Nutrition Flashcards
How long is a prolonged air leak?
Next step in management?
> 4 days
VATS and pleurodesis
How many calories are in carbs?
Carbs = 3.4kcal/g Protein = 4kcal/g Fat = 9kcal/g
What is the equation for nitrogen balance?
What is a positive and negative balance?
Nitrogen balance = (Protein/6.25) - (24hr urine N + 4g)
Positive balance = anabolic
Negative balance = catabolic
~1g of Nitrogen needed for every __ kcal?
150 kcal
What is an elemental diet?
What condition is it good for?
free amino acids / small chain peptides. Low in fat.
mal-absorptive conditions
What makes up the following?
Maltose = 2 glucose molecules
Sucrose = glucose + fructose
Lactose = glucose + galactose
What is fuel for the following?
Disaccharides and trisaccharides cannot be broken down by what?
Short-chain fatty acids
What can become conditionally essential amino acids during stress?
Glutamine and Arginine
What can help wound healing in patients with chronic steroid use?
Vitamin A supplementation
Malabsorption of Vit D leads to?
Osteomalacia. Not osteoporosis.
What does Vit E deficiency lead to?
peripherial neuropathy, spinocerebellar ataxia, thrombocytosis, and hemolytic anemia
Zinc deficiency leads to?
poor healing, wasting, and rash
Niacin deficiency leads to?
pellagra with Diarrhea, Dementia, Dermatitis
Chromium deficiency leads to?
hyperglycemia, confusion and peripheral neuropathy
Copper deficiency leads to?
PANcytopenia, neuropathy with ataxia