Nutrition and Growth Flashcards
how are the energy reference values for children age 0-12 months calculated
energy deposited in new tissue + total energy expenditure(TEE)
how are the energy reference values for children age 1-18 years calculated
basal metabolic rate X physical activity level
describe the average sodium intake compared to the RNI(reference nutrient intake)
much higher than RNI
what diseases is excessive sodium intake a risk factor for
hypertension, CVD, stroke
describe why healthy term babies of normal weight have little/no need for exogenous iron in first 6 months
due to haemoglobin iron, storage iron and functional tissue iron
describe the average calcium intake compared to the RNI
in 4-6 months intake is close to RNI, from 7 months to 18 years intake is higher
(not excessive)
what age should solid foods never be given before
17 weeks
what are some signs that an infant is ready for solid foods
can; be in siting position with no support + control head, reach out and grab accurately, swallow food
when do signs that an infant is ready for solid foods usually appear
not usually before 6 months
what are some of the associated risk factors for early introduction of solid foods
living in deprived area, maternal smoking, obesity, free food samples, family opinions
what thresholds is used to identify faltering growth, on a growth chart, at any birth weight
if current weight is below the 2nd centile for age
what threshold is used to identify faltering if birth weight was below 9th centile or if it was between 9-91st centile
9th = if weight falls across 1 or more centile spaces for age 9-91st = if weight falls across 2 or more centile spaces for age
what threshold is used to identify faltering growth if birth weight was above 91st centile
if weight falls across 3 or more centile spaces for age
what are some of the factors associated with a child being overweight or obese
overweight/obese mother, skipping breakfast, frequent snacking when younger, low parental supervision