Numbers / Time / Money / Age Flashcards
いち / 一
“ichi”; one; 1
に / 二
“ni”; two; 2
さん / 三
“san”; three; 3
(し / よん) / 四
“shi / yon”; four; 4
し = ? よん = add numbers greater than 10, time, age
ご / 五
“go”; five; 5
ろく / 六
“roku”; six; 6
(しち / なな) / 七
“shichi / nana”; seven; 7
しち = time なな = numbers greater than 10, age
はち / 八
“hachi”; eight; 8
(きゅう / く) / 九
“kyuu / ku”; nine; 9
きゅう = numbers greater than 10, minutes, age く = o'clock
じゅう / 十
“juu”; ten; 10
number + じ / number + 時
number + “ji” (hours); number + o’clock
To tell the time, we add the word じ (ji) which means “hours”, after the number.
いちじ / 一時
“ichiji”; 1 o’clock
にじ / 二時
“niji”; 2 o’clock
さんじ / 三時
“sanji”; 3 o’clock
よじ / 四時
“yoji”; 4 o’clock
ごじ / 五時
“goji”; 5 o’clock
ろくじ / 六時
“rokuji”; 6 o’clock
しちじ / 七時
“shichiji”; 7 o’clock
はちじ / 八時
“hachiji”; 8 o’clock
くじ / 九時
“kuji”; 9 o’clock
じゅうじ / 十時
“juuji”; 10 o’clock
じゅういちじ / 十一時
“juuichiji”; 11 o’clock
じゅうにじ / 十二時
“juuniji”; 12 o’clock
いま + なん +じ + ですか。
“ima + nan + ji + desu ka?”; What time is it now?
いま / 今 (ima) means “now”
なん / 何 (nan) means “what”.
十 + number
十四, 十七, 十九
じゅう”juu” (10) + number
To make numbers 11 - 19
じゅうよん (juuyon), じゅうなな (juunana), じゅうきゅう (juukyuu)
number + 十
四十, 七十, 九十
first number + じゅう”juu” (10)
To make numbers 20, 30, 40, 50. 60, 70, 80, and 90
よんじゅう (yonjuu), ななじゅう (nanajuu), きゅうじゅう (kyuujuu)
first number + 十 + second number
first number + じゅう “juu”(10) + second number
To say a specific number between 21 and 99
いま + (number)じ +です。
“ima + (number) ji + desu”; It is (#)o’clock now.
ごぜん / 午前
“gozen”; A.M.; morning (before noon)
ごご / 午後
“gogo”; P.M.; afternoon
いま + [ごぜん/ごご] + (number)じ +です。
今 + [午前/午後] + (number)時です。
“ima + [A.M./P.M.] + (number) ji + desu”; It is (#)[A.M./P.M.] now.
[ごご / ごぜん] + (number)じ + はん。
[午前/午後] + (number)時 + 半。
“[gozen/gogo] + (number) ji + han”; (#):30[A.M./P.M.].
To say that it is half past a certain time, we use the word はん (han), which means “half”. We add it after the time.
はん / 半
“han”; half
ふん / 分
“fun”; minute
To say the exact time, we may need to add minutes. “Minute” in Japanese is ふん (fun), but when combined with numbers the first letter often changes. The numbers may also change slightly.
Ex1: 1 minute = いっぷん (ippun) Ex2: 3 minutes = さんぷん (sanpun)
Luckily, we only need to remember those sound changes for the numbers 1-10! The last number right before “minutes” is affected, but everything else stays the same!
Ex1: 34 minutes = さんじゅうよんぷん (sanjuuyonpun)
Ex2: 40 minutes is よんじゅっぷん (yonjuppun)
いっぷん / 一分
“ippun”; 1 minute
にふん / 二分
“nifun”; 2 minutes
さんぷん / 三分
“sanpun”; 3 minutes
よんぷん / 四分
“yonpun”; 4 minutes
ごふん / 五分
“gofun”; 5 minutes
ろっぷん / 六分
“roppun”; 6 minutes
ななふん / 七分
“nanafun”; 7 minutes
はっぷん / 八分
“happun”; 8 minutes
きゅうふん / 九分
“kyuufun”; 9 minutes
じゅっぷん / 十分
“juppun”; 10 minutes
じゅういっぷん / 十一分
“juuippun”; 11 minutes
じゅうにふん / 十二分
“juunifun”; 12 minutes
じゅうさんぷん / 十三分
“juusanpun”; 13 minutes
じゅうよんぷん / 十四分
“juuyonpun”; 14 minutes
じゅうごふん / 十五分
“juugofun”; 15 minutes
じゅうろっぷん / 十六分
“juuroppun”; 16 minutes
じゅうななふ / 十七分
“juunanafun”; 17 minutes
じゅうはっぷん / 十八分
“juuhappun”; 18 minutes
じゅうきゅうふん / 十九分
“juukyuufun”; 19 minutes
にじゅっぷん / 二十分
“nijuppun”; 20 minutes
さんじゅっぷん / 三十分
“sanjuppun”; 30 minutes
“(Location) wa, ima nanji desu ka?”;
What time is it in (location) now?
To ask what time it is in a certain location we add the subject particle は (wa) after the location name. Sometimes, we put a comma after は (wa)
Ex: 日本は、今何時ですか。
“What time is it in Japan now?”
