Mount Nyiragongo location
- Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Most active volcano in Africa
Date & time of eruption
- Eruption occurred on 17th January 2002
Level of Development
- Classified as a Low-Income Developing Country (LIDC)
Plate Boundary
- Divergent Plate Boundary (Nubian plate to East and Somali plate to west)
- Part of the East African Ridge Valley
Nature of eruption
- Composite volcano with a 2km crater usually filled with a lake
- Effusive eruption (VEI = 1) as lava is basaltic with low viscosity
- Fast-flowing lava at speeds up to 35mph
- Triggered an earthquake
Nature of hazards
- Lava flow
- Earthquakes
- Gas emissions - CO2
Management of Eruption
- Monitoring was in place but didn’t give much warning
- Slow evacuation pace; residents stopped to watch eruption
Reasons for settlement near Nyiragongo
Mineral Resources such as diamonds and tin provide employment opportunities
* Fertile soil enriched by volcanic ash ideal for agriculture
* Potential geothermal energy sources
* Tourism attraction due to the volcano’s activity
Strategies to Modify the Event
Mimimal monintoring - no scientists
no money
Strategies to Modify Vulnerabilities
Monitoring & prediction
* Monitoring was not a priority as undergoing ethnic and military conflict.
* Very few trained scientists
Prepare & educate
* Evacuation plans very limited
* Limited investment in infrastructure & services
Edcuation & Awareness
* No money for disaster risk reduction strategies eg community education programmes
Startegies to Modify Loss
Short Term
* Few residents had experience of eruptions People watched eruption rather than evacuated
Evacuation slow
* Unhygienic camps cholera outbreak
* UNHCR brought in to help with emergency relief in Goma eg shelter
* Tension with Rawanda over refugees
* Long term investment by international organisations for monitoring & research. COPERNICUS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICE (CEMS)
* Use of media eg radio to warn population
Recovery & reconstruction
* No contingency $$ for rebuilding and lava clearance
Financial Aid
Little if any Grants or Financial compensation schemes
Impact of it s LIDC status
- Ongoing regional & ethnic conflict –> leading to extreme vulnerability
- Strained economic resources
- Displaced people
- Complicated relief efforts
Infrastructure & Preparedness: No money for monitoring & research, no money to train scientists, infrastructure not in place to facilitate monitoring
- Economic Resilience: No money for rebuilding & infrastructure
- Weak Governance: Attention and money diverted by military conflict, no disaster plans in place