Nutrition for Infants, Children, Adolescents Flashcards
1 year:
- Greatest growth is during this time
- 10 inches in first year
At Birth: Vit K
After 6 Months: Vit D, Iron, Fluoride
- Energy Nutrients
: Vit A, D, E, C , Iodine
- Growth directly correlates with nutrional well being
Infancy Breast Milk
Breast milk has nutrients that cannot be duplicated
- No Vit D in breast milk
Formula Vs Cows Milk
Infant Formula:
- Fortified with iron
- Advises only after first year ( AAP )
Introducing Solid Foods
Need to detect allergic reactions ( 3 day rule )
: Iron and Vit C foods are important
- No fruit juices
From 1 year- They grow 2-3 inches and 6 pounds per year
: Don’t force them to eat
- 3 meals, 2/3 snacks
Calories and Nutrients
3 meals, 2 to 3 snacks = 1000 calories
1-2 yrs : Whole Milk
2 yr: 2%
15-20 exposures on new food
Females usually increase growth rate from 10-11
Males increase around 12-14.
Calcium and Iron are common supplements
- Reach Adult level by 14-18
Nutrition During Childhood
1 year old: 800 cal
6 year old: 1600
10 year old: 2000
- Carbs after 1 year same as adults
- Fiber is proportional to energy intake
Nutrition needs continued…
- Protein needs slight increase
- Fat intake 1-3 yr old: AMDRR 30-40% of diet
- 4 to 18 yr old: AMDR 20-35%
- Vit and Minerals
: Needs increase with age
Iron defiency anemia - Supplements:
: Flouride, Iron, Vit D
Iron Deficiency in Children
Anemia: Less oxygen to brain
: Slowed physical devolpment
- Makes learning more difficult
- Decreased attention span
- Lower IQ
Lead Poisoning
Malnourished and poverty at highest risk
: Seen in children with pica
Mild Lead Toxicity: Diarrhea, fatigue, irratbility
Severe: Nerve damage, paralysis, death
EPA: No safe level of lead exposure
Food Allergies
Allergies involve antibodies, immune response to specific food proteins
: Types Symptomatic and Asymtomatic
- Perform allergy skin test
The big 8 food allergens
Peanuts, Egg, Wheat, Milk, Fish, Shellfish, Soy, Tree nuts
Childhood obesity
Globally children are getting heavier:
US: Children in all 50 states are heavier than 30 yrs ago
- Obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, hypertension, CVD later in life
Factors of Obesity
Genetics, Lifestlyle, Ethnicity