Numbers 1-20, How much is it?, Masculine/Feminine, Nationalities and Professions Flashcards
What is 11 in French?
What is 12 in French?
What is 13 in French?
What is 14 in French?
What is 15 in French?
Quinze (“kantz”)
What is 16 in French?
What is 17 in French?
Dix-sept (“Diss-set”)
What is 18 in French?
Dix-huit (“Diss-zuit”)
What is 19 in French?
What is 20 in French?
Vingt (“Vang”)
What is “how much is this?” in French?
C’est combien
What is “C’est combien” in English?
How much is this?
What is “how much is the coffee” in French?
C’est combien, le café?
C’est combien, le café?
What does this mean?
How much is the coffee?
C’est un (n) euro
What does this mean?
It is one euro
What is “it is one euro” in French?
C’est un (n) euro
What is “it is 2 euros” in French?
C’est deuz (z) euros
C’est deuz (z) euros
What does this mean?
It is 2 euros
What is “how much is the beer” in French?
C’est combien, la bière?
What is “how much is the sandwich” in French?
C’est combien, le sandwich
C’est combien, le sandwich
What does this mean?
How much is the sandwich?
C’est combien, la bière?
What does this mean?
How much is the beer?
What is a liaison?
When the last consonant of a word is in front of a word that starts with a vowel sound, the sounds are connected.
e.g. Vous êtes Mademoiselle Smith?
Prounounce = Vous (z) êtes Mademoiselle Smith?
For nouns starting with a vowel or the letter ‘h’, we use the article…?
For feminine nouns, we use the article…?
For masculine nouns, we use the article…?
Write the gender of the noun
Aubergine (fém)
Write the gender of the noun
Nationalité (fém)
La nationalité
Write the gender of the noun
Ami (masc)
Write the gender of the noun
Thé (masc)
Le thé