Buzzwords Flashcards
Differentiating the beta haemolytic strep species
Optochin sensitivity
- strep pneumonia= sensitive
- strep viridans= resistant
Virus causing clumsiness, weakness, vision changes in “recent transplant”
Illness in person who had “transfusion long time ago”
Hep C
Ischaemic tongue
Giant cell arteritis
Pneumonia in COPD patients
Haemophilus influenzae
Blanching rash, which looks like “islands of white in sea of red” in recovery phase
Most common helminth
Fungal infection of lung in AIDS patients
Antifungal causing nephrotoxicity
Pneumonia after travelling from abroad (Mexico)
GI infection after Canned and vacuumed foods
Clostridium botulinum
GI infection after eat refrigerated food (especially sandwiches)
GI infection after sushi (undercooked seafood)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
GI infection with foul-smelling diarrhoae
GI infection causing cellulitis in shellfish handlers
Vibrio vulnificus
Protozoal GI infection from swimming pools
Cryptosporidium parvum
Protozoal GI infection diagnosed using string test
Giardia lamblia
Returned from Mediterranean with undulant fever
Ulcerating papule, with necrotic centre. Gram +ve rods, responds to penicillin
Most common Hepatitis in IVDU
UTI always associated with functional/anatomical abnormalities of the renal tract
causes haemorrhagic cystitis in children
Gram +ve cocci in chains, which grew on MacConkey plate and was aesculin-positive. Resistant to the conventional anti-streptococcal antibiotics.
Seen in burns victims. Gram -ve bacilli that produced a green pigment
Schuffner’s Dots seen in thin blood film
Plasmodium vivax and ovale
Maurer’s Clefts seen in thin blood film
Plasmodium falciparum
Used to treat contacts of meningococcal
What do beta lactams bind to
Cause of erysipelas
Group A strep
Malaria drug against organisms in blood
Malaria drug against organisms in liver
Fundoscopy: retina looks like “pizza pie”
Treatment of Hep E
Diagnosis toxoplasmosis in pregnancy
T. gondii DNA in amniotic fluid (PCR)
Assay used for fungi serology
βD Glucan Assay
Milky urethral discharge in man
Stain used for H. pylori
Viral thymidine kinase converts aciclovir to what?
Aciclovir monophosphate
STI presents as a shallow painful ulcer, sometimes progressing to a lymphadenopathy
Costochondral swelling
Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica
Hypercalcaemia – get brown tumours in bone
Jigsaw/mosaic pattern in bone
Paget’s Disease
Eruptive xanthomas
Primary Hypertriglyceridaemia
Non-Islet Cell Tumour secrete which hormone, causing hypoglycaemia
IGF-2 (binds to insulin receptors, acting like insulin)
Which drug cannot be found in hair?
Half-life of albumin
20 days
Colourless urine gets oxidised to purple before reaches the lab
Porphyria with blistering on backs of hands
Hereditary Coproporphyria (HCP)
Polysplenia and situs inversus
Biliary atresia
Frontal bossing in kids
23 year old who has just started penicillin. Presents with confusion, weakness and seizures. Pale, bruised and breathing deeply
45 year old female with swelling ankles and abdomen. Urine dipstick +++ protein, no blood. Microscope shows thichening of GBM
Membranous glomerulonephritis
25yo male sees blood in urine. Microscope shows mesangial cell proliferation
Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
Side effect of medication: prolonged PR interval
First-line test when screening for metabolic diseases
Amino acids (urine and plasma)
Cause of episodic diarrhoea in long-term diabetic
Autonomic neuropathy
Illegal drug which increases CK
Ecstasy as can cause rhabdomyolysis
Propylthiouracil (PTU) inhibits this
Thyroid peroxidase
Severe hypoglycaemia (symptoms worse after exercise) with sudden weight gain
Immune deposits on the outside of GBM showing “spike and dome” pattern
Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Cushingoid, but pituitary and adrenals are normal. Heavy drinker
Pseudo-Cushings = caused by alcoholic liver disease and psych conditions
Decreased faecal elastase
Pancreatic Insufficiency
This converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1
Main cause of drug-induced cholestasis
Rosette Cells
Liver biopsy shows nodular hepatocyte with collagen cuff around it
Liver with lots of nodules
What is interface hepatits
Interface hepatitis = can’t see where hepatocytes end and portal tract begins = T cell destruction of hepatocytes
Pericellular fibrosis around hepatocytes
Alcoholic hepatitis
Chocolate brown liver
Liver disease with increased gamma globulin
IBD: Crypt abscess
Lip and mouth complications of Crohn’s
Cheilitis = inflammation of lips (look dry and cracked)
Stomatitis = mouth ulcers
