o Flashcards
Autotrophic cells can use energy:
have a size of several dozen nanometres
are composed of ribonucleic acid and proteins
in prokaryotic cells are smaller than in eukaryotic cells
The mitotic apparatus is composed of:
filaments of the mitotic spindle
Phospholipids in the biomembrane are arranged:
into a bilayer in which protein molecules are incorporated
into two layers
Protein synthesis takes place:
on ribosomes
on ribosomes in the cytoplasm
on ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum
How many biomembrancs cover the nucleus:
two in eukaryotic cells
in eukaryotic cells by two membranes
in prokaryotic cells it has no membrane
may contain a nucleolus
in eukaryotic cells has two membranes
its main component in eukaryotic cells are chromosomes
is the control centre of the cell
may contain a nucleolus
in eukaryotic cells has two membranes
its main component in eukaryotic cells are chromosomes
is the control centre of the cell
Glycogen is:
animal cell polysaccharide
animal starch
DNA replication in a cell occurs in:
cell nucleus
DNA replication in a cell occurs in:
cell nucleus
A cell cycle phase in which nuclear DNA replication and duplication of nuclear
chromosomes occurs is called:
‘S phase
synthetic phase
The phases of mitosis include:
c) telophase
g) metaphase
Indicate which substances are osmotically the most effective:
substances whose molecules dissociate to ions
The cell uses osmotic energy:
to transfer of substances through cell membranes
to transport of electrolytes through cell membranes
The nucleolus consists of:
proteins and RNA
ribonucleic acid and proteins
The cell in meiosis is divided:
twice with one DNA replication
According to tho cocentlarty, cells can be divided into:
prokaryotic and eukaryotic
The oxidative phosphorylation enzyme system is located in:
Blastomeres are:
cells generated by the mitotic zygote division
cells generated by “cleavage” of the zygote
In the anaphase of mitosis:
the microtubules of the mitotic spindle are shortened and thus attract the chromosomes
to centrioles
chromosomes are attracted to centrioles
the diploid count of chromosomes is located around centrioles
In telophase of mitosis:
the mitotic spindle is disintegrating
c) chromosomes change again to long fibers
d) new nuclear envelope will be created
e) the structure of the nucleus is restored
f) evtokinesis occurs
The basic building block of nucleic acids is:
a substance composed of a nitrogenous organic base, pentose and phosphoric acid
e) a substance composed of purine or pyrimidine base, pentose, and HiPO4
f) a substance composed of purine or pyrimidine base, a five-carbon sugar and HiPO.
The result of meiotic cell division is:
cells with a haploid number of chromosomes
sex cells
The main cell cycle checkpoint is located in:
G1 phase
The chemical composition of the cell wall in the eukaryotic cell:
is different from that of the plasma membrane
in the plants contains cellulose
also contains lignin in plants of woody plants
in specialized cells it may contain proteins, salts and waxes
The number of gonosomes in the normal somatic cell of both male and female is:
c) the same
one X and the other is X or Y
During mitosis eukaryotic cells are divided:
only once
b) once, with one DNA replication
into two equal daughter cells
in the M phase of the cell cycle
A cell on average:
contains more proteins than carbohydrates
contains more carbohydrates than lipids
mainly contains water
contains minerals and nucleic acids and they occur in the same ratio
In DNA, nitrogen bases are complementary in pairs:
guanine with cytosine
thymine with adenine
g) cytosine with guanine
h) adenine with thymine
Do plasmids have the ability to replicate themselves:
yes, they have in the host cell
they have, independently from the chromosomes
The process of formation of two new and identical DNA molecules is called:
The reason why the plasmids are important for clinical medicine is that the plasmids:
determine against which antibiotic substance is a respective bacterium resistant
regulate the effectiveness of antibiotics
d) influence the pathogenicity of bacteria
The process of DNA replication occurs:
before mitotic cell division
in the synthetic phase of the interphase
The template which contains information about the primary structurs polypeptide chain is:
messenger RNA
According to the CAT AAG TAC AAC CGT CAC segment in the Dna generated mRNA is:
What types of RNA we know:
messenger RNA
c) transfer RNA
d) ribosomal RNA
information for the amino acid sequence of the protein
The codon is:
acids in the peptide chain
a triplet of adjacent nucleotides in DNA or mRNA
three consecutive nucleotides in DNA or mRNA
Which of the following short pieces of mRNA and tRNA match each other according to the rules of complementarity:
Genetic information in DNA molecules is stored:
according to the genetic code
by the sequence of deoxyribonucleotides
in the structure of its molecule
The complementary strand to the ACT GCT TGT GTC AGT AA chain in