Location は、いま + [ごぜん / ごご] + (time)です。
Locationは、今 + [午前/午後] + (time)です。
"(Location) wa, ima +[gozen/gogo] + (time) desu."; It is (time)(A.M./P.M.) in (location) now.
number + さい / 歳
number + “sai”; # years old
To tell someone’s age, we add the word さい (sai), which means “years old” after the number.
The same pattern applies to all ages! We only need to watch out for the last digit of the age, especially if it is a 1, 8, or multiple of 10. The only exception is 20 years old, which is はたち (hatachi). ふしぎですね。
いっさい / 一歳
“issai”; 1 year old
にさい / 二歳
“nisai”; 2 years old
さんさい / 三歳
“sansai”; 3 years old
よんさい / 四歳
“yonsai”; 4 years old
ごさい / 五歳
“gosai”; 5 years old
ろくさい / 六歳
“rokusai”; 6 years old
ななさい / 七歳
“nanasai”; 7 years old
はっさい / 八歳
“hassai”; 8 years old
きゅうさい / 九歳
“kyuusai”; 9 years old
じゅっさい / 十歳
“jussai”; 10 years old
はたち / 二十歳
“hatachi”; 20 years old
It’s the legal drinking age in Japan!
にじゅういっさい / 二十一歳
“nijuuissai”; 21 years old
にじゅうにさい / 二十二歳
“nijuunisai”; 22 years old
にじゅうさんさい / 二十三歳
“nijuusansai”; 23 years old
にじゅうよんさい / 二十四歳
“nijuuyonsai”; 24 years old
にじゅうごさい / 二十五歳
“nijuugosai”; 25 years old
にじゅうろくさい / 二十六歳
“nijuurokusai”; 26 years old
にじゅうななさい / 二十七歳
“nijuunanasai”; 27 years old
にじゅうはっさい / 二十八歳
“nijuuhassai”; 28 years old
にじゅうきゅうさい / 二十九歳
“nijuukyuusai”; 29 years old
さんじゅっさい / 三十歳
“sanjussai”; 30 years old
(Person’s name)さん + は + なんさい + ですか。
(Person’s name)さん + は + 何歳 + ですか。
“(Person’s name) san + wa + nansai + desuka?”;
(Name)-san, how old are you?
We use this structure to ask someone’s age.
“sumimasen, chotto”; Sorry, it’s a little (personal).
If you don’t wish to reveal your age, you can say, すみません、ちょっと (sumimasen, chotto), which literally means “Sorry, it’s a little (personal)”.
ひゃく / びゃく / ぴゃく
“hyaku / byaku / pyaku”; one hundred; 100
As usual, watch out for the troublemaking digits that change the sound slightly when they are before ひゃく (hyaku). They are さん (san), ろく (roku) and はち (hachi).
にひゃく/ 二百
“nihyaku”; two hundred; 200
さんびゃく / 三百
“sanbyaku”; three hundred; 300
よんひゃく / 四百
“yonhyaku”; four hundred; 400
ごひゃく/ 五百
“gohyaku”; five hundred; 500
ろっぴゃく / 六百
“roppyaku”; six hundred; 600
ななひゃく / 七百
“nanahyaku”; seven hundred; 700
はっぴゃく / 八百
“happyaku”; eight hundred; 800
きゅうひゃく / 九百
“kyuuhyaku”; nine hundred; 900
せん / ぜん (sen / zen)
“sen / zen”; one thousand; 1000
Again watch out for the sound-changing さん (san) and はち (hachi) right before せん (sen).
にせん / 二千
“nisen”; two thousand; 2000
さんぜん / 三千
“sanzen”; three thousand; 3000
よんせん / 四千
“yonsen”; four thousand; 4000
ごせん / 五千
“gosen”; five thousand; 5000
ろくせん / 六千
“rokusen”; six thousand; 6000
ななせん / 七千
“nanasen”; seven thousand; 7000
はっせん / 八千
“hassen”; eight thousand; 8000
きゅうせん / 九千
“kyuusen”; nine thousand; 9000
“suuji”; numbers
“ikura”; How much
Subject + は + いくら + ですか。
“(Subject) + wa + ikura + desuka.”; How much is (subject)?
To answer the question, we say the number and add the currency followed by です.
Ex: 100えんです = It’s 100 yen
えん / 円
“en”; Yen
“ikura desu ka.”; How much is it?
まん / 万
“man”; ten thousand; 10,000
number + 万
四万, 七万, 九万
first number + 万 “man” (10,000)
To make numbers with 10,000
Luckily, there are no numbers that change their sound before まん!
よんまん (yonman), ななまん (nanaman), きゅうまん (kyuuman)
じゅうまん / 十万
“juuman”; hundred thousand; 100,000
ひゃくまん / 百万
“hyakuuman”; one million; 1,000,000
subject は + time に + object を + verb.
に (“ni”) - time particle
When talking about time, we normally use this word order.
(Some sentences do not have a subject or an object.)
Ex1: わたしは四時におちゃをのみます。
(Watashi wa yoji ni ocha o nomimasu.)
I drink tea at 4 o’clock.
Ex2: ごごにテニスをしますか。
(Gogo ni tenisu o shimasu ka.)
Do you play tennis in the afternoon?
なんじ + に + verb ます + か。
何時 + に + verb ます + か。
“Nanji + ni + __masu + ka?”; What time does it happen?
To ask what time an activity happens, we use this structure.
Ex1: 何時におきますか。 (Nanji ni okimasu ka?) - What time do you get up?
Ex2: 何時にばんごはんを食べますか。 (Nanji ni bangohan o tabemasu ka?) - What time do you eat dinner?