Brain tumour with long history of neuro signs/seizures
Whorl pattern (spirals) on brain biopsy
Medulloblastoma expresses this neuronal marker
Skin disease with hyperkeratosis
Contact Dermatitis (epidermis thicker after scratching)
Skin lesion with smooth surface, non-mobile, central punctum
Sebaceous Cyst
Weird horns growing on skin
Skin viral infection which causes target lesions
Pityriasis Rosea = HHV6/7 (get URTI before rash)
Lung disease with Curschmann’s Spiral
Lung infection which does not have consolidation on CXR, but shows patchy changes. Terminal event which kills off old person
Breast lump which shows 3D cluster of cells on biopsy
Intraductal papilloma
Palpable spleen with notch, and microscopic haematuria
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Positive CLO test
Duodenal ulcer
A jejunal biopsy showed periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive macrophages
Whipples disease
Constipated with abdo pain that is relieved by pooing
Diverticular Disease
Cauliflower-like mass covered by dysplastic columnar epithelium in the rectum
Villous adenoma
Old man with palpable mass in right loin, and hypercalcaemia
Renal Cell Carcinoma- get humoral hypercalcaemia of malignancy from PTHrP release
Largest ovarian neoplasm
Mucinous Tumour
Painful ulceration of the vulval skin. Intraepithelial blisters, intranuclear viral inclusions and eosinophilic cytoplasmic swelling
Pap smear taken from a chronic granulomatous ulcer shows a necrotic centre, periarteritis and endarteritis obliterans and an intense peripheral cellular infiltrate consisting mainly of mononuclear cells and giant cells
H. Pylori affects which part of the stomach the most?
Red cell casts in urine
Pepper pot skull
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Raindrop skull
Multifocal breast lumps in young person
Lobular carcinoma
Tender bump, but contains inflammatory cells and proteinaceous debris only. A few weeks after giving birth
Duct ectasia
Firm breast lump – histology: long clefts with myxoid cellular stroma
Phyllodes tumour
Biliary brush cytology shows cellular discohesion and a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
Pins and needles in legs in osteoporosis
Vertebral collapse
Vitamin deficiency causing dry skin, dry eyes
Vit A
Ca 15-3 tumour marker
Symmetrical, erythematous lesions – with “central clearing”, and some have overlying vesicles/bullae
Erythema multiforme (Type IV Hypersensitivity)
Pancreatic cancer found in tail of pancreas
Composition of radiolucent gallstones
This disease predisposes to pilocytic astrocytoma
This makes CSF
Choroid plexus
Causes Tau -ve Pick’s Disease
Progranulin mutation
What do if CTG comes back normal that was started because of concerns from intermittent auscultation
Stop CTG and proceed with usual care
What do if CTG classified as suspicous
Assess whether there are other concerning risks like meconeum, sepsis or slow progress
- if not continue and assess hourly
- if so then consider underlying causes and conservative measures, fetal scalp stimulation or expediting delivery
What do if CTG classified as pathological
1- exclude acute events like prolapse, abruption or uterine rupture
- get full set of obs
2- consider conservaive measures
3- if these unsuccessful then consider expediting
What do with prolonged acute bradycardia
Expedite if over 9 minutes
Can use less time if significant other factors
What are conservative measures for CTG management
Assess maternal position- encourage to mobilise
Hypotension- if mother hypotensive or signs of sepsis give fluids. If from epidural top up- lay on left lateral position and give fluids
Contraction frequency- reduce oxytocin or offer subcut tubertaline
What causes foetal tachycardia
Maternal pyrexia
What causes foetal bradycardia
Fetal distress
Congenital HB
Beta blockers
What causes loss of baseline variability
Prematurity, hypoxia
What causes late foetal decelerations
Indicates fetal distress e.g. asphyxia or placental insufficiency
What does variable decelerations suggest
May indicate cord compression
Stain for reticulocytes
Methylene blue
What are smear cells
fragile cells which open up = purple splodges
Tear drop cell and macrocytes
Pernicious anaemia
Test to differentiate IDA from Thalassaemia Trait
Hb Electrophoresis
- IDA: normal
- Thalassaemia: increased HbA2 in beta-thalssaemia, normal in alpha
Megakaryocytes in neonate
Neonatal Leukaemia (develops in utero and remits spontaneously)
Universal recipient
Group AB, RhD+ve
Polychromatic macrocytes
G6PD deficiency
Low platelets in post-surgical/septic patient
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency have deficiency in what?
