Nursing Theories (Last 4 for Prelim) Flashcards
Imogene King, Katie Eriksson, Martha E. Rogers, and Dorothea Orem
Theory of Goal Attainment
Imogene King
Theory describes a dynamic, interpersonal relationship in which a person grows and develops to attain certain life goals.
Theory of Goal Attainment
What are the 4 Factors which affects the attainment of goals?
roles, stress, space and time.
They are spiritual beings, social being who are rational and capable of decision making.
What are the 3 fundamental needs of a Human Being?
- The need for the health information that is unable at the time when it is needed and can be used
- The need for care that seek to prevent illness, and
- The need for care when human beings are unable to help themselves.
Involves dynamic life experiences of a human being, which implies continuous adjustment to stressors in the internal and external environment through optimum use of one’s resources to achieve maximum potential for daily living.
(Nursing) “To help individuals to maintain their health so they can function in their roles.”
Goal of nurse
(Nursing) “Includes promoting, maintaining, and restoring health, and caring for the sick, injured and dying.
Domain of nurse
(Nursing) “To interpret information in nursing process to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care.
Function of professional nurse
It is any situation herein the nurse relates and deals with a clientele or patient.
It is a means of behavior or activities that are accomplishment of a certain act.
- it is both physical and mental.
Response to a certain stimuli.
It is the absence of boundary existence, where a dynamic interaction between the internal and external environment can exchange information without barriers or hindrances.
A constant interaction between nurse and patient
Theory of Caritative Caring
Katie Eriksson
This means love and charity. Caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope and love.
Characterized by intensity and vitality and by warmth, closeness, respect, honesty and tolerance - Source of strength and meaning
Caring Communion
The art of making something very special out of something less special.
The act of caring
Deals with the basic relations between the nurse and the patient the way in which the nurse meets the patient in an ethical sense
- This means seeing the patient without prejudice, see the human being with respect and confirm his absolute dignity.
Caritative Caring Ethics
It refers to the act that occurs when the carer welcomes the patient to the caring communion. (a room where a patient is allowed to rest, breathes genuine hospitality)
A human being’s struggle between good and evil.
An entity of body, soul and spirit.
Emerges in an effort to be unique, while simultaneously longs for belonging in a larger communion.
Dual tendency
Love and charity or caritas is the principal idea in her work
(Nursing) Through tending, playing and learning in a spirit of love, faith and hope.
Natural Basic Caring
(Nursing) Closeness, warmth and touch
(Nursing) Exercise, creativity and imagination, desires and wishes
(Nursing) Aimed at growth and change.
(Environment) Refers to home, or to a place where a human being feels at home
Symbolizes a human beings innermost space Health
Science of Unitary Human Beings
Martha E. Rogers
Characteristics which describes the life process of human.
Energy Field
The fundamental unit of both the living and non-living which “provide a way to perceive people and environment as irreducible wholes”
Energy Field
The human field and the environmental field are constantly exchanging their energy
- There are no boundaries or barrier that inhibit energy flow between fields
Defined as the distinguishing characteristic of an energy field perceived as a single wave
Described as fast or slow * Manifest disease, illness.
Defined as “non-linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes”
- The parameters that human use in language to describe events are arbitrary.
Pan dimensionality
- Postulates the way of perceiving unitary human beings
- The fundamental unit of the living system is an energy field
Homeodynamic principles/principles of homeodynamic
What are the Three principles of Homeodynamics?
An ordered arrangement of rhythm characterizing both human field and environmental field that undergoes continuous dynamic metamorphosis in the human environmental process.
Describes the unpredictable, but continuous, nonlinear evolution of energy fields as evidenced by non-repeating rhythmicities
Postulates an ordering of the human evolutionary emergence.
The principle of Helicy
The mutual, continuous relationship of the human energy field and the environmental field.
- Changes occur by the continuous repatterning of the human and environmental fields by resonance waves.
An “irreducible, indivisible, pan dimensional (four-dimensional) energy field identified by pattern and manifesting characteristics that are specific to the whole and which cannot be predicted from knowledge of the parts” and “a unified whole having its own distinctive characteristics which cannot be perceived by looking at, describing, or summarizing the parts”
Unitary Human Being (Person)
An “irreducible, pan dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field”
Manifestation emerges from this field and are perceived.
An expression of the life process; they are the “characteristics and behavior emerging out of the mutual, simultaneous interaction of the human and environmental fields”
An organized body of knowledge which is specific to nursing is arrived at by __________ and ___________
Scientific Research, Logical Analysis
Art of nursing practice
- The creative use of science for the betterment of the human
- The creative use of its knowledge is the art of its practice.
True or False:
Nursing doesn’t exists to serve people.
FALSE. Nursing exists to serve people.
- It is the direct and overriding responsibility to the society
Philosophy of Nursing: Self – Care Deficit
Dorothea Orem
What are the 3 theories of Dorothea Orem?
- Theory of self-care
- Theory of self-care deficit
- The theory of nursing systems.
Acquired ability to perform the self care and this will be affected by the basic conditioning factors such as age, gender, health care system, family system etc.
Self- Care Agency
Self- Care Requisite
- Universal- dependent care
- Developmental-self development
- Health deviation self care requisites- for person who are ill or injured
An inadequacy of any of these self care requisite, the person will be in need of self care or will have a deficit in self care.
Self- Care Deficit
The care will be provided according to the ________ of deficit the patient is presenting with