DNA is:
Structural gene expression is:
the transfer of genetic information coded by DNA into the amino acid sequence in the peptide chain
transferring genetic information from DNA to the primary structure of the protein
the process of transcription and translation
of the protein
transcribing information from DNA and translating it into the amino acid sequence of the protein
The basic types of genes are:
structural genes
c) genes for RNA
d) regulatory genes
The plasmids are:
small circular DNA molecules in the cytoplasm of bacteria that replicates independently from chromosomal DNA
small circular DNA molecules separated from chromosomal DNA in bacteria
The tRNA anti-coding sequence for protein synthesis according to the structural gene segment CAA AAC TGT GCG TCA TTA CCA is:
The structural gene carries:
genetic information for the amino acid sequence of the protein
information for the primary structure of the peptide chain
information for the amino acid sequence of the protein
Regulatory genes:
regulate the activity of other genes
keep order in the whole system of genes
h) regulate the activity of genes in time and space
Chromatin consists of:
deoxyribonucleic acid and protein
DNA and protein
According to the principle of complementarity, thymine binds to:
What are the anticodons in tRNA to the mRNA CGAUAUCGUGCU:
Which of the following nitrogen bases of the DNA molecule is located opposite to adenine in the complementary strand:
The Escherichia coli operon:
is transcribed as a whole
is a continuous chain of genes
e) is located in DNA
If) is transcribed into the mRNA as a whole
How many amino acids are coded by ATG TCY TIT CGG GGC DNA segment,
Amino acids can be coded:
by multiple codon types
multiple types of triplets
Synthesis of RNA:
is catalyzed
energy is supplied by ATP
is chemically similar to DNA synthesis
g) RNA is synthesized, e.g. in the nucleus, in the mitochondria, in the chloroplasts 13
h) the order of nucleotides is determined by order of the bases in one of the DNA strands
According to the complementarity principle, adenine is paired to:
thymine or uracil
h) thymine
DNA and RNA differ by:
type of saccharide
b) primary structure
RNA carries genetic information at:
RNA viruses
some non-cellular organisms
Nucleic acids:
belong to the basic macromolecular substances of living systems
b) are formed by connecting nucleotides into long chains
always contain five-carbon sugar
carry genetic information or participate in its implementation
What blood group can a child have when the mother has a blood group 0 and father has blood group A:
A with the genotype A0 if the father is homozygous
O with the genotype 00 if the father is heterozygous
A or 0 if the father is heterozygous
Which of the following statements is true about genomic mutations:
the number of chromosomes in the cell changes
b) the genes do not change
number of individual chromosomes and sets is changed
e) eukaryotic cell has more or fewer chromosomes than 2n
we observe polyploidy or aneuploidy
How many proteins are coded by genes, which are located in the human chromosome X:
800 to 9007
Healthy parent have two sons; one of them is affected by daltonim. What are, genotypes of both parents?
mother is a carrier and father does not have a gene for daltonism
The phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross with complete dominance of a heterozygote with a recessive homozygote is:
50%: 50%
Daltonism is a genetic disorder, which is an example of:
recessive inheritance linked to the gonosome X
c) recessive inheritance linked to the sex chromosome X
recessive inheritance linked to the heterochromosome X
Galactosemia is a disorder, which is an example of:
autosomal recessive genetic disorder
recessive genetic disorder linked to a somatic chromosome/
The genotype of a homozygous recessive individual for the following traits is:
h) bbcc
Y chromosome in a karyotype means:
male sex in humans
male gender in humans
male genotype in humans
The phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross with complete dominance of two heterozygotes is:
3: 1
75%: 25%
The basic methods of selective breeding include:
mating individuals with the required characteristics
Intermediate inheritance is:
case of incomplete dominance, in which both alleles are equally manifest in the heterozygote phenotype
also known as incomplete dominance/
Both parents have a blood group AB. What blood group can their children have:
homozygous A )
homozygous B/
codominant AB
Haemophilia A (hereditary bleeding):
occurs more often in men
occurs in men whose mother is a carrier occurs
in sons whose mother is a carrier
The term uniformity of hybrids means that:
all offspring in the first filial generation are the same
all offspring are heterozygous, and genotype and phenotype they have the same
all hybrids in the first filial generation are heterozygotes
D) all hybrids in the first filial generation are in complete dominancy phenotypically identica.