What are echinocytes seen in
Renal disease
Are irregularly contract RBC
Pectus excavatum, lax joints and a high-arched palate
Ehlers danlos
19 year old Jewish male presenting with multiple pathological fractures and hypersplenism
Gaucher’s disease
Bone marrow red cell aplasia and a positive Paul-Bunnell test
B19 parvovirus infection
Anti-leucocyte antibodies with similar specificity to the patient’s white blood cell antigens
Acanthocytes (spiculated blood cells/spur cells)
Treatment of blast crisis in CML
Allogenic SCT
Causes primary effusion within a lymphoma
Neonate with thumb abnormalities and macrocytic anaemia
Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia (affect RBC progenitors)
VTE – how long warfarin and what INR target?
Warfarin for 3 months (6 if cancer)
INR 2.5-3.5
VTE while on warfarin - how long warfarin and what INR target?
Warfarin lifelong
INR 3.5
Hepatomegaly and chondrocalcinosis
Nuclei of cancer cells have cloverleaf apperance
Adult T-cell leukaemia
WBCs with filamentous projections/finger-like projections of cytoplasm
Hairy Cell Leukaemia
Waxing and waning lymphadenopathy but NO B symptoms
Follicular NHL
Treatment of Aplastic Anaemia in
< 50yrs
> 50yrs
<50yrs: stem cell transplant
> 50yrs: horse anti-thymocyte globulin and ciclosporin
Reverses warfarin in emergency
Prothrombin Complex Concentrate
Mesangial Cell
Kidney macrophage
Brain macrophage
Recurrent chickenpox
NK Deficiency
Which renal disease causes complement deficiency?
Membranous Glomerulonephritis = nephritic factors attack C3
Do not respond to immunisations
Common Variable Immune Deficiency (very low IgG)
Side effect of denosumab
Avascular necrosis of jaw
BCG vaccine contains this live attenuated organism
Mycobacterium bovis
Vaccine given to sero-negative women only
Steroid used to prevent rejection
Steroid used to treat rejection
HLA associated with dermatitis herpetiformis
Cell surface marker associated with Reed-Sternberg cells
How does HIV enter CD4?
gp120 binds to CXCR4 on surface of CD4
CCR5 is on surface of macrophages
Anti-CCP target what in rheumatoid?
Immunosuppressant used in multi-system vasculitis
Which type of antihistamine used in allergy: H1, 2, 3 or 4?
H1 antagonist
(H2 = gastric mucosa)
Initiates Classical Complement
Deficiency associated with SLE
Components of MBL Pathway
C2 and C4 – MBL binds to microbial cell surface carbs, stimulating Classical Pathway
Complement Pathway dependent of adaptive immune system
Classical (C1 binds to antibody-antigen complexes)
Hereditary Angioedema = deficiency in what?
C1 inhibitor protein –> have low C4 during attacks
Positive hydrogen breath test, increased stool osmolality
Lactose Intolerance
Immunoglobulin deficiency predisposing towards encapsulated organisms
IgG Deficiency
Patient involved in trauma and transfused with O negative blood –> he lost consciousness a few minutes after the transfusion
Splenic Haemorrhage (NOT ABO as O-ve!!)
STI that can cross placenta in 3rd trimester
Bloody discharge from nipple –> mammogram does not show any lesions
Intraductal Papilloma
Thyroid cancer associated with Ret mutation
Lump containing epithelium cells
Intraductal papilloma
Investigation for hypotonia and hypoglycaemia in young child
Immune cells which migrate to germinal centre
Dendritic cells
Blood product to use if you want to avoid allergic reactions
Washed RBCs = most of plasma, platelets and WBCs removed
Gram positive showing increased resistance to vancomycin and teicoplanin
Infection where baby can be asymptomatic initially, but then get problems
Beta herpesvirus (HHV6/7)
Also toxoplasmosis
Also HIV
Organism targeted by vaccine: lockjaw
Clostridium tetani
Used to prevent transplant rejection, by blocking T cell proliferation and activation
Anti-CD25 (part of IL-2Rα) = basiliximab
Breast cancer which has a high, medium and low stage to it.
