Nursing Education Flashcards
Ten Current Trends in Nursing Education
- Knowledge Expansion and Use of Technology and Internet
- Practice-Based Competency Outcomes
- Performance-Based Learning & Assessment
- Sociodemographics, Cultural Diversity, & Economic and Political Changes
- Community-Focused Interprofessional Approaches
- Patient-Centered Care: Engagement, Safety, and
- Privacy Ethics & Bioethical Concerns
- Shortage of Nurses and Faculty
- Disasters, Violence & Terrorism
- Increasing Professional and Personal Responsibilities
Sociodemographic Trends include:
- People living longer
- Number of diverse ethnic minorities and illegal immigrants expanding throughout the U.S.
- Domestic abuse of women and children
- Obesity epidemic
- Families changing
- Disrespect
Many states require ___________ ____________ and some mandate a __________ ___________ to validate continuing competence.
continuing education; portfolio approach
Major Contemporary Trends that Influence Nursing Education
- Increasing shortage of nurses and faculty
- Increasing professional and personal responsibility
not an advanced practice nurse nor prepared in an area of clinical specialty, this type of nurse can consult with a Clinical Nurse Specialist as needed and provide evidence-based care to complex patients
Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL)
the organization of deans and directors of baccalaureate and higher-degree nursing programs that sets standards for programs concerned with legislative issues that pertain to professional nursing education and publishes the Journal of Professional Nursing, The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education and other related docuements pertaining to the BSN and higher-degree education
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
the major national nursing organization concerned with the broad scope of practice issues, standard of practice, scope of prace, ethics, legal, and employment issues that consists of a federation of state nurses associations, and whose publications relate to an array of practice issues and standards
American Nurses Assocation (ANA)
the organization of all state boards that coordinates licensure activities on a national level and creates and administers licensure exeaminations (NCLEX), develops computerized licensure exams and works with other organizations to promote nursing standards and regulation and establish interstate licensure protocols
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
the national organization of nurse educators with long-standing commitment to four types of basic programs (LPN, diploma, ADN, and BSN) and includes lay citizens concerned with nursing and healthcare on its board…also has councils for nursing informatics, research in nursing education, wellness centers, and multiple types of print pulications
National League for Nursing (NLN)
a national organization of statewide student nurse assocations that is concerned with education and career issues and provides student perspectives to other national nursing organizations
National Student Nurse Association (NSNA)
the only nursing program founded on research
the original program whereby nurses licensed in one state seek licensure in another state without repeat examinations…the requirements are included in state nurse practice acts or accompanying rules and regulations
Licensure by Endorsement
voluntary process by which schools of nursing are approved to conduct nursing education programs
legal title for nurses prepared by education and competence to perform independent practice
Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)
professional organization that represents all RNs
American Nurses Assocation (ANA)
an independent agency of the ANA that conducts certification exams and certifies APNs
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
a subsidiary of the AACN with responsibility for accrediting baccalaureate and higher-degree nursing programs
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
in the context of the Nurse Licensure Compact, a state that has established an agreement with other states allowing nurses to practice within the state without an additional license (enacted by state legislatures)
Compact State
a variety of initiatives to ensure nurses’ knowledge, skills, and expertise beyond initial licensure
Continued Competency program
professional organization that represents nurses in countries around the world
International Council of Nursing (ICN)
educational requirements imposed by individual staes for renewal of license
Mandatory Continuing Education
program developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing in which the Nurse Licensure Compact program establishes interstate compacts so that nurses licensed in one jurisdiction may practic ein other compact states without duplicate licensure
Mutual Recognition of Nursing
organization whose membership consists of the board of nursing of each state or territory
National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
statute in each state and territory that regulates the practice of nursing
Nurse Practice Act (NPA)
appointed board within each state charged with responsibility to adminster the nurse practice act of that state
State Board of Nursing
statute that provide for revocation of laws if not reviewed and renewed within a specified time period
Sunset Legislation
Renewal of licensure is required every ___ years
the first and foremost purpose of advanced practice laws
protection of the public
an APN who is doctorally prepared and directs and participates in clinical research
Clinical Nurse Researcher (CNR)
an APN who provides direct care to clients and particpates in health education and research
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
an evidence-based guide to clinical practice developed by experts in a particular field for direct application in clinical environments
Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
having a foundation based on data gathered though the senses (i.e. observing or experiencing) rather than purely through theorizing or logic
a qualitative research method for the purpose of investigatin cultures that involves data collection, description and analysis of data to develop a theory of cultural behavior
the process of systematically finding, appraising and using research findings as trhe basis for clinical practice
evidence-based practice
the inference that findings can be generalized from the the sample to the entire population
a qualitative research design used to collect and analyze data with the aim of developing theories grounded in real-world observations…used to study a social process
Grounded theory
quantitative merging of findings from several studies to determine what is known about a phenomenon
a study in which the researcher collects data for estimating the needs of a group, usualy for resource allocation
needs assessment
part of the National Institute of Health (NIH), this organization supports research on the biologic and behavioral aspects of critical health problems that confront the nation and focuses on advancing the “science of health” by encompassing health promotion and disease prevention, improving quality of life through symptom management, palliative care, and end-of-life care, enhancing innovations in science and practice, and developing a new generation of nurse scientists
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
an agency of the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services whose mission is to improve the quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare for all Americans by reducing the risk of harm by promoting delivery of the best possible health care, improving healthcare outcomes, transforming research into practice, and reducing unnecessary costs
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)
small-scale studies often referred to as feasibility studies that identify strengths and limiations of planned larger-scale studies
pilot studies
a subset of EBP using research to effectively impact the care of individuals and aggregate groups
research utilization
Other evidence types used included in the evidence pool when clinical decisions are at issue:
- patient values and preferences
- expert opinion
- theory-based information
- eveidence-based theories
- compiled database information
online nursing license verification