with one parent
all hybrids in the first filial generation, in intermediate inheritance, are not phenotypically
identical with both parents
The set of all genes in one cell is called.
genotype in Monocytozoa
The material basis of the inheritance is:
nucleic acid
The dihybrid genotype of the dominant homozygous for the first trait and the
recessive homozygous for the second one is:
Both parents are heterozygous for blood group B. What is the probability that their children will have a blood group B:
In the case of incomplete dominance, what can we say about the phenotype of the heterozygote with genotype Bb:
it is different from BB
it is different from bb
it is different from BB and bb
The genotype of a dominant homozygous individual is:
f) AA
are agents that cause mutation in the cell
are involved in the formation of induced mutations 1
are of physical nature, e.g. ionizing radiation
are of chemical nature, e.g. ethylnitrosourea and ethidium bromide
Gene mutations:
changing individual genes
changing order or number of nucleotides
cause, for example, losing one or several nucleotides
cause, for example, insertion of additional nucleotide or several nucleotides
cause, for example, replacing of one nucleotide by an abnormal nucleotide
What types of mutations we recognize:
those affecting genes. hrownsomes and chromosomal sets /
c) those affecting genes, chromosomes and genome
induced and spontaneous
Two children of the same parents have a blood group O. What blood groups can their parents have:
homozygous 0 and homozygous 0
d) homozygous 0 and heterozygous A
e) homozygous 0 and heterozygous B
1) heterozygous A and heterozygous B
heterozygous B and heterozygous B
The genetic cross of a heterozygote with a recessive homozygote is:
Aa x аа
AaBb x aabb
How many autosomes does the human somatic cell contain:
22 pairs
an even number
Which of the following is true about gonosomes in humans:
they are called chromosome X and chromosome Y
b) they are present in gametes
combination of YY normally does not exist
d) only one gonosome is present in normal gameter
somatic cell always contains the X chromosome
Both parents have a heterozygous blood group B. Their children may have a blood group:
homozygous B with the 25% probability
c) heterozygous B with the 50% probability
d) homozygous 0 with the 25% probability
with the 75% probability
Mother has blood group 0 and father AB. What blood group can their children have:
A with the 50% probability
0 with the 0% probability
B with the 50% probability
AB with the 0% probability
Galactosemia is:
hereditary molecular disease
b) hereditary autosomal recessive disease
c) disease caused by lack of one of galactose degradation enzymes
an inherited disease where mutant allele has a pleiotropic effect
How many groups of chromosomes are in the human karyotype:
A to G
One parent has a heterozygous blood group A and a second parent has s heterozygous blood group B. What blood group can their child have:
heterozygous blood group A with the 25% probability
b) heterozygous blood group B with the 25% probability.
blood group AB with the 25% probability
(d) blood group 0 with the 25% probability
One parent has heterozygous blood group A, the other homozygous A. Their children may have a blood group:
homozygous A with the 50% probability
A with the 100% probability
[e) heterozygous A with the 50% probability
In the case of complete dominance, the genotype Aa is phenotypically:
identical to AA
the same as the dominant homozygote
Can the daltonic parents have a colour-blind child:
yes, with the 100% probability
e) all children must be colour blind
The set of genotypically and phenotypically identical individuals is called:
pure line if they are the result of sexual reproduction
b) inbreeding line if they are the result of breeding
c) clone that originated from vegetative reproduction
Both parents have a heterozygous blood group A. Their children may have a blood group:
A with the 75% probability
homozygous A with the 25% probability heterozygous A with the 50% probability
homozygous 0 with the 25% probability
Rh factor is inherited as:
autosomal dominant trait