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Best antibody for Sjogren’s
Anti-La (La = “the” best)
A Rhesus D negative woman is having a Haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) and is CMV IgG negative. What is the most important thing to ensure in the transplant?
CMV IgG negative
Man has just been started on allopurinol and now has ulcers of mucus membranes
Bowel polyps not associated with increased cancer risk
Optic nerve tumour excised and now lump on hand
Neurofibromatosis 1 (lump = neurofibroma)
Travel vaccine not given to someone with ank spond on anti-TNF
Yellow fever
What is in RIAMET/ACT
Stain for thick and thin blood films
Fields and giemsa
First line investigation for malaria
Rapid diagnostic test
First line investigaton for dengue
PCR in first 7 days
Then do serology
Which vaccins should HIV patient avoid
Yellow fever
Maangement of severe leptospirosis
IV ceftriaxone
Life cycle of taenia
Humans bowel
Faeces to vegetation
Muscle of cows or pig
Humans eat meat
Definitive host of hydatid
Management of all just worms in hydatid and taenia
Management of cysts in echinococcus and taenia
Echinococcus- surgery, albendazole and praziquantel
Cystericosis- steroids, albendazole and praziquantel
Diagnosing cestodes infections
Life cycle of schistosomiasis
Invade human skin in infected water
Enter veins
Secreted in urine and stool
Infect snails
What organs does schistosomiasis really damage
Retrograde travel= to liver
Management of schistosomiasis
How investigate schisto
Urine and stool microscopy
What is the only helminth capable of autoinfection
Larvase invades skin
Grows in bowel
Larvae in stool can reinfect
Treatment of strongyloides
Animal vector for filariasis
Balckflies and mosquitoes
What worm causes elephantiasis
What worm causes pill shaped larvae by skin which look like maggots
Remove by asphyxiating and surgery
What are the flukes
Trematodes- schistosomiasis
What are the roundworms
- strongyloides
- ascaris
- filariasis
What parasite causes disease through intestinal obstruction
What is equation for sensitivity
About number of positive
True positive/disease present
What is equation for specificty
About number of negatives
True negative/disease absent
What is equation for positive predictive value
True positive/ total positive
What is equation for negative predictive value
True negative/ total negative
- enzyme deficient
- what measure
- management
- phenylalanine hydroxylase which breaks down tyrosine
- on guthrie is blood phenylalanine, can also measure phenylacetic acid in urine or phenylpyruvate in blood
- PKU formula containing lots of protein which arent phenylalanine
Cystic fibrosis what measure
Immune reactive trypsin
If over 99.5th centile on 3 blood spots do DNA analysis
How is phenylalanine measured
Mass spectrometry
What is measured in MCADD
Acylcarnitine using mass spec
Presentation of homocysteinuria
Lens dislocation
Mental retardation
Brittle hair
Inheritance of urea cycle disorders
Autosomal recessive except ornithine transcarbamylase which X-linked
Presentation of urea cycle disorder
Vomiting without diarrhoea
Resp alkalosis
Hyperammonaemia- Neurological enceph
Avoidance in diet
Hyperammonaemia with metabolic acidosis not caused by lactate
Organic acidurias
What causes cheesy or sweaty smelling urine
Isovalaeric acidaemia
Organic aciduria presentation
Unusual odour
Truncal hypotonia with limb hypertonia
Or reye syndrome with vomiting and resp, neuro sx depression
What is galactossaemia
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl deficinecy leads to deposition of gal-1-phosphatase in kidney and liver
Presents with conj bilirubinaemia, hypoglycaemia and hepatomegaly
What measure in galactossaemia
Urine reducing agents
Red cell gal-1-put
How does glycogen storage disorders present
What are the 3 mitochondrial disorders
Birth Barth (cardiomyopathy, neutropenia, myopathy)
5-15 MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acids and stroke-like episodes)
12-30 Kearns-Sayre (Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia, retinopathy, deafness, ataxia)
What are peroxisomal disorders
Metabolism of very long chain fatty acids and biosynthesis of complex phospholipids
Investigation is very long chain fatty acid profile
Presentation of peroxisomal disorders
Severe muscular hypotonia
Dysmorphic signs
Hepatic dysfunction- mixed hyperbilirubinaemia
Bone changes
Early blindness and sensorineural deafness
Tay sachs/lysoosmal storage disorders
Intraorganelle substrate accumulation leading to organomegaly
Measure Urine mucopolysaccharides and/or oligosaccharides
What helminth can autoinfect