Nursing Theories (1st 3 Theorist) Flashcards
Florence Nightangale, Jean Watson, and Patricia Benner
She is the “Lady with the Lamp”
Florence Nightingale
What is the Nurse Practice according to Nightingale?
Manipulation of the Environment to Enhance Patient Recovery.
Florence Nightingale: “Activities that promote health which occur in a caregiving situation. They can be done by anyone.”
(Florence Nightingale) We should learn how to be ____________ and ________ patient’s Health Status
Skilled in Observing, Reporting
What are the 3 Nursing Paradigm of Nightingale?
(Person) Be non judgmental
Respect the person
Disease comes from the word “Dys-ease”, which means?
Absence of Comfort
(Environment) Prevention of disease via environmental control and social responsibility.
True or False:
Poor or Difficult Environments led to poor health and disease that could be altered to improve conditions so that the natural laws would allow healing to occur.
Who benefits from environmental improvements that will affect their mind and bodies.
Sick People
(Nightingale: Nursing Responsibilities) To relieve patients’ anxieties, and to help them sleep.
Reduce Noise
What are the 5 Essential Components of Environmental Health?
Pure Air
Pure Water
Efficient Drainage
Light - Direct Sunlight
True or False:
The SORROUNDINGS is only a source of Disease but not recovery.
FALSE. It is a source of Disease and Recovery.
True or False:
As nurses it is our duty to Assess dietary intake and Observe meal schedule.
What do we get if we Protect the Public from 2nd hand Smoke, Auto emission, Toxic gasses?
Controlled Environment
What are the 3 books of Jean Watson?
1st, Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring (1979)
2nd, Nursing: Human Science and Human Care-A Theory of Nursing(1985)
3rd, Postmodern Nursing and Beyond (1999)
Who developed the Philosophy of Nursing in Human Caring?
Jean Watson
What are the 10 Primary Carative Factors of Jean Watson?
- The Formation of a Humanistic-Altruistic System of Values
- Faith-Hope
- Cultivation of Sensitivity to One’s Self and to others
- Establishing a Helping-Trust Relationship
- The Expression of Feelings, both Positive and Negative
- The Systematic use of the Scientific Problem-Solving method for Decision Making
- Promotion of Interpersonal Teaching-Learning
- provision for a Supportive, Protective and /or Corrective Mental, Physical, Socio-Cultural and Spiritual Environment
- Assistance with the Gratification of Human Needs
- Allowance for Existential-Phenomenological Forces
(Jean Watson) Consists of Carative Factors that result in the Satisfaction of certain Human Needs.
Recognition of Feelings leads to ____________ through _____________ for both the nurse and patient.
Self Actualization, Self-Acceptance
True or False:
When nurses don’t Acknowledge their Sensitivity and Feelings, they become more Genuine, Authentic, and Sensitive to others.
FALSE. key word “don’t” — Nurses become more Genuine, Authentic, and Sensitive to others—when nurses Acknowledge their Sensitivity and Feelings.
(Carative Factor) Strongest tool in which it establishes Rapport and Caring.
Establishing a Helping-Trust Relationship
It is similar to the Research Process in that it is systematic and organized.
Nursing Process
To Engage in the artistry of Caring-Healing practices.
Caring Process
Designed to enable patients to provide Self-Care, determine Personal Needs, and provide Opportunities for their Growth.
Teaching-Learning activities
Nurses must recognize the Influence that _______ and ________ Environments have on the health and illness of the individual.
Internal, External
The Mental and Spiritual Well-Being.
Internal Environment
It is the Comfort, Privacy, Safety and Clean Environment.
External Variables
All the needs deserve to be ________ to and _________.
Attended, Valued
(Jean Watson) What consist of Knowledge, Thought, Values, Philosophy, Commitment and Action with some degree of Passion that Should go beyond Task?
Describe the Caring Process of how a patient attains or maintains health or dies a peaceful death.
Carative Factors
Cannot be Treated as Objects and cannot be Separated from Self, Other, Nature and the Larger Universe.
(Jean Watson) Tied to notions that One’s Soul possesses a Body that is not confined by Objective Time and Space.
What are the 3 Elements of being in a Positive State of Physical, Mental and Social Well-Being?
- High Level of overall Physical, Mental and Social Functioning.
- General Adaptive: Maintenance level of Daily Functioning.
- Absence of Illness
Disharmony within a person’s Inner Self or Soul.
True or False:
Disease can also result from Genetics.
(Jean Watson’s Environment) It is not only for Sustaining Humanity but also for Sustaining the Planet.
Caring Science
Used to help others Transcend Illness, Pain and Suffering emphasizing the Environment and Person Connection.
Healing Spaces
Philosophy of Nursing on Caring, Clinical Wisdom and Ethics in Nursing Practice (From Novice to Expert)
Patricia Benner
Who has the approach of Knowledge Development—from Beginner to Expert
Patricia Benner
A person who has No Background Experience of the situation in which she or he is involved.
In Clinical Area: like a **** placed in an area Foreign to her.
________, ________ and ________ must be given to guide performance.
Free, Rules and Objectives
Person can demonstrate marginally Acceptable Performance, having Coped with enough real situations, or have been pointed out by a Mentor.
Advanced Beginner
Have Enough Experience to grasp aspects of the situation.
Advanced Beginner
What guides the Advanced Beginner nurses?
RULES and are oriented by task completion.
Responsible for Managing Patient Care—yet they still Rely on the help of those who are more experienced.
Advanced Beginner
Learning through Actual Situations and Following Instruction of others.
What are the focus of Competent level nurses?
Time Management and the Nurse Organization of the task.
The nurse perceives the situation as a Whole rather than in terms of Aspect and the Performance is Guided by Maxims.
Demonstrate a New Ability to see Changing Relevance in a situation including Recognition and Implementation of Skilled Response to the situation as it evolves.
They no longer relies on Analytical Principles to Connect an understanding of the situation to an Appropriate Action.
Have an Intuitive Grasp of the Situation.
Able to Identify the Region of the Problem without losing time considering a range of Alternative Diagnosis and Solution.
(Patricia Benner) A Caring Relationship, an enabling condition of Connection and Concern.
(Patricia Benner) Viewed as a Caring Practice whose Science is guided by the Moral Art and Ethics of Care and Responsibility.
A Self-Interpreting being that is, the person does not come into the world Predefined but gets Defined in the Course of Living a Life.
(Patricia Benner) Attends to all Dimensions of the Body and seeks to understand the Role of Embodiment in particular Situation of Health, Illness and Recovery.
It is defined as what can be Assessed meaning what can be Observed from the Patient.
Not just the Absence of Disease and Illness.
Loss or Dysfunction.
Assessment of the Physical Level/ Physical Symptoms.
Defined as person Engaged Interaction, Interpretation and Understanding of the Situation.
In other theories, this is termed as the Environment.
Each person’s Past, Present and Future—which include his own Personal Meanings, Habits and Perspective Influence the Current Situation.
Who said “when the nurse enters the patient room a magnetic field of expectation is created”?
Jean Watson
Who said “Nursing is different from medicine and the goal of nursing is to place the patient in the best possible condition for nature to act.”?
Florence Nightingale
Who said “Strongest tool is the mode of communication, which establishes rapport and caring.”?
Jean Watson
Who said “Creating healing environment at all levels ( physical, nonphysical, beauty, comfort, dignity and peace).”?
Jean Watson
Who said “Nurses should go beyond task, procedures and techniques used in practice settings.”?
Jean Watson