Nursing fundamentals chapter 37 Flashcards
What does perception of reality (reality orientation) include?
awareness to time, place, and situation, and self.
People who experience alterations in reality perception are?
people with affective disorders, such as depression.
Intelligence is the measurable product of intellenctual functioning, which consists of?
memory, comprehension, and concentration.
What is the basic process by which people know their location in the dimensions or time and place, and the ability to know who one self is?
What is the processing of reasoning is?
What are abilities used to retrieve information from long term and short term memory?
Recall and recognition
What are cognitive characteristics that can be developed and need practice to remain actively useful?
recell and recognition
What is the sum of the various thinking processes through which a person gains, stores, manipulates, and expresses knowledge?
awareness itself is called?
the ability to concentrate on and take in specific sensory stimuli is called?
the ability to recall a thought at least once and usually again is called?
the exchange of information between at least two people and involves the use of language to store, process, and transmit thought context is called?
the capability of the nervous system to store memories is called?
What begins when the information enters the persons awareness through these senses: consciousness, thoughts, memory, speech, and learning?
Perception of information
What are some characteristics of normal cognition?
- intelligence
- reality perception
- orientation
- judgement
- recell and recogntion
- language
what is the measurable product of intellectual functioning, which consists of memory, comprehension, and concentration?
What is complex and depends on functioning sensory receptors, neurotransmission, and intact central processing?
reality perception
What is the basic process by which people know their location in the dimensions or time and place, and the ability to know who one self is?
What is the ability to process incoming stimuli and to determine the complex meanings associated with many aspects of a situation? This is also the process of reasoning.
What is the abilities used to retrieve information from long and short term memory?
recall and recognition
What is the ability to convey needsd and ideas, and feelings through the systematic use of symbols?
What are the normal cognitive patterns?
- attending
- perceiving
- thinking
- learning
- remembering
- communicating
What is the process of concentrating on a specific stimulus without being distracted by other, irrelevant stimuli?
What is the process of receiving and interpreting sensory stimuli tha function as a basis for understanding, knowning, or learning.
perceiving obtains information through?
- vision
- hearing
- touching
- taste
- smell
What is the process of sorting, organizing, and categorizing information to form mental concepts or perceptions?
What is the multidimensional process of acquiring knowledge that depends on abstract functions such as symbols, language, classifications, and concepts as well as concrete operations?
Experiences, ideas, and images are chemically coded and intergraded for later retrieval is called?
Communicating is done is serveral ways what are they?
- verbally
- nonverbally (through facial expressions)
- body posture
- movements
- gestures
- touch
All of these factors affect?
- blood flow
- nutrition and metabolism
- fluid and metabolism
- sleep and rest
- self-concept
- infectious process
- degenerative process
- medication
- head trama
cognitive function
What is needed to function optimally, all cells need a continuous oxygen supply. Oxygenation depends on resp. and circulatory function and hemoglobin production. (any interruption to the brain cells causes cellular hypoxia, resulting in changes in function)
blood flow
What does the brain cells need glucose and other nutrients for?
Nutrition and metabolism
brain cells require a constant extracellular environment balance of what?
fluid and electrolyte balance
What allows people to regain enegry for cognitive functions, and is necessary for consolidating learning and moving information from short term to long term memory?
sleep and rest
What process does the CNS, including encephalitis and brain abscesses, and the subsequent inflammatory response of nerve cells, are obvious causes of altered cognition (confusion and lethargy).
Infectious process
What process contributing to degeneration of the brain cells may ultimately affect cognitive function. Causes: organisms, aging, or unknown sources. Can impair judgement, insight, planning, memory, problem solving, and communication.
Degenerative process
What can primarily act on the CNS and impair thinking and cause confusion (think benzodiazepines). Also the ones that don’t act on the CNS can also cause confusion, wither alone or in combination.
What communication problems in head-injury patients are usually compounded by impairments in cognitive function, such as behavior, memory, orientation and attention. (falls and motor vehicle crashes are the most common causes.
Head trauma
what is an acute change in mentation and represents a high risk to patients?
HINT: there are three types: hypoactive, hyperactive, and mixed
Name the types on altered cognitive function:
- delirium
- sundown syndrome
- schizophrenia
- altered level of arousal
- altered attention
- memory impairment
- aphasia - three types:expressive, receptive, anomic, global
- dysarthria
limited speech that is slow and halting with great effort, reduced grammar, and poor articulation. Has problems with word retrieval is called?
expressive aphasia
anomia means?
problems with word retrieval
speech is well articulated and has good melody. Impaired auditory comprehension and feedback. Difficulty understanding spoken and written words. They make talk but not make since. Unaware of language impairment. This is called?
receptive aphasia
When one speaks fluent, but talks around the subject it is called?
anomic aphasia
What results from severe and extensive damage to all language areas. Cannot speak or understand speech, or read or write.
Global aphasia
a group of speech disorders that result from a disturbance of motor control, weakness, paralysis, or incoordination of the oral musculature. Usually have normal auditory comprehension and can select and order words correctly. Slurred speech, heavy, or unclear. What is this called?
-normal pattern identification
-risk identification
-dysfunction identification
-physical assessment
-diagnostic tests and procedures
these are all?
assessments that can identify cognitive process/ function safety
The collection of subjective data is?
normal pattern identification
flat means?
no sign of emotion
labile means?
wide fluctuation in emotions
what assess for physiologic, psychological, and environmental factors that increase the likelihood of impaired cognitive processes?
risk identification
When identifying dysfunction use?
clear information identifying the dysfunction.
Physical assessment provides?
clues as to the source of altered cognitive process.
- 02 levels
- electrolytes
- metabolic by products lethargy, mild confusion, impaired thinking
- lab evaluation
- assess!!!!!! everything
Arterial oxygen levels should be above?
60mm hg
Electrolyte levels should be between?
8.5 and 10.5 mg/dl
if it exceeds 14mg confusion is common
Ammonia and urea are potentially toxic by products of?
protein metabolism