disease like endometriosis then laparoscopy and dye
If unclear do hysterosalpingography
What is in foetal hydantoin syndrome
Hypoplastic nails
Cleft lip/palate
Limb problems
What are haematometra and haematocolpos
Blood in uterus and cervix respectively
Features of congenital syphilis
Blood stained rhinitis
Hitchinson teeth- small widely spaced teeth
Saddle nose deformity
Anterior bowing of shins
Symmetrical knee swelling
Perisoteal reactions
What are more common in a 20smt old cervical polyps or cancer
How can BMI affect HRT administration method
If over 30 use dermal
What is risk of using nitrofurantoin near term
Neonatal haemolysis
Analogous male cells of granulosa and theca cells
Granulosa- sertoli
Theca- leydig
How can atrophic vaginitis present
Urinary like stress incontinence
Vaginal bleeding
Where does ovarian pain get referred
Peri umbilical area
Medications which cause stress incontinece
Alpha blockers like doxazoxin
When during pregnancy do diabetics get their retinal screening
24-28 weeks
What is it when have irregular bleeding in first few years after menarche
ANNOVULATORY dysfunctional uterine bleeding
How often is ECV successful
When consider third line options for shoulder dystocia
After 5 minutes
What does active management involve
Synctocinon after delivery of anterior shoulder
EARLY clamping and cutting of cord, over 1 minute after delivery but less then 5 minutes
Controlled cord traction after signs of placental separation
If has chosen an induction of labour with intrauterine death what does management depend on
If any bleeding, infection or ruptured membranes then c-section or induction
For all other women offer induction, expectant or C-section
If uterine scar with induction then must use mechanical options
If no scar then use mifepristone then misoprostol
What prompts constant CTG usage
New onset bleeding
Temp above 38 or suspected infection
Oxytocin use
Presence of meconium
If have given vaginal prostaglandin what do next
Reassess in 6 hours
If bishops score under 7 give again
What type of drug is carboprost vs ergometrine
Carboprost- oxytocin analogue
Ergometrine- alpha blocker
What analgesia used if epidural contraindicated
In episiotomy what muscle are you trying to avoid
Ischiocavernous as involved in sexual function
When consider vaginal delivery in chord prolapse
Cervix fully dilated and head engaged
Must use forceps
How are the anterior and posterior fontanelles described
Anterior- diamond
Posterior- Y
What is Mazzanti technique
When pressure applied on abdomen to help with McRoberts
With SROM what is management
Sterile speculum exam or obtain a sample of liquor to test
Offer IOL or expectant management until 24 hours
Shock out of proportion to bleeding and pain postnatally
Uterine inversion due to pulling on the round ligament which can cause vagal stimulation
MOA of nifedipine, atosiban and terbutaline
Nifedipine- CCB
Atosiban- oxytocin antagonist
Terbutaline- beta 2 agonist
Tests for PPROM
Alpha microglobulin-1
Insulin like globulin binding protein-1
What cervical length suggests preterm labour imminent
Under 15mm
What is cutoff fibronectin to indicate imminent labour
Over 50 suggests labour likely within 48 hours
Generally at what point should women be admitted when theyve started contracting
When cervix reaches 4cm dilated or contraactions every 5 minutes
How is vasa praevia best diagnosed
Trans vaginal and abdominal USS with colour doppler imaging
What is management of vasa praevia when identified pre rupture of membranes
Consider permanent hospitalisation from 32 weeks
Give steroids from 32 weeks
Aim for elective C-section 34-36 weeks
Dose of vitamin D in pregnancy
Should take 10mcg/day
Who should have an OGTT based on identification at booking
People with family history of DM
Previous baby over 4.5kg
BMI over 30
Ethnicity with high DM prevalence
Previous GDM (has OGTT straight away)
Management of pre-existing DM
Ensure low BMI
Good exercise and diet
Folic acid until end of first trimester
Stop all hypoglycaemics except insulin and metformin
Screen for renal and retinal damage within first 3 months
If opt in for congenital syndrome screening what are options
If book early then offered between 11 and 13+6 weeks the COMBINED test
Between 14+2 and 20+0 offered QUADRUPLE test
What do at 16 week visit
Discuss results of blood tests
- infections
- autoantibodies
- rhesus D
- Hb and folate etc
Treat Hb
Offer vaccinations
- pertussis
- influenza ideally in Oct-jan
Discuss mid-pregnnacy scan
When are second blood taken in pregnancy
28 weeks
From when in pregnancy is anti-d required for miscarriage or PV bleeding
From 12 weeks for miscarriage
Post natal management of rhesus negative mothers
Cord blood taken and coombs test done
Give anti-D
What are causes of high vs low AFP
- pataus
- gastro wall defects
- multiple pregnancy
- maternal DM
- downs
- edwards
When monitor TFTs if hypothyroid and pregnant
2 weeks after a dose change
Once a trimester
Risks of using NSAIDs in pregnancy
Premature closure of DA